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Presented To You By Rebecca Gordon & Danielle Montoute.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented To You By Rebecca Gordon & Danielle Montoute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented To You By Rebecca Gordon & Danielle Montoute

2 We have decided to focus upon the idea of alcohol, we have chosen these two because we feel they are not exposed enough to this generation.

3 We have decided to focus on 14 to 18 year olds, both male and females. From our research, we found that the this age group are the main cause of problems in these issues. Numbers have risen. We found this this information from our 10 question questionnaire.

4 In a way, we would like to humour our audience, however we want it to be serious at the same time, we want to make them think and question themselves. We think they should know the consequences of alcohol. In the sense of Maslow's needs, we feel it will fulfil the need to survive and feel safe.

5 There are currently no campaigns on alcohol that target their idea’s at a teenage audience. This is why we felt it was appropriate to target our campaign towards teens.


7 Because we feel there is not enough being done about teenagers lifestyle, the most popular thing a teenager will do is drink alcohol so we feel we should get the information across that will make it more entertaining to try and help them learn consequences better.

8 We have decided to produce a moving image – extended trailer and also a print image – poster. This way the public are more likely to see it.

9 We feel our campaign will be effective towards our target audience because there are not many campaign like this and we feel we are actually listening to the needs and concerns of teenagers. Therefore we are going to make sure we make teenagers see the effects and not try to scare them, but simply warn them. Obviously our campaigns is to prevent alcohol injuries, however we do not feel that will work. So we have got modern samples, a little humour but not too much.

10 Thank You For Listening

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