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Good Morning! QOD: How does James I of England compare to OTHER absolute monarchs we have learned about? Goal: Identify the conflict that existed between.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning! QOD: How does James I of England compare to OTHER absolute monarchs we have learned about? Goal: Identify the conflict that existed between."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning! QOD: How does James I of England compare to OTHER absolute monarchs we have learned about? Goal: Identify the conflict that existed between the English monarchs and Parliament in the early 17 th century Binder page 8- The Stuart Monarchs and the English Civil War notes Page 10- Charles I Webquest Don’t Lose Your Head Page 11- The See Saw of the English Civil War

2 English Constitutional Monarchy

3 The Early Stuarts (1603-1649)

4 Stuart facts Relatives of the Tudors Scottish – Princess Diana’s a descendant of In England: –Didn’t know the English customs well –VERY CATHOLIC –Started new customs (some good some bad) –Many people wished the return of the Tudors would happen, but why didn’t it?? (do you remember?) –2 nd Stuart beheaded by Puritans GREAT FIRE OF LONDON –UNDER CHARLES II –DESTROYS over ½ of the city!

5 The Stuart Monarchy

6 James I [r. 1603-1625] James I’s speech to the House of Commons: I am surprised that my ancestors should ever be permitted such an institution to come into existence. I am a stranger, and found it here when I arrived, so that I am obliged to put up with what I cannot get rid of!

7 James I Mother was Mary, Queen of Scots Father was a Lord- both were executed 1. Left to be raised by Protestant relatives- King James VI of Scotland and King James I of England He inherits the English throne when Elizabeth I dies of cancer in 1603 2. "Great Britain" coined by him (united Scotland and England together) Stuart Monarchy 3. STRONG supporter of the "divine right to rule" felt he did not need Parliament's authority God granted him the throne- 1604 he created the English translation of the bible 4. Dies- son Charles I takes the throne in 1625 and continues his father's ideology

8 James I [r. 1603-1625] a Wanted absolute power and believed in the Divine Right a He quickly alienated a Parliament a Tudors acted on the premise that monarch and Parliament TOGETHER ruled England as a “balance polity.”

9 James I [r. 1603-1625] a Alienated the Puritans by his strong defense of the Anglican Church. a Many of England’s gentry [mostly rich landowners below the level of the nobility] became Puritans. § These Puritan gentry formed an important and large part of the House of Commons. § It was NOT WISE to alienate them!

10 James I [r. 1603-1625] a Problems he faced: § Large royal debt from war § He wasn’t English and he didn’t understand English customs [esp. English law!] § Pro-Catholic sympathies. § Clashed with Parliament vHe raised money without Parliament’s consent!

11 King James Bible, 1611

12 Charles I [r. 1625-1649] a Seen as too pro- Catholic by the Puritans. a Just like his father, he believed in the divine right to rule a Alienates Parliament- dissolved them when he felt they did not give in to his demands ($, war, etc.)

13 What will happen to Charles I? You decide Log on to a computer and open up the Power Point/Webquest YOU WILL BE CHARLES I Summarize issues you deal with as King of England Decide what you WOULD do See what actually HAPPENED

14 When you are finished Three positive words to describe Charles Three negative words to describe Charles *What ultimately led to a Civil War in England? What decisions did Charles I make that led to his downfall aka beheading

15 Good Morning QOD: What are your views of Charles I and the decisions he made as King? If any, which one do you feel ultimately sealed his fate? Goal: Identify cause and effects of the English Civil War Binder page 10: Slimy Stuarts *Please be working on your DBQ –Writing tips, directions, answer the questions with each doc., and look at rubric –Hard copy and on


17 Charles I & Parliament a Constantly at war with Spain and France.  Always need $ but how to get it?? a Usually Parliament would give Charles money from taxes to fund his wars. a Periodically, Parliament would deny funds.  In return, Charles would dissolve Parliament and try to rule England without it -find funds in other ways.  Forced “loans,” selling aristocratic titles, etc.

18 The “Short” Parliament a “Short Parliament”  No Parliament in 20 yrs. a Calls Parliament into session in 1640 Charles dismisses them after 3 weeks. Charles I by Van Dyck (1633)

19 Issues with Charles I 1. Parliament and Power –He needed them for $$ to finance wars –Dismisses them numerous times, even arrests MP –Ignores the Petition of Right 1628 2. Puritans –Many MP were Puritans and he was PRO CATHOLIC 3. Divine Right to Rule theory

20 The “Long” Parliament a In session from 1640 to 1660.  Parliament must be called in session at least once every 3 yrs.  Parliament can’t be adjourned without its own consent! a Charles enters the House of Commons to end the session and arrest 5 MPs unsuccessful a Charles heads north to form an army!

