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Presenting…. Lesson 5 Robust Vocabulary Lesson 5 Vocabulary words and definitions 1. Culinary- Culinary skills or tools are related to cooking 2. Downcast-

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2 Presenting…. Lesson 5 Robust Vocabulary

3 Lesson 5 Vocabulary words and definitions 1. Culinary- Culinary skills or tools are related to cooking 2. Downcast- Feeling of sadness or has no hope 3. Consternation- Someone who feels consternation is upset or worried about what is happening 4. Vivid- Something that is vivid has very bright colors 5. Extensive- large amount of things 6. Serenely- calm and quiet 7. Reminiscent- brings back memories of another place or time 8. Pensive- thinking deeply about something 9. Recruit- When you recruit someone, you get them to join a group for a special cause 10. Commenced- has begun

4 Culinary Culinary skills or tools are related to cooking The chef had excellent culinary skills.

5 Downcast Feeling of sadness or has no hope The boy felt downcast when he failed his test.

6 Consternation Someone who feels consternation is upset or worried about what is happening The coach was feeling consternation about losing the game.

7 Vivid Something that is vivid has very bright colors The rainbow had vivid colors.

8 Extensive Large amount of things The library had an extensive collection of books.

9 Serenely Calm and quiet The music played serenely at the museum.

10 Reminiscent Brings back memories of another place or time The smell of the campfire was reminiscent of last summer.

11 Pensive Thinking deeply about something The girl was pensive while taking her test.

12 Recruit When you recruit someone, you get them to join a group for a special cause The girl was able to recruit her brother into helping her rake the leaves.

13 Commenced Has begun The 2009-2010 school year has commenced.

14 Let’s see what you know! SHOWTIME!

15 When might you be pensive? A. When watching tv B. While taking a test C. When talking to your friends

16 Where would you find an extensive collection of jump ropes? A. In the library B. In the hallway C. In the gym

17 When should you behave serenely? A. At the library B. At a football game C. At a concert

18 What would make you feel reminiscent of third grade? A. Going forward to 5 th grade B. Looking through last year’s yearbook and seeing your class photo C. Going to a new school

19 Which person would have the most culinary skills? A. A chef B. A teacher C. A roofer

20 What would have vivid colors? A. A muddy pond B. A meadow full of flowers C. A cloudy sky

21 When might feel downcast? A. When you fail a test B. When you win the lottery C. When you get a new video game

22 How do you know class has commenced? A. The teacher is busy taking roll B. You are unpacking your backpack C. Your teacher starts a new math lesson

23 When would you recruit a friend to help you? A. When you don’t understand your homework B. While you are taking a test C. When you are doing an independent assignment

24 When would a coach feel consternation? A. When his team is winning a game B. When having pizza after the game C. When losing the state championship game

25 Now do you know your vocabulary words and definitions? Yes? Ok, show me by writing a sentence with each word. Yes? Ok, show me by writing a sentence with each word. No? Well, we need more practice! Write a sentence using each word! No? Well, we need more practice! Write a sentence using each word!

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