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Published byGeraldine Dixon Modified over 9 years ago
How do we learn together at school? Who makes our neighborhood a nice place to live? How do animals work together to survive? How do plants and animals live together? How is a community of insects like a community of people? Concept Question What is a community? What does a family do together? Unit 2
Unit 2 Week 2 What is a community? Connect Concepts: What job did each character do in A Big Fish For Max? What did the characters in A Big Fish for Max learn together?
Morning Warm Up Day 1 School is a good place. We all learn new things. No one is left out. How do we learn together at school? notice the circled words. What are they? Spell them.
group respect share aquarium borrow lines rehearsal soothe As we sing the song on the next slide, listen for the amazing words: group respect share
We are going to sing about our classmates at school. Notice how this song relates to the way people behave in our classroom. We are polite. We show respect. We say please, Share with ease. When we work in any group, We never fight or tease. We all treat each other well, show concern, wait our turn, All our classmates are good friends. We help each other learn.
We just sang about how we can work together. Listen to the sounds in can /k/ /a/ /n/. Say it with me. /k/ /a/ /n/ Now listen to the sounds in cane. /k/ /a/ /n/. Say it with me. /k/ /a/ /n/ now listen to both words: can cane Which word has short a sound /a/? can Which word has long a sound /a/? cane Let's practice some more words on the next slide.
Phonemic awareness – long and short vowels c a ncan c a n ecane h a that h a t ehate m a dmad m a d emade c a pcap c a p ecape p l a nplane
cat man You studied words like these already. What do you know about reading these words? yes, when you see a by itself, it usually sounds like /a/. Today we will learn about words that have the long a vowel sound. This is an apron. The sound you hear at the beginning is /a/. Say it with me. /a/ The a in this word says its name. The e is silent. This is how I blend this word. Now do it with me. What do you know about reading words like this? The a says its name and the e is silent Let's practice blending word like these on the next slide.
Check building words t a m etame s a v esave m a k emake cr a t ecrate sn a k esnake
Change the n in lane to t. What is the new word? Change the t to k. What is the new word? Change the l to sh. What is the new word? Change the sh to br. What is the new word? Change the k to v. What is the new word? Lane
Blend long a words a_e t a p etape a t eate n a m ename r a k erake t a m etame s a v esave m a k e make c r a t ecrate s n a k e snake g a m egame s t a t estate t r a d etrade sh a p eshape
Monitor Progress Word reading with long a (a_e) Gavebakeplateshadefame Takegasbasemapplane Tallgrapetalkvanskate
1.Ship6. rush 2.Fish 7. shell 3.then8. shop 4.shut9. trash 5.With 10. thin High Frequency Words 11. want12. good MODEL WRITING FOR SOUNDS Each spelling word has long a with the CVCe spelling pattern. Before administering the spelling pretest, model how to segment long a words to spell them. What sounds do you hear in game? (/g/ /a / /m/) What is the letter for /g/? Write g. Continue with /a/ and /m/. What letter must we add to the end of the word to make a say its name? (e) Add e. In game the a has a long a sound and the e is silent: /g/ /a / /m/, game. There are four letters but only three sounds. Repeat with safe.
Build Background: Let's Talk About People in Communities Tell me about what you see here. Yes, that's right, some children are looking at a computer. How are the two boys who are sharing a book learning together? What did the children in the play have to learn in order to perform? How can you tell that all of these photographs are scenes from school? Use today's Amazing Words, group, respect, and share. Which photographs show a small group of children? How are the children in front of the computer respecting the girl in control of the mouse? How can you tell the two boys are doing a good job sharing the book?
How do we learn together at school? What can children share at school? Where do you see children helping one another? This week we will read a story about classmates. We will learn how some classmates work and learn together at school.
