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Vocabulary Level F Unit #4. affable (adjective) Courteous and pleasant, easy to speak to Synonyms  agreeable  Amicable  cordial Antonyms  Surly 

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1 Vocabulary Level F Unit #4

2 affable (adjective) Courteous and pleasant, easy to speak to Synonyms  agreeable  Amicable  cordial Antonyms  Surly  dour I hope I get seated next to an affable person on the long plane ride to England.

3 aggrandize (verb) to build up or increase in size, power, or wealth, to make appear greater Synonyms  amplify  Enhance He hired a “life coach” to guide him in how to aggrandize all aspects of his life.

4 amorphous (adj) shapeless; without organization or form; of no particular type or character Synonyms  unstructured  Nebulous Without an agenda or a leader the meeting became an amorphous gathering.

5 aura (noun) a distinctive air or personal quality; atmosphere Synonyms  ambiance  Atmosphere Most students want to be near Mr. Whitehead because he gives off a really cool aura.

6 contraband (noun) smuggle or illegal goods, illegal traffic (adj) illegal or prohibited Synonyms  unlawful  bootleg  Illicit She bought a contraband designer purse out of the back of a van in an ally in a shady part of town.

7 erudite (adj) scholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic Synonyms  educated  well-read The erudite student was appalled by the immature behavior and ignorant questions asked by his peers.

8 gossamer (adj) thin, light delicate, insubstantial (noun) thin cloth Synonyms  Sheer, filmy  feathery  Gauzy She wanted make the wings for her fairy costume from fragile gossamer.

9 infer (verb) to find out by reasoning; to hint suggest, or imply; to arrive at a conclusion on the basis of thought Synonyms  speculate  gather  deduce  presume Our teacher expects us to infer a character’s intent based on his words and behavior.

10 inscrutable (adj) incapable of being understood; impossible of seeing through physically. Synonyms  incomprehensible  impenetrable Antonyms Intelligible Intelligible penetrable penetrable I didn’t know what to do because my boss’s directions were inscrutable.

11 insular (adj) relating to, characteristic of, or situated on an island; narrow or isolated in outlook or experience Synonyms  narrow-minded  provincial (unit #1)  parochial The provincial people held very insular attitudes towards new ideas. Insular Area Summary for the U.S. Virgin Islands

12 irrevocable (adj) Incapable of being changed or called back Synonyms  irreversible  Unchangeable He realized as he was falling that his decision to jump off the roof was, indeed, irrevocable.

13 propensity (noun) natural inclination or predilection toward Synonyms  proclivity (unit #3)  natural bent  Penchant Her friends don’t tell her any secrets because they know she has a natural propensity towards gossip.

14 querulous (adj) complaining, fretful, whiny Synonyms  cranky  irritable  petulant (unit #1)  Antonym  Stoical  Serene  placid I have no patience for querulous children; I usually just ignore their whining and complaining.

15 remonstrate (verb) to argue or plead with someone against something; protest or object to Synonyms  expostulate (unit #1)  reason against  Argue The player got a penalty after he tried to remonstrate with the referee, pleading with him to remove the penalty.

16 repudiate (verb) to disown; to reject or deny the validity of Synonyms  renounce  disavow  abjure I will not repudiate my cat just because he destroys my furniture with his claws and won’t come when I call him.

17 resilient (adj) able to recover quickly Synonyms  durable  Springy, elastic  Buoyant Antonyms Rigid Rigid Stiff Stiff inflexible inflexible The players on the team are resilient; they show up for practice with a good attitude ready to work even if they’ve been beaten down the night before

18 reverberate (verb) to re-echo; to reflect or be reflected repeatedly Synonyms  echo  Rumble The sound of her laughter reverberated through the empty halls.

19 scurrilous (adj) coarsely abusive, vulgar or low; foul- mouthed Synonyms  obscene  filthy  abusive Her reasoned analysis of the judges’ scandalous behavior was dismissed by him as a(n) scurrilous diatribe.

20 sedulous (adj) persistent; showing determination Synonyms  tireless  Assiduous Antonyms listless listless indolent indolent I am so proud of my friend who is in sedulous training for an Iron Man competition; she follows a strict training program and never slacks.

21 sleazy (adj) thin or flimsy in texture; cheap; inferior in quality or character. Ethically low, mean, or disputable Synonyms  inferior  cheesy  Shoddy I knew that I should trust the sleazy lawyer; he had a bad reputation for making disreputable deals.

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