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Objective: to teach the basics of recruiting and hiring through a presentation and games Ice breaker –> for groups of 20 + How to begin recruiting Hiring.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: to teach the basics of recruiting and hiring through a presentation and games Ice breaker –> for groups of 20 + How to begin recruiting Hiring."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objective: to teach the basics of recruiting and hiring through a presentation and games Ice breaker –> for groups of 20 + How to begin recruiting Hiring techniques Case study Check point questions Videos and helpful material Board game -> 2-5 players

3  Entrepreneur Autograph Bingo  Everyone needs a board and a pen  Each person fills out the board with facts about themselves – at least half the board has to be work related goals or objectives  Need to find others with the same facts and sign each other’s boards  First person to obtain five in a row wins the game  Each person can only sign a board once



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