Listening Comprehension: Teach/model Cause and Effect DEFINE CAUSE AND EFFECT Most things happen for a reason. Good readers ask themselves what happens and why it happens. Words like because and so can help you figure out what happens and why MODEL When I read, I think about what is happening and why it is happening. In this story, Jimmy is sleepy. I ask myself why he is sleepy. I remember that the story said Jimmy stayed up late the night before. Jimmy is sleepy because he stayed up late. Paying attention to why things happen helps me understand why characters in stories do the things they do. Read "Jimmy's Lesson
CLUES TO CAUSE AND EFFECT Ask children to identify other examples of cause and effect. Why does Jimmy quickly drink his orange juice and gobble up his eggs? (Because he is running late.) What happens when Jimmy looks in his backpack? (He sees that he has forgotten his things.) Why did Jimmy forget his things? (Because he was in a hurry to leave.) RECOGNIZE CAUSE AND EFFECT Recall the story A Big Fish for Max. Why does Max go to the park? (He wants to catch a big fish.) Why does Grandma go to the fish shop? (Because she wants to buy a fish for Max.) CONNECT TO READING Tell children that when they read any story, they should think about what happens and why it happens Practice
Daily Fix It 1. bob is in my class 2. Can he work wit me.
Daily Fix It 1.bob is in my class Bob is in my class. 2.Can he work wit me. Can he work with me?
Shared Writing: An invitation COMPREHENSION SKILL Remind children that often one thing that happens causes another thing to happen. Discuss how children feel when they receive an invitation to a party. Then have them tell how the invitation your class is going to write will cause someone to feel. GENERATE IDEAS Ask children to think about an upcoming class event, such as a play or science project, and talk about how they are working on it together. Ask them who they might like to invite to see the event. WRITE AN INVITATION Explain that the class is going to write an invitation asking other people to come to a class event.
Display Writing Transparency 8 and read the title. Ask children to help you make a list of the information you need to put on the invitation on the board. Include who you are sending it to, what the event is, and when and where the event will take place. Read the first line on the transparency and have children tell you what to fill in on the line. Ask children to use the information on the board to help you complete the invitation
REVIEW NOUNS Remind children that a noun is a word that names a person, place, animal, or thing. IDENTIFY PROPER NOUNS Display Grammar Transparency 8. Read the definition aloud. Model with item 1. This picture shows a girl. Her name is Beth. We’ll write her name beginning with a capital letter because a person’s name is a proper noun. Continue modeling with items 2– Grammar: Teach/Model Proper Nouns
What sound does the letter a have in each of these words? Why? name date Spell the word take and write it in the air. What letter can you not hear? What is the rule? take spelling: long a Long a Recall Jimmy’s day at school. How did Jimmy’s friends help him at school? Let’s add to our chart. cause and effect Tomorrow we will read about a city and the many different things people can do there.
Morning Warm Up Day 2 Let’s pretend to take a walk in the city. Think about all the things you can see. What will we talk about When we get home? Raise your hand when you hear a word with the /o/ sound of al or all.
Share Literature: Build Concepts PARTS OF A BOOK Have children read the title of Walk Around a City. Identify the author. Review that nonfiction books can give information. Nonfiction books have parts that can help people find information they need. This book has a glossary to explain the meanings of some words. Show children the glossary on p. 30 and read some of the definitions. Discuss why the glossary is helpfulp. 30 BUILD ORAL VOCABULARY : Discuss interesting places people can visit in cities....museums, libraries, aquariums, parks, theaters, stores. What are some places people can visit in the city?
group respect share aquarium borrow lines rehearsal soothe
Phonemic Awareness: Blend and Segment Phonemes We have learned that the city is a busy place. Listen to the sounds in place. /p/ /l/ /a/ /s/ Listen again as I point to the letters that spell it. p l a ce Say it with me. p l a ce Workers in the city earn money or a wage. Listen to the sounds in wage. /w/ /a/ /j/. Listen again as I point to the letters that spell it. w a ge Say it with me. w a ge Let’s practice on the next slide.
