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Five of us represent our group Our school was built in 1670.

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2 Five of us represent our group

3 Our school was built in 1670

4 Beginning with October 2001 our school functions self sufficiently

5 - Global Teenager Project - Global = world wide Teenager = about teenagers

6 We have virtual classmates all over the world

7 Alcohol? Drugs? Guns?

8 ‘I got the role of a team-leader’

9 In each group everybody has his/her own task

10 It is fascinating to learn how differently our virtual classmates think

11 The African team thought that the girls must stay at home

12 There’s a lot to do for the protection of youth in this world

13 Reformed High School Odorheiu-Secuiesc Piaţa Márton Áron nr. 1

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