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What is a referendum?.

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1 What is a referendum?

2 SIMPLY PUT A referendum is a national vote to change something in the Australian Constitution.

The Australian Constitution is a written document adopted at Federation that outlines the structure and powers of the Federal Government (what they can and can’t do in terms of the law).

Section 128 of the Constitution outlines the procedures which must take place to make a change in the Constitution. A member of parliament must present an argument (usually supported by a list of petitions) that this change should be made to the constitution A bill proposing a change to the Constitution must be passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate A referendum of Australian voters will then be conducted. The Constitution can only be changed if the referendum achieves a double majority vote. A double majority means that, the proposed change must be approved by: • A majority of votes in Australia as a whole; and • A majority of voters in a majority of States. Electors show they agree with the proposed change by writing ‘Yes’ in the appropriate square on the ballot paper. Draw this process in a diagram or flow chart

5 IN CLASS REFERENDUM The House of Representatives and the senate have passed a proposal to change the constitution. This change would amend section 39a of constitution will be altered from: ‘All people arriving in the Australia as a result of conflict occurring in other countries are expected to apply for citizenship and are not guaranteed residence in Australia’ To the following: ‘All people arriving in the Australia as a result of conflict occurring in other countries are entitled to Australian citizenship, pending proof of their circumstance. They are therefore entitled to all social security benefits of Australian citizenship’ The Class Vote (Federal) The Group Vote (State)

I agree that section 39a of the constitution will be altered from: ‘All people arriving in the Australia as a result of conflict occurring in other countries are expected to apply for citizenship and are not guaranteed residence in Australia’ To the following: ‘All people arriving in the Australia as a result of conflict occurring in other countries are entitled to Australian citizenship, pending proof of their circumstance. They are therefore entitled to all social security benefits of Australian citizenship’ YES NO Please circle your state of residence: VICTORIA NEW SOUTH WALES QUEENSLAND A.C.T SOUTH AUSTRALIA NOTHERN TERRIRTORY WESTERN AUSTRALIA TASMANIA

The Australian Constitution contained two references to Aborigines. Section 51 (xxvi) stated that: ‘The Parliament shall, subject to the Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to the people of any race other than the aboriginal race in any State, for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws.’ Section 127 held that: ‘In reckoning the numbers of the people of the Commonwealth, or of a State or other part of the Commonwealth, aboriginal natives shall not be counted.’

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