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Program correctness The State-transition model The set of global states = so x s1 x … x sm {sk is the set of local states of process k} S0 ---> S1 --->

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Presentation on theme: "Program correctness The State-transition model The set of global states = so x s1 x … x sm {sk is the set of local states of process k} S0 ---> S1 --->"— Presentation transcript:

1 Program correctness The State-transition model The set of global states = so x s1 x … x sm {sk is the set of local states of process k} S0 ---> S1 ---> S2 ---> Each transition is caused by an action by an eligible process. We reason using interleaving semantics action

2 Correctness criteria Safety properties Bad things never happen Liveness properties Good things eventually happen

3 Testing vs. Proof Testing: Apply inputs and observe if the outputs satisfy the specifications. Fool proof testing can be painfully slow, even for small systems. Most testing are partial. Proof: Has a mathematical foundation, and a complete guarantee. Sometimes not scalable.

4 Testing vs. Proof To test this program, you have to test all possible interleavings. With n processes p 0, p 1, … p n-1, the number of interleavings is (n.m)! (m!) n The state explosion problem p0 p1p2 Step 1 ---- -------- Step 2 ---- -------- … Step m ---- --------

5 Example 1: Mutual Exclusion Process 0Process 1 do true  Entry protocolCritical sectionExit protocolod Safety properties (1) There is no deadlock (2) At most one process enters the critical section. Liveness property A process trying to enter the CS must eventually succeed in doing so. (This is also called the progress property )

6 Exercise define busy :shared Boolean; initially busy = false; { process 0 }{ process 1 } do true  do busy  skip od ; busy:= true; critical section;critical section busy := false;busy := false{remaining codes}od Does this mutual exclusion protocol satisfy liveness and safety properties?

7 Safety invariants { Mutex } The number of processes in the CS ≤ 1 { Bounded capacity channel } 0 ≤ nP - nC ≤ channel capacity { Absence of deadlock }  (G0  G1  G2  …  Gk)  postcondition { Partial Correctness } If the program terminates, then the result will be correct. It does not determine if the program will terminate. (Termination is a liveness property). Total correctness = partial correctness + termination. Safety violation can be determined by examining a finite prefix of the computation.

8 Exercise Graph coloring problem. Color the nodes of a grpah so that no two adjacent nodes have the same color. program colorme {for process P i } define color c  {0, 1, 2, 3} Initially colors may be arbitrary. do  j : j  N(i) :: (c[i] = c[j])  c[i] :=(c[i]+2) mod 4 od Is the program partially correct? Does it terminate? p1 p3 p0 p2

9 Liveness properties Eventuality can be tricky. There is no need to guarantee when the desired thing will happen, as long as it happens.. Examples  The message will eventually reach the receiver.  The process will eventually enter its critical section.  The faulty process will be eventually be diagnosed  Fairness (if an action will eventually be scheduled)  The program will eventually terminate. Absence of liveness cannot be determined from finite prefix of the computation

10 More safety properties Some example are: Buffer should not overflow, i.e. 0 ≤ (in - out) ≤ capacity No deadlock Partial correctness Safety property can be disproved by examining a finite prefix of the computation.

11 Liveness properties Some example are: Progress towards the critical section Reachability Termination Fairness Liveness property cannot be disproved by examining a finite prefix of the computation.

12 Proving safety define c1, c2 : channel; { init c1 =  c2 =  } r, t : integer;{ init r = 5, t = 5} {program for T } 1 do t > 0  send msg along c1; t := t -1 2  ¬empty (c2)  rcv msg from c2; t := t +1 od {program for R } 3 do ¬empty (c1)  rcv msg from c1; r := r+1 4  r > 0  send msg along c2; r := r-1 od We want to prove the safety property P: The total number of messages in c1 & c2 is ≤ 10

13 Proof of safety continued Let n1, n2 = # of msg in c1 and c2 respectively. We will establish the following invariant: I  (t ≥ 0)  (r ≥ 0)  (n1 + t + n2 + r = 10) ( I implies P ). Check if I holds after every action. {program for T } 1 do t > 0  send msg along c1; t := t -1 2  ¬empty (c2)  rcv msg from c2; t := t +1 od {program for R } 3 do ¬empty (c1)  rcv msg from c1; r := r+1 4  r > 0  send msg along c2; r := r-1 od

14 Proving liveness S1  S2  S3  S4   f  f w1w2w3w4 Here, o w1, w2, w3, w4  WF o WF is a well-founded set whose elements can be ordered by » There is no infinite chain like w1 » w2 » w3 » w4.. f(s i ) » f(s i+1 ) » f(s i+2 )..

15 Proof of liveness: an example Clock phase synchronization {Program for each clock} (c[k] = phase of clock k, initially arbitrary) do  j: j  N(i) :: c[j] = c[i] +1 mod 3  c[i] := c[i] + 2 mod 3   j: j  N(i) :: c[j] ≠ c[i] +1 mod 3  c[i] := c[i] + 1 mod 3 od {Show that eventually all clocks will return to the same phase, and continue their synchronization} 0 n-1 3 2 1

16 Understanding convergence Let D = d[0] + d[1] + d[2] + … + d[n-1] d[i] = 0 if no arrow points towards clock i ; = i+1 if a  pointing towards clock i ;  n-i if a  pointing towards clock i ; = 1 if both  and  point towards clock i. By definition, D ≥ 0. Also, D decreases after every step in the system. So the number of arrows must reduce to 0. 02022 11101 2222 2 Understand the game of arrows

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