21 The Civil War (1642-1649)

22 Civil War (1642-1649) Royalists (Cavaliers) Parliamentarians (Roundheads) a Aristocracy a Large landowners a Church officials a More rural a Northerners †Puritans †Merchants †Townspeople †More urban †Southerners

23 Cavaliers Roundheads


25 Oliver Cromwell [ 1599-1658 ] †Officer of the Parliamentary army [Roundheads]  the New Model Army. †Devout Puritan- ANTI Catholic †Helps establish the first and ONLY Commonwealth of England (no monarchy!) †Led the nation, but known more as a dictator †Persecuted Catholics in England AND in Ireland

26 Who are the Puritans? Dissenters of the Church of England Wanted to “purify” the church and their lives Only word of God comes from the Bible itself Did away with relics (like Lutheranism) When Archbishop William Laud refused to listen to them, many became dissenters and left the Church of England---traveled over to Massachusetts Bay

27 The Battle of Naseby [re- enactment], 1645 a Charles I is defeated at Marston Moor, Naseby, and Preston. a He is handed over to Parliament.

28 Roundheads storm Parliament Fighting continues for years Charles flees Hampton Court (royal palace) to seek refuge but Scotland eventually hands him back to England! Cromwell- Wants a Constitutional Monarchy at first, but at the urges of other Roundheads- the monarchy needs to be abolished and so does Parliament’s House of Commons 1648- Roundheads send 3 troop divisions to Parliament Arrest Cavaliers, and a coup determines that Cromwell will lead Parliament and call for a trial of King Charles I

29 Beheading of Charles I, Jan. 30 th 1649 †The vote by the Rump Parliament was 68-67.

30 Good Morning ye silly students QOD: Why did Charles I lose the English Civil War? Goal: Identify the effects of the English Civil War Binder page 11 : Cromwell’s Commonwealth and the Restoration of the Throne Page 12: Puritan Life Binder page 13: The Glorious Revolution! –Homework tonight. You will need your textbook

31 The Interregnum (1649-1660)

32 The “Interregnum” Period [ 1649- 1660 ] †The Commonwealth (1649-1653) †The Protectorate (1654-1660)

33 The Puritan Commonwealth [1649-1653] †Cromwell rules with the Rump Parliament and a Constitutional Republic  Created a constitution with an executive leader [Cromwell]  No monarch. †Europe is appalled other nations don’t recognize it.

34 Cromwell Dissolves the “Rump” Parliament in 1653

35 Rebels within a Rebellion: Diggers/Levellers Levellers were small landowners †With Charles I gone, they felt that land should now be distributed to the poor. †Called for radical reform- everybody should be allowed a vote/member of Parliament †Cromwell crushed rebellion

36 The Protectorate [1653-1660] †Cromwell tears up the ineffective Constitution. †Dismisses the Rump Parliament and rules with the support of the military.  Declares martial law.Military dictator. †Religious tolerance for all [esp. for Jews], except for Catholics. †Crushes a rebellion in Scotland. †Crushes a rebellion among the Catholics of Ireland kills 40% of all ethnic Irish!

37 Cromwell—Lord Protector or King?? †England longs for an end to martial law! †Cromwell dies in 1658 and his son, Richard, takes over, but is weak and lasts for only two years.

38 The Restoration (1660-1688) Parliament could no more exist without the Crown than the Crown without Parliament. This was the most important lesson of the English Civil War!


40 King Charles II [ r. 1660-1685 ] a Charles II had charm, poise, & political skills and was well-liked a Restored the FUN! Theaters and pubs reopened during the Restoration! a Favored religious toleration. a Had secret Catholic sympathies. a Charles II worked with Parliament a Did not want to repeat father’s mistakes!

41 King James II [ r. 1685-1688 ]

42 Good Day QOD: What do you think led to the downfall of James II? Goal: Summarize the cause and effect of the Glorious Revolution in Great Britain Take Challenge Day activity directions HW - make sure you know a considerable amount of your assigned person’s life/role during this unit of study

43 DBQ Any questions? Do you know how to use the docs? Counter argue? Looking at the DBQ rubric? Tips sheet? *Copy must be added to Do not forget to underline thesis

44 King James II [ r. 1685-1688 ] a Favored Catholics- he WAS Catholic and MARRIES a Catholic a NO religious tolerations, especially Protestants a Claimed he could dismiss Parliament when he felt the need to a Seem familiar??!?!

45 Causes and Effects-The Glorious Revolution –Where do you think the following would go on your chart? 1.James II has a CATHOLIC SON 2.Bill of Rights of 1688 is signed into law 3.Leading nobles offer support to William of Orange (Dutch) 4.James II appoints Roman Catholics to important cabinet positions while dismissing Protestants 5.Threat to the Anglican Church and Protestant England 6.William and Mary offer to work with Parliament 7.James II flees to France in fear of his life 8.Toleration Act grants religious freedom to all 9.Parliament offers the throne to William and Mary of Orange *Mary is James II’s daughter

46 The “Glorious” Revolution: 1688 a Parliament leaders offered the throne jointly to Charles’s daughter Mary [raised a Protestant] & her husband, William of Orange (Dutch) who then pass the throne to their SON and HIS WIFE, William and Mary  He was a vigorous enemy of Louis XIV.  He was seen as a champion of the Protestant cause.

47 English Bill of Rights [ 1688 ] a Settled issues between Parliament and monarchy a It served as a model for the U. S. Bill of Rights.

48 English Bill of Rights [ 1688 ] a Main provisions: 1. The King could not suspend the operation of laws. 2. Freedom of speech in Parliament. 3. The monarch must be a Protestant. 4. Religious toleration.

49 The Seesaw of King & Parliament:

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