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04.05.2011Unit 1 Service Oriented Architecture UNIT – I Based On Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design By Thomas Erl Prepared.

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Presentation on theme: "04.05.2011Unit 1 Service Oriented Architecture UNIT – I Based On Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design By Thomas Erl Prepared."— Presentation transcript:

1 04.05.2011Unit 1 Service Oriented Architecture UNIT – I Based On Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design By Thomas Erl Prepared By P.Ramachandran Assistant Professor/ Information Technology Sri Ramanujar Engineering College

2 04.05.2011Unit 1 Roots of SOA (comparing SOA to past architectures) What is architecture? –IT departments started to recognize the need for a standardized definition of a baseline application that could act as a template for all others. –This definition was abstract in nature, but specifically explained the technology, boundaries, rules, limitations, and design characteristics that apply to all solutions based on this template. –This was the birth of the application architecture. Types Of Architecture: 1.Application architecture 2.Enterprise architecture 3.Service-oriented architecture

3 04.05.2011Unit 1 Application architecture Application architecture is to an application development team what a blueprint is to a team of construction workers. Different organizations document different levels of application architecture. Some keep it high-level, providing abstract physical and logical representations of the technical blueprint. Others include more detail, such as common data models, communication flow diagrams, application-wide security requirements, and aspects of infrastructure. It is not uncommon for an organization to have several application architectures. A single architecture document typically represents a distinct solution environment. For example, an organization that houses both.NET and J2EE solutions would very likely have separate application architecture specifications for each. A key part of any application-level architecture is that it reflects immediate solution requirements, as well as long-term, strategic IT goals.

4 04.05.2011Unit 1 Enterprise architecture In larger IT environments, the need to control and direct IT infrastructure is critical. When numerous, disparate application architectures co-exist and sometimes even integrate, the demands on the underlying hosting platforms can be complex and onerous. Therefore, it is common for a master specification to be created, providing a high-level overview of all forms of heterogeneity that exist within an enterprise, as well as a definition of the supporting infrastructure. Continuing our previous analogy, an enterprise architecture specification is to an organization what an urban plan is to a city. Therefore, the relationship between an urban plan and the blueprint of a building are comparable to that of enterprise and application architecture specifications. Typically, changes to enterprise architectures directly affect application architectures, which is why architecture specifications often are maintained by the same group of individuals. Further,enterprise architectures often contain a long-term vision of how the organization plans to evolve its technology and environments. For example, the goal of phasing out an outdated technology platform may be established in this specification.

5 04.05.2011Unit 1 Service-oriented architecture  service-oriented architecture spans both enterprise and application architecture domains.  The benefit potential offered by SOA can only be truly realized when applied across multiple solution environments.  This is where the investment in building reusable and interoperable services based on a vendor-neutral communications platform can fully be leveraged. This does not mean that the entire enterprise must become service-oriented.  SOA belongs in those areas that have the most to gain from the features and characteristics it introduces.  Note that the term "SOA" does not necessarily imply a particular architectural scope.  An SOA can refer to an application architecture or the approach used to standardize technical  architecture across the enterprise.  Because of the composable nature of SOA (meaning that individual application- level architectures can be comprised of different extensions and technologies), it is absolutely possible for an organization to have more than one SOA.

6 04.05.2011Unit 1 Characteristics of SOA The following primary characteristics: 1.Contemporary SOA is at the core of the service- oriented computing platform. 2.Contemporary SOA increases quality of service. 3.Contemporary SOA is fundamentally autonomous. 4.Contemporary SOA is based on open standards. 5.Contemporary SOA supports vendor diversity. 6.Contemporary SOA fosters intrinsic interoperability. 7.Contemporary SOA promotes discovery. 8.Contemporary SOA promotes federation. 9.Contemporary SOA promotes architectural composability.

7 04.05.2011Unit 1 Characteristics of SOA cont… 10.Contemporary SOA fosters inherent reusability. 11.Contemporary SOA emphasizes extensibility. 12.Contemporary SOA supports a service-oriented business modeling paradigm. 13.Contemporary SOA implements layers of abstraction. 14.Contemporary SOA promotes loose coupling throughout the enterprise. 15.Contemporary SOA promotes organizational agility. 16.Contemporary SOA is a building block. 17.Contemporary SOA is an evolution. 18.Contemporary SOA is still maturing. 19.Contemporary SOA is an achievable ideal

8 04.05.2011Unit 1 Characteristics of SOA Service-oriented software architecture has these characteristics Bieber and Carpenter 2001, Stevens, Service-Oriented, 2002, Sun Microsystems, Jini Technology Architectural Overview 2001): Services are discoverable and dynamically bound. Services are self-contained and modular. Services stress interoperability. Services are loosely coupled. Services have a network-addressable interface. Services have coarse-grained interfaces. Services are location-transparent Services are composable. Service-oriented architecture supports self-healing.

