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Environment is changed to suit individual Individual must change to fit environment Natural SelectionHuman Action Adaptability (Intelligence) No Trade.

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Presentation on theme: "Environment is changed to suit individual Individual must change to fit environment Natural SelectionHuman Action Adaptability (Intelligence) No Trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environment is changed to suit individual Individual must change to fit environment Natural SelectionHuman Action Adaptability (Intelligence) No Trade No Cooperation Trade Cooperation Limited Resources Potentially Unlimited Resources Greater Economics Zero-sumNon Zero-sum

2 Psychology and Neurology Study of the structure, and mechanics of the human brain NeurologyPsychology Study of the output of the human brain – i.e., consciousness The experience of pain and pleasure as it motivates an individual –How an individual learns The impact of pain and pleasure on the ideas an individual comes to accept The structure and contents of a personal philosophy (theory of life) Physical consequences of the ideas that make up the personal philosophy, i.e., emotions

3 The term “subjective” is an equivocation. Once must ask what the term means before proceeding. –Subjective: characteristic of or belonging to reality as perceived rather than as independent of mind –modified or affected by personal views, experience, or background

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5 The Learning Process Integration Emotion (Facilitator) Experiences (Concretes) Action Conscious Processing Abstractions (Understanding) Subconscious Processing Introspection Habituation Abstractions (Understanding) Learning requires the flow of information from conscious to subconscious and from subconscious to conscious. If the flow is impeded, learning does not take place.

6 The Learning Process Non-Integration Emotion (Facilitator) Experiences (Concretes) Action Conscious Processing Abstractions (Understanding) Unconscious Processing Introspection Habituation Non- Integration Abstractions (Understanding) Learning requires the flow of information from conscious to subconscious and from subconscious to conscious. If the flow is impeded, learning does not take place.

7 The Learning Process Denial Emotion (Facilitator) Experiences (Concretes) Action Conscious Processing Abstractions (Understanding) Unconscious Processing Introspection Denial Habituation Abstractions (Understanding) Learning requires the flow of information from conscious to subconscious and from subconscious to conscious. If the flow is impeded, learning does not take place.

8 The Learning Process Denial Emotion (Facilitator) Experiences (Concretes) Action Conscious Processing Abstractions (Understanding) Unconscious Processing Introspection Denial Habituation Abstractions (Understanding) Warning Message Denial Nothing is wrong, why do I feel pain? If information from the conscious mind does not match information from the subconscious mind the emotional response will be at odds with apparent conscious knowledge.

9 The Learning Process (Integration) Emotion (Facilitator) Experiences (Concretes) Action Conscious Processing Abstractions (Understanding) Unconscious Processing Introspection Denial Habituation Non- Integration Abstractions (Understanding)

10 The Learning Process (Integration) Emotion (Facilitator) Experiences (Concretes) Action Conscious Processing Abstractions (Understanding) Unconscious Processing Introspection Denial Habituation Non- Integration Abstractions (Understanding) Warning Message Denial Why do I feel pain?

11 The Learning Process (Integration) Emotion (Facilitator) Experiences (Concretes) Action Conscious Processing Unconscious Processing Abstractions (Understanding) Introspection Habituation

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