Phonemic awareness p l a ceplace w a gewage ce n tcent gemgem f a ceface p a gepage s p a cespace s t a gestage
cape game You studied words like these already. What sounds do c and g stand for in these words. Today we will learn about words that have another sound for c or g. This is a submarine. What is the beginning sound in submarine? Say it with me./s/ pencil cent In these words the c stands for /s/. When e or i comes after a c, the c usually stands for /s/. this is how I blend a word like this. Notice the c is followed by an e so it stands for /s/.
gem ginger In these words the letter g stands for /j/. When a g is followed by an e or an i, it usually stands for /j/. Blend them with me. This is how I blend this word. Notice that the g is followed by an e so it stands for /j/. Let’s blend it together. Now let’s practice some more words on the next slide.
c a p ecape g a m egame ce n tcent f a ceface ge mgem p a gepage
check building words Add a p to the beginning of age. What is the new word? Change the g to c. What is the new word? Change the p to r. What is the new word? Add t to the beginning of race. What is the new word? Change the tr to sp. What is the new word?
Monitor Progress: word reading c/s/ g/j/ stagelacecageracewage placecakebracecallcent cagegotpagegemgas
spelling dictation: practice long a I could make a safe cage. What i the age of that old cat? He made a face at me! Is it too late to have cake? break into small groups.
Identify Familiar Letter-Sounds Point to the first letter in could. What is this letter? What is the sound for this letter? (c/k/) Demonstrate Meaning Tell me a sentence using this word. Repeat the routine with the other Words to Read. Have children identify these familiar letter-sounds: be (b/b/), old (l/l/, d/d/), paper (p/p/, r/r/), horse (h/h/, r/r/, s/s/). Say and Spell Look at the words on p. 38. You cannot yet blend the sounds in these words. We will spell the words and use letter-sounds we know to learn them. Point to the first word. This word is could, c-o-u-l-d, could. What is this word? What are the letters in this word?
Interactive Writing : Write Description skyscrapers Brainstorm: Recall “Walk Around the City.” Tell about some of the skyscrapers. Share the pen: TALL is a word I might use to describe a skyscraper. What are some other words you might use? Let’s sound them out and write them together. t all
Daily Fix It 3. tina helps me at school 4. Hse is my friend?
Daily Fix It 3.tina helps me at school Tina helps me at school. 4.Hse is my friend? She is my friend.
boy Jim Grammar: Develop the concept Proper Nouns boy is a noun for a person. It is not capitalized. Jim is a noun for one certain person. It is capitalized. The special names of persons, places, animals, or things begin with a capital letter. Some nouns name a special person, place, animal, or thing. These nouns are called proper nouns, and they begin with a capital letter. The word city tells about a place, but there are many cities. The word Chicago is the name of one particular city. Chicago is a proper noun and it begins with a capital letter MODEL When I think about the people, places and things in our community, one place I always think about is school. Write school. What is the name of our school? Oneonta Elementary School. Because this is a name, every word should begin with a capital letter.
Speaking and Listening: Dramatize a Story DEMONSTRATE DRAMATIZING Recall and discuss the characters from A Big Fish for Max. Then improvise a monologue that's related to the story. You might have Ruby tell about Max's fishing trip. Max went fishing in the pond. He caught a ball, a ship, and a shell, but no fish. I helped Max by calling the fish, but still no fish bit. As you dramatize a character, model these behaviors: Speak in character. Use correct sequence. Use correct tone, volume, and expression. Use facial expressions and gestures. DRAMATIZE A STORY Have groups of children choose a page from A Big Fish for Max to act out. Suggest they act out the page more than once, so they can take turns playing different parts. Then have groups present their plays to the class. Remind them of the behaviors you modeled.
Tim saw an old horse in the city. Tim drew the horse on paper. It could be a page in a book City What does the c stand for in this word? Why? Page What does the g stand for in this word? Why? c/s/ g/j/ High frequency words Recall “Walk Around a City.” How is a big city school like our school? How is it different? Let’s Talk About it Tomorrow we will read about children in a classroom who work together to put on a play. 3
Morning Warm Up Day 3 Today we will read about a group of children who put on a school play. They know how to share and work together. How does our class work together? notice the amazing words
group respect share aquarium borrow lines rehearsal soothe
Share Literature: Build Concepts NONFICTION Recall that Walk Around a Citygives information about a real place. Turn several pages and point out the words that appear in bold type. Explain that these wordsare ones the author thought the reader should know to learn about a city. These words appear in the Glossary at the back. BUILD ORAL VOCABULARY Review that yesterday the class read the book to find out what interesting things people can share in a city. Ask that children listen today to find out how a big city is like your community. Monitor Listening Comprehension How is a big city like our community? Why is a library an important place in a community?
