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SATAC Application Year 12 Information Session 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "SATAC Application Year 12 Information Session 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 SATAC Application Year 12 Information Session 2015

2 FSTs (Frequently Said Things)  I’m taking a ‘gap’ year…  I don’t know what to apply for  I’m only going to go to…

3 Advice!  Keep your options open!  Find your PASSION!  Apply – you don’t have to accept, for most courses you can even defer (postpone)!

4 University Bonus Schemes  Refer to p. 8-10 of TEB (orange book)  In 2015 there are TWO

5 University Equity Scheme  First way: Bonuses for all students in certain specified schools AND  Second way: Bonuses for individuals in other schools  Up to 5 points  Applies to all courses offered by universities in SA including Charles Darwin.

6  We are NOT a specified school.  You are eligible for INDIVIDUAL BONUSES if you gain an ATAR and  You or your parents are in receipt of a Centrelink means-tested income support payment, OR  You are the holder of a Health Care Card, OR  You are the holder of a School Card.

7  Application for INDIVIDUAL BONUSES  You can apply for consideration by completing an online application at

8 Universities Language, Literacy and Mathematics Bonus Scheme  Applies to all courses offered by universities in SA and Charles Darwin EXCEPT Medicine.

9  Awarded up to two points and maximum of FOUR for successfully completing  20 credits of LOTE  English Studies or Communications  Mathematical Studies  Specialist Mathematics  Successful completion = overall grade of C- or higher.

10 Scholarships and Fees  P. 247-249 Blue Guide  Commonwealth Government Scholarships  Institution Scholarships and Grants – refer to individual institutions  Only Australian citizens and holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa may request a HELP loan.

11 Applying Interstate  P. 251 Blue Guide  You must submit your application through the relevant interstate TAC.  On-time applications for all TAC close Wednesday 30 September 2015.

12 Guaranteed Entry, Subquotas and Cutoffs  What is a Quota? The maximum number of places available each year. (p. 209 – 210 of blue guide)  What is a Subquota? The group of people with a specific set of qualifications that compete against each other for a position in the course. E.g. Year 12 subquota = all the year 12s who meet the minimum year 12 qualifications. (p. 209 – 210 of blue guide)

13  What is the 2014 cutoff? The 2014 cutoff is the MINIMUM 2014 year 12 selection rank (equivalent to ATAR) after bonus points guaranteed selectio.n into a course in 2015 competing in the year 12 subquota (p. 23 of blue guide)  What is guaranteed entry? The MINIMUM year 12 selection rank that will guarantee selection into a course / program in 2016 for applicants competing in the year 12 subquota (p. 23 of blue guide)

14 Tabor Adelaide  Minimum Entry Requirements  ATAR of 60 or 65 (depending on course)  GPA of 4.0 (out of 7)  STAT score of 150  VET Cert IV  Applicants who do not meet these criteria may be invited for an interview

15 Subquota rules for Tabor  Year 12 – no limit on higher education study completed  Higher Education – any amount of study considered  Special Entry – must be 21 before 1 Jan 2016 + no limit on higher education completed.

16 How is my ATAR calculated?  Great question!  Complex answer – see examples of TEB from p 12 -16.

17 What SATAC Does…  Publishes information  Processes applications  Assesses qualifications  Ranks applicants  Advises applicants of outcomes  ‘one stop shop’ for enquires

18 What SATAC Does NOT do…  Set admissions policies  Administer the SACE  Provide career counselling

19 So, what now?  Watch this video kindly put together by the University of SA. EGEyU

20 What do I need to do?  Go to  Select either Uni Applications or TAFE Applications  TAFE applications will open at the end of August / beginning of September  Follow the prompts!

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