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Week 2 English Welcome. August 31 Monday  When you think of earth quakes in the United States, do you usually think of the western states. That don’t.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 2 English Welcome. August 31 Monday  When you think of earth quakes in the United States, do you usually think of the western states. That don’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 2 English Welcome

2 August 31 Monday

3  When you think of earth quakes in the United States, do you usually think of the western states. That don’t mean earthquakes do not happen in the eastern states. On August 31 1886, the first major eastern earthquake was recorded it hapened near Charleston, South Carolina. The charleston earthquake was not the first eastern earthquake, but it was the worse. Other earthquakes be recorded in the eastern United States as far back as 1638. Everyday Edits

4 To Kill a Mockingbird

5 Cover Design Inferences  What can we infer from the design?  First notice/describe: what’s there?  Second analyze: Why do you think those elements might be there? What might they symbolize? Pre-AP : How do the design elements used reflect the theme(s) of the novel? How are the characters represented? We will revisit these questions when we finish our study of the book.

6 Why study an author’s life?  Examining an author’s life can inform and expand the reader’s understanding of a novel.  Biographical criticism is the practice of analyzing a literary work through the lens of an author’s experience.  In this lesson, explore the author’s life to understand the novel more fully. Some events in the novel mirror circumstances in Harper Lee’s life.  In To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee infuses the adventure with her experience as a lawyer’s daughter and a tomboy growing up in the South. Although a work of fiction, the novel reflects a small Southern town during the Great Depression.

7 To Kill a Mockingbird If you have not read the book… Scouts  You will need to check one out to read over the next several weeks.  Take a book from the shelf, sign it out on the sheet. If you have read the book… Mockingbirds  While others are checking their books out, choose one of the three articles about the author.  Begin reading the article. You will find the three most important points in the article and write them down.

8 To Kill a Mockingbird Scouts  You may read silently or in groups aloud.  Read chapters 1 – 3.  Find the answers to the following questions:  What happens to Scout on her first day of school?  What kind of teacher is Miss Caroline, Scout’s first grade teacher?  Describe a teacher that you have had like Miss Caroline. Mockingbirds  Read the article and prepare to share your important points with the rest of the class.  You may work in groups.  Add a creative element to make the presentation more interesting. For example, pretend you are Harper Lee and answer an interviewer’s questions about your life.

9 Compare To Kill a Mockingbird to another book you’ve read, either in school or on your own. You may use the paragraph frame to help you get started.  To Kill a Mockingbird and ______(other book title)___________ are similar in several ways. They both ___________________. They also ___________________. Because of these similarities, we can _______________________. However, To Kill a Mockingbird and _________________ differ in some key areas. First, ______________________, whereas ________________________. In addition______________. These differences help us see ______________________. Quick Write

10 Tuesday Every Day Edit  Marian McQuade, a woman in West Virginia, wanted a day to honor grand parents. She asks for help from U.S. senator Jennings Randolph and also got her idea in the news. It took eighth years, but in 1978, President Jimmy Carter finally declared Grandparents Day a national holiday Since then, family’s have Celebrated it everey September on the Sunday after Labor Day. On this holiday, make sure to thank older adults who haves a spechial place in your life.

11 Mockingbird Presentations  You may meet with your groups for a few minutes if you need to finalize plans.  Others may read while the groups meet.

12 Why is it important to study the historical and cultural context of a work?  Cultural and historical contexts give birth to the dilemmas and themes at the center of the novel.  Studying these contexts and appreciating intricate details of the time and place help readers understand the motivations of the characters.  To Kill a Mockingbird is set in the mid-1930s during the Great Depression. Throughout the decade jobs were scarce, bread lines were long, and movies cost only a nickel—a time that left an indelible impression on the young Harper Lee.

13 The 1930s in the U.S.  Culturally, the swing era, movies, and radio drama were the talk of the nation. Writers such as F. Scott Fitzgerald chronicled the lives of the rich and famous, while writers such as John Steinbeck recounted the tale of America’s downtrodden.  Women could vote, and the prohibition of alcohol was finally repealed. Government programs such as the Works Progress Administration and Social Security were established.  But some things endured even the chaos of economic depression. Jim Crow laws continued to prevent African Americans from enjoying equal rights with other citizens, even if the Old South seemed to be slowly changing.

14 Before the Video:  What factors do you think contributed to the Great Depression?  What do you know about the Great Depression?  Write these in the K column of your worksheet.  What do you want to know about this time period?  Add this to the W section.

15 Great Depression, Crash Course  Crash Course video Crash Course video  After you watch, fill in the L section of your graphic organizer.

16 Quick Write (or homework) Scouts  After seeing this video, do you have more insights into the first three chapters of the book? Do parts of the book make more sense? Why or why not? Mockingbirds  After seeing this video, do you view the entire book differently?  Are you better able to picture the time period and relate to Scout and the other characters?  Why or why not?