9 04.05.2011Unit 1 SOA vs Traditional Distributed Internet Architecture Muliple client-server architectures have appeared Client-server DB connections have been replaced with Remote Procedure Call connections (RPC) using CORBA or DCOM Middleware application servers and transaction monitors require significant attention Multi-tiered client-server environments began incorporating internet technology in 90s.

10 04.05.2011Unit 1 SOA vs Traditional Distributed Internet Architecture The browser shifted 100% of application logic to the server Distributed Internet architecture introduced the Web server as a new physical tier HTTP replaced RPC protocols

11 04.05.2011Unit 1 SOA vs Traditional Distributed Internet Architecture Distributed Internet application put all the application logic on the server side Even client-side scripts are downloaded from the server Entire solution is centralized Emphasis is on: –How application logic is partitioned –Where partitioned units reside –How units of logic should interact

12 04.05.2011Unit 1 SOA vs Traditional Distributed Internet Architecture Difference lies in the principles used to determine the three primary design considerations Traditional systems create components that reside on one or more application servers Components have varying degrees of functional granularity Components on the same server communicate via proprietary APIs. RPC protocols are used across servers via proxy stubs

13 04.05.2011Unit 1 SOA vs Traditional Distributed Internet Architecture Actual references to other physical components can be embedded in programming code (tight coupling) SOAs also rely on components Services encapsulate components Services expose specific sets of functionality Functionality can originate from legacy systems or other sources

14 04.05.2011Unit 1 SOA vs Traditional Distributed Internet Architecture Functionality is wrapped in services Functionality is exposed via open, standardized interface, irrespective of technology providing the solution Services exchange information via SOAP messages. SOAP supports RPC-style and document-style messages Most applications rely on document-style

15 04.05.2011Unit 1 SOA vs Traditional Distributed Internet Architecture Messages are structured to be self-sufficient Messages contain meta information, processing instructions, policy rules SOA fosters reuse on a deep level by promoting solution-agnostic services

16 04.05.2011Unit 1

17 04.05.2011Unit 1 Comparing SOA to client-server and distributed internet architectures

18 04.05.2011Unit 1 Client-Server Application Technology The technology set for client-server applications included 4GLs like VB and PowerBuilder, RDBMSs The SOA technology set has expanded to include Web technologies (HTML, CSS, HTTP, etc) SOA requires the use of XML data representation architecture along with a SOAP messaging framework

19 04.05.2011Unit 1

20 04.05.2011Unit 1 Client-Server Application Security Centralized at the Server level Databases manage user accounts and groups Also controlled within the client executable Security for SOA is much more complex Security complexity is directly related to the degree of security measures required Multiple technologies are required, many in WS- Security framework

21 04.05.2011Unit 1 Client-Server Application Administration Significant maintenance costs associated with client- server Each client housed application code Each update required redistribution Client stations were subject to environment-specific problems Increased server-side demands on databases

22 04.05.2011Unit 1 Client-Server Application Administration SOA solutions are not immune to client-side maintenance challenges Distributed back-end supports scalability, but new admin demands are introduced Management of server resources and service interfaces may require new admin tools and even a private registry Commitment to services and their maintenance may require cultural change in an organization

23 04.05.2015Unit 123 ANATOMY OF SOA 1.Logic components of the Web services Framework Web services contain one or more operations. Figure 8.4 as an example

24 4.5.2015Unit 124 Logic components of the Web services framework Each operation governs the process of a specific function the web service is capable of performing. Figure 8.5 gives an example of an operation sending and receiving SOAP messages

25 04.05.2015Unit 125 Logic components of the Web services framework Web services form an activity though which they can collectively automate a task. Figure 8.6 as an example

26 04.05.2015Unit 126 2. Logic components of automation logic Fundamental parts of the framework –SOAP messages –Web service operations –Web services –Activities Renamed terms in SOA –Messages –Operations –Services –Processes Activity has been changed because it uses a different context when modeling service-oriented business processes.

27 04.05.2015Unit 127 Logic components of automation logic Messages = units of communication Operations = units of work Services = units of processing logic Processes = units of automation logic

28 04.05.2015Unit 128 Logic components of automation logic The purpose of these views is to express the process, services and operations. Is also provides a flexible means of partitioning and modularizing the logic. These are the most basic concepts that underlies service-orientation.

29 04.05.2015Unit 129 3. Components of an SOA Message –A message represents the data required to complete some or all parts of a unit of work.

30 04.05.2015Unit 130 Components of an SOA Operation –An operation represents the logic required to process messages in order to complete a unit of work.

