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Please Remember How Experiments do Conclude!.  P roblem:  Reason for experiment  Can be an Observation  R esearch:  Background information used to.

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Presentation on theme: "Please Remember How Experiments do Conclude!.  P roblem:  Reason for experiment  Can be an Observation  R esearch:  Background information used to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please Remember How Experiments do Conclude!

2  P roblem:  Reason for experiment  Can be an Observation  R esearch:  Background information used to guide the experiment  H ypothesis:  Question that experiment will seek to answer  If/Then Statement  Must be testable!

3  Problem Research Hypothesis  E xperiment:  Carefully constructed procedure containing Variables – part of the experiment that is being changed Independent Variables – Component being changed in the experiment – I Change – X Axis Dependant Variables – Component being measured in the experiment. DEPENDANT – Y Axis Only ONE variable may be changed at a time! Controls – part of the experiment that is being kept the same

4  Problem Research Hypothesis Experiment  D ata:  Numerical information collected during experiment  Can be presented in a table, often graphed  C onclusion  State whether or not your hypothesis was correct Give numbers Use at least 3 pieces of data  Explain relationship  Describe graphs/data  Discuss possible errors – You will always have some errors, choose two or three to discuss

5  Problem  Research  Hypothesis  Experiment  Data  Conclusion  Please  Remember  How  Experiments  Do  Conclude

6  Can you create an experiment and label the…  Purpose  Research  Hypothesis  Experiment  Data  Conclusion

7 Patrick loves bubblegum and would like to be able to blow bigger bubbles than anyone else in Bikini Bottom. To prepare for Bikini Bottom’s Big Bubble Contest, he bought FIVE different brands of bubble gum and needs your help to find the brand that creates the biggest bubbles. Write an experiment to test the bubble power of the bubble gum brands and help Patrick win the contest Spongebob & Science p 12

8  Monty Python teaches us about the scientific method

9  As we all know Stewie has been trying to get rid of Louis for years now, but he has yet to be successful. This year he wants to make sure he gets the job done. He wants to test 5 methods in order to finally get rid of Louis. He needs your help to,first, develop 5 methods, and second, decide which method has the greatest chance of success. Create an experiment to help Stewie!

10  3 points  P-R-H-E-D-C  Kilo, centi, milli  Center of Gravity  Examples  Example of P-R-H-E-D-C  Diagram  P-R-H-E-D-C

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