17 Homework Scouts  Read Chapters 4 – 7 and answer the following questions:  What role does reading play in Maycomb?  Why is Boo Radley such a mystery to Scout, Jem, and Dill?  What is the significance of the hole in the tree? Mockingbirds  Read the two handouts on the Great Depression and the Jim Crow South.  Choose one of the two questions and write two paragraphs about it:  How do class divisions and family quarrels highlight racial tensions in Maycomb?  How does Atticus quietly protest Jim Crow laws even before Tom Robinson's trial?

18 Wednesday Every Day Edit  One World Trade was made to be the talest building in New York city in 2012. It is a monument to help us remember those who lost there lives on september 11 2001. One World Trade stands 1,776 feet high in honnor of the year America claimed it’s independence. People form all over the world visit the bilding every year

19 Narrator and Point of View  The narrator tells the story with a specific perspective informed by his or her beliefs and experiences. Narrators can be major or minor characters, or exist outside the story altogether. The narrator weaves her or his point of view, including ignorance and bias, into telling the tale.  A first-person narrator participates in the events of the novel, using “I.” A distanced narrator, often not a character, is removed from the action of the story and uses the third person (he, she, and they ). The distanced narrator may be omniscient, able to read the minds of all the characters, or limited, describing only certain characters’ thoughts and feelings.  Ultimately, the type of narrator determines the point of view from which the story is told. To Kill a Mockingbird is told in first person by Jean Louise “Scout” Finch. The novel begins from the point of view of Scout as she looks back on her childhood, revisiting memories through the filter of her adult experience.

20 Author’s Intent  Why might Harper Lee tell the story from an adult perspective, narrated many years after the fact?  In the first seven chapters, can you find statements that remind us of an adult point of view? Or does the adult narrator enter completely into the world of her childhood?  Take a few minutes in your groups to look through the first seven chapters and write down specific examples.

21 Narration  How would this story be narrated, in the third person, from the point of view of Dill’s fabulous imagination?  Have the class brainstorm the outline of a new version of the novel told from this perspective.

22 Homework Scouts  Read Chapters 8–10.  Going through the first ninety-nine pages, how many characters have been introduced?  Which are primary?  What motivates the primary characters? Mockingbirds  Begin another version of the novel told in first person from Boo Radley’s perspective. Write at least a page.  How would Boo Radley describe Jem, Scout, and Dill?

23 Thursday Every Day Edit  In 1924, for planes began the first flight around the world. the flight started in Seattle and took 1,75 days to make it back. Along the way, the pilots maid several stops in countrys such as Japan India, and Turkey. Due to whether and engine problems, only two of the four plane made the whole trip. The flight, about 26,000 miles long, helped make todays inter national travel possible.

24 Quiz

25 Writing Workshop  Choose a piece of writing from this week or the story you wrote last week.  Peer edit to improve the story. If you didn’t finish the narrative arch, you may need to add to the story.

26 Writing Strategy Steps Outline  Paper  Brainstorm  Bubble it Out Ideas  Add Details  Arrange the ideas so that the writing flows well.  Your bubbles are the paragraphs.  Paragraph  Develop each bubble so that the details fit together and make sense. (Brainstorm additional information, add details, arrange ideas so that the ideas flow well.)  Sentences  Develop the ideas into sentences.  (Brainstorm additional information, add details, arrange ideas so that the ideas flow well.)

27 Friday Every Day Edit

28 Library!  Be polite and listen while the librarian is talking.  I will bring detention forms and I will write you up if you are being disrespectful.  You will need to check out a book to read. Find something that you are interested in.  Pre-AP: You will choose from a list of books that appear frequently on the AP exam.

29 Writing Strategy Steps for content editing  Self – Edit  Read it out loud.  Peer – Edit  Read it out loud to a peer.  Make the changes you agree with.

30 Writing Strategy Steps for Capitalization, Spelling, Word Choice, Tenses and Grammar Editing  Self – Edit  Read it out loud again with capitalizations in mind. What needs to be capitalized? Are the capitals where they need to be? Are there capitals in the middle of the sentence? Do they need to be there?  Read it out loud again with spelling and word choice in mind. How do I know if it is spelled correctly? Do the words flow well? Am I using the word too much? What synonyms can I use to make it sound better? Do the subjects and verbs agree?  Read it out loud again with grammar in mind. Where do I need to put commas? Do they need to be there? Look at your grammar helper.  Read it out loud to a peer.  Make the changes you agree with.

31 Writing Strategies Bubble it out Main Idea Introduction 1. Idea Details: 2. Idea Details: 3. Idea Details Conclusion No new information

32  Self – Edit  Read it out loud. Does it make sense?  Read it from the bottom up. Do the sentences, alone, sound strong?  Peer – Edit  Read it out loud to a peer. Does it make sense?  Read it from the bottom up. Do the sentences, alone, sound strong?  Make the changes you agree with.

33 Quick Write

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