31 04.05.2015Unit 131 Components of an SOA Service –A service represents a logically grouped set of operations capable of performing related units of work.

32 04.05.2015Unit 132 Components of an SOA Processes –A process contains the business rules that determine which service operations are used to complete a unit of automation. –A process represents a large piece of work that requires the completion of smaller units of work.

33 04.05.2015Unit 133 4. How components in an SOA inter-relate 1. An operation sends and receives messages to perform work. 2. An operation is therefore mostly defined by the message it processes.

34 04.05.2015Unit 134 How components in an SOA inter- relate 3. A service groups is a collection of related operations. 4. A service is therefore mostly define by the operations that comprise it.

35 04.05.2015 Unit 135 How components in an SOA inter-relate 5. A process instance can compose service. 6. A process instance is not necessarily defined by its service because it may only require a subset of the functionality offered by the services. 7. A process instance invokes a unique series of operations to complete its automation. 8. Every process instance is therefore partially defined by the service operation it uses.

36 04.05.2015Unit 136 How components in an SOA inter- relate

37 04.05.2011Unit 1


39 04.05.2011Unit 139 Common principles of service- orientation Services are reusable Services share a formal contract Services are loosely coupled Services abstract underlying logic Services are composable Services are autonomous Services are stateless Services are discoverable

40 04.05.2011Unit 140 Services are reusable Regardless of weather immediate reuse opportunities exist, services are designed to support potential reuse. Service-oriented encourages reuse in all services. By applying design standards that require reuse accommodate future requirements with less development effort.

41 04.05.2011Unit 141 Services are reusable

42 04.05.2011Unit 142 Case Study RailCo created the Invoice Submission Service which contains two operations –SubmitInvoice –GetTLSMetadata SubmitInvoice - Allows RailCo send electronic invoices to TLS Account Payable Service GetTLSMetadata – checks periodically for changes to TLS Account Payable Service

43 04.05.2011Unit 143 Case Study In Plain English –Business License Office provides a distinct service Issuing business licenses Renewing business licenses –Provides service to all customers Classifies this service as reusable

44 04.05.2011Unit 144 Services share a formal contract For services to interact, they need not share anything but formal contract that describe each service and define the terms of information exchange.

45 04.05.2011Unit 145 Services share a formal contract Service contracts provide a formal definition of: –The service endpoint –Each service operation –Every input and output message supported by each operation –Rules and characteristics of the service and its operations Service contacts define almost all of the primary parts of an SOA.

46 04.05.2011Unit 146 Services share a formal contract

47 04.05.2011Unit 147 Case Study RailCo and TLS agreed to a service contract that allow the two companies to communicate TLS defined the definition of the associated service description documents TLS ensures a standardized level of conformance that applies to each of its online vendors TLS can change the service at any time

48 04.05.2011Unit 148 Case Study In Plain English Application form is needed obtain or renew a business license –Application formalizes the request in a standard format for the Business License Office –Application is a contract between the business and Business License Office

49 04.05.2011Unit 149 Services are loosely coupled Services must be designed to interact without the need for tight, cross-service dependencies.

50 04.05.2011Unit 150 Services are loosely coupled

51 04.05.2011Unit 151 Case Study TLS services are designed to communicate with multiple online vendors make it loosely coupled RailCo service are designed to communicate only with TLS B2B system so is considered less loosely coupled

52 04.05.2011Unit 152 Case Study In Plain English –Once the Application is submitted no further action is required on the business –Business and Business License Office remain independent –Application is the only requirement to communicate with Business License Office

53 04.05.2011Unit 153 Services abstract underlying logic The only part of a service that is visible to the outside world is what is exposed via the service contract. Underlying logic, beyond what is expressed in the descriptions that comprise the contract, is invisible and irrelevant to service requestors.

54 04.05.2011Unit 154 Services abstract underlying logic

55 04.05.2011Unit 155 Case Study RailCo Web services hide the underlying legacy code need to produce the invoices that are needed to sent to TLS TLS Web services hide the underlying services that process the invoices from multiple online vendors Neither service requestor require any knowledge of what processes are working on the other’s service providor

56 04.05.2011Unit 156 Case Study In Plain English –Business License Office tasks are hidden from the business –Business does not care what Business License Office does, it just wants a license

57 04.05.2011Unit 157 Services are composable Services may be compose other services. This allows logic to be represented at different levels of granularity and promotes reusability and the creation of abstraction layers.

58 04.05.2011Unit 158 Services are composable

59 04.05.2011Unit 159 Case Study TLS accounts Payable Service is composed on three services –Accounts Payable Service –Vendor Profile Service –Ledger Service

60 04.05.2011Unit 160 Case Study In Plain English –Other government agencies can use the Business License Office for their license tasks

61 04.05.2011Unit 1 THANK YOU

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