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Presented by Malcolm Thomas Superintendent, Escambia School District Stepping up To the Plate: Model of Excellence.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Malcolm Thomas Superintendent, Escambia School District Stepping up To the Plate: Model of Excellence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Malcolm Thomas Superintendent, Escambia School District Stepping up To the Plate: Model of Excellence

2 Presented by Malcolm Thomas Superintendent, Escambia School District Stepping up To the Plate: Model of Excellence

3 developing a champion

4 Key to success is understanding how it all fits together.

5 Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Darrell Royal Get Ready for the Game

6 prepare yourself

7 develop leaders others WANT to follow

8 Let Go of Your Ego let go of YOUR ego

9 be willing to follow

10 build positive relationships

11 give YOUR power away

12 smile through adversity

13 communication

14 take calculated risks

15 A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new. Albert Einstein

16 putting the pieces together

17 Escambia Model of Excellence

18 Instruction

19 Professionalism

20 Instruction Professionalism Climate

21 Instruction Differentiated Instruction

22 make the connection Differentiated Instruction Teacher adjusts content, process, and product in response to student readiness, interest, and learning profile (Tomlinson, 1999) Instruction

23 Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning

24 built in support Cooperative Learning Teacher incorporates strategies that ensure student to student interaction about the concepts that become integral parts of the learning process Instruction

25 Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning Data Analysis

26 Data Analysis Teacher compiles relevant, measurable information about each student and organizes, analyzes, and applies that information to plan and implement instruction Keep the score Instruction

27 Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning Data Analysis Professionalism Employee Training

28 Employee Training Deliberate professional development based on needs identified in the school improvement plan/strategic plan, coordinated with individual PD plans, resulting in effective implementation that increases student achievement/ employee productivity Professionalism

29 Instruction Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning Data Analysis Professionalism Employee Training Effective Planning

30 Effective Planning Scheduled, protected time for individual and collaborative professional learning, preparing, and sharing of best practices Professionalism

31 Instruction Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning Data Analysis Professionalism Employee Training Effective Planning Standards of Behavior

32 Expectations and Standards Pride Teamwork Privacy Safety Service Stewardship Accountability Professionalism

33 Instruction Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning Data Analysis Professionalism Climate Employee Training Effective Planning Positive Behavior Systems Standards of Behavior

34 attitude matters Positive Behavior Systems STUDENT CLIMATE: School-wide and individual plans for managing the learning environment and student behavior with productive positive results Climate

35 Instruction Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning Data Analysis Professionalism Climate Teacher Training Effective Planning Positive Behavior Systems Re-Recruit High & Middle Performers Standards of Behavior

36 expect excellence Employee Climate Re-Recruit High and Middle Performers Reward and recognize by utilizing rounding, writing personal thank you notes, and managing up to identify and continue excellence in the workplace Climate

37 Instruction Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning Data Analysis Professionalism Climate Teacher Training Effective Planning Positive Behavior Systems Re-Recruit High & Middle Performers Implement Improvement Strategies For Low Performers Standards of Behavior

38 transparency Implement Improvement Strategies for Improvement for Low Performers EMPLOYEE CLIMATE-Provide individual, specific, measurable actions identified to improve employee performance monitored with timely feedback and evaluated for effectiveness Climate

39 the right tools for the job Instruction Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning Data Analysis Professionalism Teacher Training Effective Planning Standards of Behavior Climate Positive Behavior Systems Re-recruit High and Middle Performers Implement Strategies for Low Performers

40 Instruction Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning Data Analysis Professionalism Climate Employee Training Effective Planning Positive Behavior Systems Re-Recruit High & Middle Performers Implement Improvement Strategies For Low Performers Standards of Behavior Escambia Model of Excellence

41 –Ensure Planning Time Collaborative Individual –Deal with Low Performers –Implement Needs-based Professional Development –Obtain Leadership Development –Meaningful Evaluation Process Administrative Responsibilities to Support Instruction, Professionalism, and Climate

42 imagination has no limits

43 impossible I’m Possible

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