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Recruitment, Selection & Induction

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Presentation on theme: "Recruitment, Selection & Induction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recruitment, Selection & Induction
Induction & Orientation

2 The Aim of Induction & Orientation
To capitalise on the new person’s enthusiasm by providing all the information and knowledge they require in order to become an effective asset to your business and its other workers

3 Benefits of Induction & Orientation
Short term Enthusiasm, confidence and commitment can be generated Transition from one place to another is made easier The new recruit adapts to the work environment more quickly Long Term Reduced levels of absenteeism Improvements in employee morale Lower recruitment costs due to lower turnover.

4 Problems with Induction
Can be too formal and focused on one-way communication Too much emphasis on paperwork Relevance of information provided Information overload Lack of follow up

5 Needs of the New Recruit & the Business
Job and person security Reduction in initial anxiety brought about by joining the organisation The need for insight into the way things are done The Business A productive worker Loyalty and commitment Adherence to legislative requirements Retention of new recruit

6 Successful Induction Rabby (1990) suggests that we have done a good job of induction if the new recruit:- Is relaxed and demonstrating satisfaction with the job Realises their importance to the work group/team Is showing signs of integration Knows where to get help, and is asking for it Appears motivated and/or keen to learn

7 Handout: Induction checklist for Dept Supervisor
Designing a Checklist Items that could be included in an Induction Explanations of organisations aims and purpose Chain of command Organisational policies Rules & Regulations Safety procedures Performance standards and measures of performance Expectations – punctuality, dress, code of conducts Items that could be included in an Orientation Location of toilets, lockers, amenities etc Introductions to supervisors and co-workers Physical layout and workflow Introduction to a buddy and explanation of their role Pay procedures Training Handout: Induction checklist for Dept Supervisor

8 Evaluate Induction Programs
Criteria you could use to evaluate your induction program could include but is not limited to the following; Does it meet the needs of both parties? Does it allow you to meet legislative requirements such as OHS? Is related information grouped together? Does it provide a logical flow of information? Is information is the form of brochures/flyers etc to allow the new recruit to take the information way with them? (remember that nerves usually mean that information goes in one ear and out the other) DON’T forget to ask the new recruit what they felt about the induction!!!!

9 S.G.A – Butchers Paper You are the HR Team for the organisation known as ‘XXX’ HR Consultants’. The organisation has just completed six months of intensive recruitment and subsequent inductions. Your job is now to evaluate the induction process and you have decided to do this by developing a questionnaire that will be distributed to all new recruits. In the next 30 minutes develop a questionnaire that could be used for this purpose. Your team will then present their completed questionnaire to the larger group.

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