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Being Strategic Annette Lees. Strategy is: The essential link between vision and outcome The internal logic that links all parts of our work Both thinking.

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Presentation on theme: "Being Strategic Annette Lees. Strategy is: The essential link between vision and outcome The internal logic that links all parts of our work Both thinking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Being Strategic Annette Lees

2 Strategy is: The essential link between vision and outcome The internal logic that links all parts of our work Both thinking and planning

3 Six parts to strategic thinking 1.Understanding your mandate 2.Identifying the problem 3.Articulating your desired outcome 4.Picking your scale 5.Designing the solution 6.Delivering

4 1. Understanding your mandate What authority do you have? Who do you represent? Who are you accountable to? Answers frame the scope and approach of the project. Working by: Legal mandate Influence and persuasion Building partnerships

5 2. Identifying the problem You can’t solve a problem that you haven’t correctly identified. Check: Is the true and fundamental problem? Have you got to the cause of the problem? Have you picked the most important problem? Have you picked a problem that can be solved within your mandate?

6 3. Articulating your desired outcome What do you want to achieve? An outcome expressed as crystal clear gives us: A strong foundation for strategic thinking Clarity for partnerships Essential assistance in communication

7 4. Picking your scale How big or small do we go? Ask: At what scale are you mandated to work? How big is your problem? Will your scale solve your problem? What is your budget?

8 5. Designing the solution Design a solution that will solve the problem. -Check assumptions -Strategic planning -Closely linked operational planning -Monitoring and reviewing -Learning and improving

9 6. Delivering Effectiveness will depend on: - Know how and can do -Alignment in policy, planning and regulation -Integration of understanding and knowledge -Common purpose -Good communication

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