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Nottingham Skillsbank Caroline Berrill & Stacey Foster 16.10.13.

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Presentation on theme: "Nottingham Skillsbank Caroline Berrill & Stacey Foster 16.10.13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nottingham Skillsbank Caroline Berrill & Stacey Foster 16.10.13


3 Online tool for Nottingham voluntary sector to find skilled volunteers Primarily for short-term tasks and one-off projects Aimed at volunteers with ‘professional’ skills Hoping to attract more workers into volunteering Nottingham Skillsbank What is it?

4 Skillsbank Homepage

5 Register your group/organisation

6 Add task/help needed

7 Creating a Skillsbank task

8 Describe your task and tag an area it fits under

9 Add multiple tasks

10 Are you registered with NCVS?

11 Checked and processed

12 Volunteers search for tasks

13 Groups search for skills

14 Matching

15 Skillsbank Case Study Graphic Design graduate Had spare time inbetween job hunting Created branding for Skillsbank



18 What do skills do you need? In pairs please discuss how your organisation could use Skillsbank volunteers. Please create a task for each different timescale.

19 Using Skillsbank Volunteers must go through your procedures and vetting processes Agree with the volunteer the project and timescale in advance Considerations for IP, confidentiality etc Template agreements will be available

20 What can you use Skillsbank for? Be creative! Could a volunteer provide entertainment for an event? Do you need someone to run a workshop on how to use email effectively? Do you need a new logo for a project? Do your books need looking at? Skills can be corporate to artistic

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