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Transmittals and RSA Spring 2010. Agenda Overview: Turn and Talk Activity: What should I do before issuing a transmittal or RSA? Student Services Receipt.

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Presentation on theme: "Transmittals and RSA Spring 2010. Agenda Overview: Turn and Talk Activity: What should I do before issuing a transmittal or RSA? Student Services Receipt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transmittals and RSA Spring 2010

2 Agenda Overview: Turn and Talk Activity: What should I do before issuing a transmittal or RSA? Student Services Receipt Report (SEC) How to change the status in CAP: APB to ACO Multiple students to be contracted out Agencies under contract vs. RSA How to generate a transmittal Review RSA manual highlights Making connections to the SOPM (page 128) Using IVR to record the first attend date Q & A Parking lot

3 What should I do before issuing a transmittal or RSA? Check for Related Service(s) on IEP. Check SEC https://ats/nycboe/net - student service receipt report; related services for school age in public school) for status Ensure parental consent is documented in CAP and/ or student is authorized to appropriate site. Check ATS Identify and/ or obtain DOE provider through related services supervisor Ensure caseload is assigned to provider If there is no provider assigned to case(s) Change status in CAP to reflect ACO (Awaiting Contracting Out). Note: 24 Hours must elapse before SEC is updated Second Note: Paraprofessionals are assigned through Galaxy



6 How to Change the Status in CAP: APB (Awaiting Provider by Board ) to ACO (Awaiting Contracting Out)

7 Select RS for the Menu Code: Press control Key

8 Selection is RI; function is I; drop down to RI Student information, tab to enter student id; enter the id# ; press control key

9 What Is… Security District: Use Geographic School District for Speech, Counseling (elementary, middle/intermediate) High Schools use 78 (some 6-12 schools) Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy use 96 When in doubt use CAP Reference Menu (RM); school list (SL) Region: Manhattan 1 Bronx 2 Brooklyn 3 Staten Island 4 Queens 5

10 Place cursor on security district, type in two digit district number; tab to region, one digit;, move cursor (using the arrows keys) to related service to be ACO.’d; press F6

11 The cursor automatically goes to BOE Prov avail? Type “N”; tab or ctrl; (date sent for contracting can either be present date by pressing control or tab to type in the date you need). Press F2 to update Status will change to ACO

12 Multiple Students to be Contracted Out

13 Press F8 to see more selections

14 Selection: MO Function: R Enter the Security Dist; Enter the Region ; cursor to the MO line, enter the RS type; Boro, Dist, School

15 In the contract out date field, enter the date students are sent to the agency for contracting out; if assigning all students, on the assign all students field enter “Y”; if not bring the cursor down to select each name by placing an X next to the NYC ID#; press ctrl; press F2 to update

16 Assign all students in the school? Y or N. If “N” lace x on each student to be selected Why is Zuberi not selected?

17 Agencies Under Contract vs. RSA DOE protocol requires that an agency under contract has priority over and independent agency or RSA provider The agency has 5 days to accept a particular school assignment CFN can assign the case(s) to a second agency under contract after the first 5 days have elapsed Only after these attempts are made can an RSA be created








25 Highlights of RSA Training Manual How to sign in……………………………………………. Pg 2 How to find a student……………………………………… 3 How to create a related services authorization (RSA 1) 4 Letter to parents……………………………………….. 7 How to confirm the (RSA 2)……………………………….. 9 Assigning the provider………………………………… 12 Assigning the license………………………………….. 13 Letter to provider………………………………………. 16 Adding a new provider……………………………………… 17 Adding a new license……………………………………….. 23 Getting back into RSA after closing………………………. 26

26 Making Connections with the SOPM A DOE provider is assigned to the (case) caseload within 2 days of parent consent to the Final Notice of Recommendation For continuing students or students deferred for September placement, a DOE provider is assigned within 2 days of the start of the school year in September If a provider is not available, the CFN will generate a transmittal (using SEC RSA) to an agency under contract with the DOE If the DOE is unable to locate a related service provider within an additional 13 days (15 days total), the CFN issues a Related Service Authorization Letter (RSA) to the parent. The parent is provided with information on available providers and instructions regarding how to invoke the RSA (SOPM page 128)

27 Providers Must Use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System to Record the First Attend Date and Maintain an Attendance Booklet The first attendance reporting system allows service providers to report the first attend (start) date for the delivery of related services, SETSS, and ESL. For step-by-step procedures using IVR, refer to the updated document “Updated IVR Procedures” (08/27/09) The telephone number to record the first attend date is 718-596- 4080

28 Parking Lot Items Who will assign DOE related services personnel to my CFN network? How do I know there’s no other DOE personnel available for hiring to deliver the related services? How soon can I start generating transmittals and or RSAs?

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