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CLICK TO CONTINUE Newspaper Project Mr. Swindells' English 10.

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1 CLICK TO CONTINUE Newspaper Project Mr. Swindells' English 10

2 Life of Pi Newspaper Project
OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate your understanding of the events of the novel by creating a newspaper that includes news stories about the events Pi describes in the novel. 40 points Your newspaper must include: A publication date that is shortly after Pi washed ashore. At least one news story that would have been newsworthy in that time. At least two full pages (if you are working with a group, your newspaper must include at least four full pages) Font size must not exceed 12-pt font for articles (headlines may be any size) At least three pictures At least three articles about actual events from the novel (examples: the sinking of the Tsimtsim, the flaoting island, Pi’s incredible story, a sighting of Richard Parker, etc.) Your newspaper MAY include: Crossword puzzles, weather, local news, cartoons, world news, sports, music/movie reviews, advertisements, and anything else you would find in a typical newspaper.

3 GRADING RUBRIC Appropriate font = 5 pts.
Appropriate publication date = 2 pts. At least one news story that would have been newsworthy in that time. = 3 pts. At least two full pages (if you are working with a group, your newspaper must include at least four full pages) = 5 pts. At least three pictures = 5 pts. At least three articles about actual events from the novel (examples: the sinking of the Tsimtsim, the flaoting island, Pi’s incredible story, a sighting of Richard Parker, etc.) = 15 pts. FOCUS, ORGANIZATION, CONTENT OF ARTICLES = 10 pts. CONVENTIONS, STYLE = 5 pts.

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