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DO YOU GET ON WELL WITH PEOPLE?. Цели: 1.Тренировка произносительных навыков. 2.Активизация лексических и грамматических навыков. 3.Развитие навыков чтения.

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Presentation on theme: "DO YOU GET ON WELL WITH PEOPLE?. Цели: 1.Тренировка произносительных навыков. 2.Активизация лексических и грамматических навыков. 3.Развитие навыков чтения."— Presentation transcript:


2 Цели: 1.Тренировка произносительных навыков. 2.Активизация лексических и грамматических навыков. 3.Развитие навыков чтения с целью детального понимания содержания текста и извлечения конкретной информации. 4.Развитие навыков говорения (диалогическая речь) и письма. November, 23 Friday

3 Stages I Warming-up Teacher. Good day, dear friends, let’s begin our English lesson. Let’s have a talk. How are you getting on with your parents, relatives? How do you get on with your classmates? P1- Quite well. They are cheerful, kind to us. P2 – They are friendly P3 – They are considerate P4 – We understand each other perfectly well! Teacher. I‛m glad for you. Do you love you parents? Do you respect them? P5 – I like my parents and relatives. P 6 - I like my grandparents and respect them very much. I always help them.

4 To day at our lesson we’ll learn the new poem. But first of all, let’s look through some unknown words. To laugh, to live, to die, to cry, to feel, to fly, to shake hands, to fight, to be sincere, think aloud, a wish.

5 This poem is written by a girl of your age. It’s very wise, I think. A CHILD’S WISH I want to live and not to die, I want to laugh and not to cry, I want to feel the summer sun. I want to sing when life is fun. I want to fly into the blue, I want to swim as fish can do. I want to shake all friendly hands Of all the young of other lands. I want to work for what is right. I want to love and not to fight, I want to laugh and not to cry I want to live and not to die. 1 Listen and repeat after me

6 Do you like this poem? Let’s learn it! What is your wish? P 1, I want to laugh P 2, I want to sing P 3, I want to have a lot of friends P 4, I want to swim and feel the summer sun P 5, I want to eat my mother‛s cakes….. P 6, I want to play a lot of games……

7 III. Phonetic exercises. I’d like you to know these familiar quotations (цитаты) written by famous people. « A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud…» (Ralph Waldo Emerson) Do you agree with these words? P1 – Yes of course. P2 – I have a true friend, her name is Mary I can share secrets with her. « Men of few words are the best men» (William Shakespeare) How do you understand these words? P1 – It’s better to do a lot than to talk a lot. P2 – I agree with his opinion.

8 IV Lexical activities Look at the blackboard Match these two parts and write the correct expression. 1)to be ready 2)to make 3)to do 4)to take 5)to explain 6)to have 7)to get on a)care of b)with somebody c)one’s own look d)a mistake e)an exercise f)to somebody g)for something Key: 1)to be ready for something; 2)to make a mistake; 3)to do an exercise; 4)to take care of; 5)to explain to somebody; 6)to have one’s own look; 7)to get on with somebody

9 V Reading for details (ex 1(1) p. 49) 1. Pre – reading Teacher When children write about their problems to magazines, they get advice. Here are two replies to their letters. Imagine the situations the children wrote about. Which key words of advice help you to do this? 2. Reading for details. Pupils read the first advice and try to find the key words of advice: Example: P1: To my mind the key words of advice are the following – make mistakes, worry, boys and girls, tease. Teacher. That’s right. And what is the problem of this boy? Can you tell me? Example: P2: The pupil is very shy. He is ready for the lesson but he is afraid of his classmates. If he makes some mistakes, they will tease him. But his classmates are not perfect too. Teacher: Certainly. And now try to find the key words of advice in the second letter. Example: P3: The key words of advice in the second letter are “copies you, a compliment, to annoy you, to have your own look, to chose her own clothes”. Teacher. Yes, of course, and what is the problem of this girl? Will you tell me? Example: P4: This girl wants to have her own look. But her friend copies her in clothes. Of course, it is a big compliment to this girl. She has her own taste. But she doesn’t know what to do in this situation as her friend annoys her greatly.

10 Thank you for your active work. Your home task for the next lesson: HOME TASK ex. 6, p. 51; ex 6(1), p. 51. Write how do you get on with your classmates to a children’s magazine “Young Telegraph”. Here is an address: 346 Old Street, London ECIV9NQ


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