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STRATCAP Internal Case Studies Actionable Events Across Regions.

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Presentation on theme: "STRATCAP Internal Case Studies Actionable Events Across Regions."— Presentation transcript:

1 STRATCAP Internal Case Studies Actionable Events Across Regions

2 Timeline of Events May 1998 Indonesia – Suharto Resigns January 2001 Philippines – Estrada Ousted from Presidency November 2001 China – Joins WTO June 2009 Iran – Uprisings July 2006 Ethiopia – Intervention into Somalia December 2007 South Africa – Government Trade Policy December 2010 – 2011 Ivory Coast – Civil War August 2008 Russia – Invasion of Georgia January 2009 Russia – Ukraine Gas Disputes May 2009 North Korea – Nuclear Test 2010 Nigeria - Niger Delta Peace September 2011 Zambia – Relations with China 1998 2001 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Spring 2011 Egypt - Mubarak Overthrow March 2011 Libya – Civil War December 1996 Asia - Economic instability by Summer 1997 1997 June 2009 Greece & Ireland – Sovereign Debt and Economic Problems January 2001 Indonesia – Wahid Ousted April 2008 Argentina – Ag sector issues drive economic decline 2010 Forecast Russia – Privatization Program August 2007 Spain & Italy – Pegged deeper housing crisis than US March 2011 Japan – Nuclear Plan Meltdown

3 Ongoing Calls & Looking Forward Ongoing Calls  China – trade agreements  Zimbabwe – mining legislation Looking Forward  South China Sea – tension in the region  China – trade agreements with Tanzania and Kenya  Russia – Customs Union; privatizations  Turkey – re-emerging as a regional power resulting in increased Mediterranean tension

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