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The Patrolling Android By: Reinaldo Molina University of Florida Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering IMDL – EEL 5666/4665 Date: 11/20/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "The Patrolling Android By: Reinaldo Molina University of Florida Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering IMDL – EEL 5666/4665 Date: 11/20/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Patrolling Android By: Reinaldo Molina University of Florida Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering IMDL – EEL 5666/4665 Date: 11/20/2013

2 Final Prototype

3 Atxmega Board

4 Camera

5 Chassis

6 Sonars, LEDs, and USB Hub

7 Sonar’s Daisy Chain Circuit

8 Noise Reduction Circuit

9 Odroid – U2 & Wifi Module

10 Integrated System Serial

11 Code Structure Serial

12  Frequency  10 Hz  Atxmega Board  Waits for a command  Process Command and Sends Information  Odroid  Sends Commands and Receives the Information Frequency & Communication Format

13  All Nodes send 4 pieces of Information  Error Code  Motor, Steering Servo, and Camera Servo Command  Behavior:  Looking for a person while doing obstacle avoidance  Following the Person  TeleOp Communication Format & Behavior

14 Questions?

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