Phonemic Awareness: Blend and segment phonemes s a f esafe r a cerace c a gecage l a k elake sh a p eshape t r a cetrace p l a n eplane We learned that police officers help to keep people in the city safe. Listen to the sounds in safe. /s/ /a/ /f/. Now say it with me as I point the letters in the word. s a f e let’s practice some more words like thes.
Long a and c/s/, g/j/ teach/Model Fluent Word Reading connect lake race You can read this word because you know that when words have a vowel-consonant-e, the vowel usually says its name. What does the a in this word stand for? What is the word? You can read this word because you know that the letter c followed by an e stands for /s/. What sound does the c make in this word? What is the word? Model When you come to a new word, look at all the letters in the word and think about its vowel sound. Say the sounds in the word to yourself and then read the word. lake race wage When you come to a new word, what are you going to do? let’s practice on the next slide. 1 2
group practice Let’s read these words. Look at all the letters, think about the vowel sounds, and say the sounds to yourself. When I point to the word, let’s read it together. safe vase cage face 3
My Favorite Place I wake up every morning With a huge smile on my face. i dress and eat and race to school. It is my favorite place. I say “Hi” to my classmates and Take out my pencil case. I am ready to start school. I can quickly do a math page, Sing a song out on the school stage. I know lots for someone my age. I learned it all in school. notice the highlighted words. Let’s look for c/s/, g/j/, and long a words.
space crabhattamestage gladrakepan Long a wordsshort a words sort the words above Sort Words: When I say a word, hold a hand up high if it has longg a and clap your hands once if it has short a. space pan tame stage rake hat glad crab
Build background listen to background cd What animals are named in “Old MacDonald’s Farm? Where did you learn the song?
Costumes and masks can help people look more like the characters in a play. The characters in the story we are about toread are putting on a play about a farm. We'll find out what happens when several children want to play the same part. Connect to Selection
MacDonald the name of the farmer from the song "Old MacDonald's Farm" squeak a short, high sound farmer a person who grows crops or keeps animals on a farm gerbil a small, furry animal often kept as a pet Ask children to identify familiar letter-sounds and word parts: farmer (f/f/, farm), gerbil (g/j/, b/b/, l/l/) squeak (s/s/, qu/kw/, k/k/), MacDonald (m/m/, c/k/, d/d/). Have children read each sentence aloud with you. To encourage discussion using the selection words, ask children what they might find on a gerbil farm. Then write play on the board. Have children tell the meanings they know for the word. (to have fun, to perform on a musical instrument) Explain that in the story The Farmer in the Hat, the word play means "a story acted out on stage."
Monitor Progress: High frequency words couldbehorsepaper oldforonewas saidyou
comprehension: SKILL Cause and Effect RECOGNIZE CAUSE AND EFFECT Remind children that as they read they should think about what happens and why it happens. Ask children to think about what caused Grandma to take Max and Ruby to the fish shop. Explain that they went to the fish shop because Max did not catch any fish. CONNECT TO READING As you read, think about what happens and why it happens STRATEGY Monitor and Fix Up INTRODUCE THE STRATEGY Tell children that sometimes the pictures can help them understand what they are reading. MODEL When I don't understand something I read, I look at the pictures. Sometimes the pictures show what the words are telling about. This helps me understand what is happening. CONNECT TO READING Encourage children to ask themselves these questions as they read The Farmer in the Hat. Do I understand what is happening? What clues in the pictures help me understand the story? break into small groups
Vocabulary: Time and order words What did the boys and girls in the story do to make animal masks? First Next Then Finally EXPAND MEANING Discuss the words that help us understand the time andorder of the steps. Remind children that things in a story happen in a certain order. Help children use time and order words and story vocabulary to retell what happened in The Farmer in the Hat. The children were getting ready to put on a play. They wanted to wear the farmer hat. They made animal masks. They looked for the hat. The cat was wearing the hat.
Daily Fix It 5. The cat has the Hat 6. jake can mak a mask.
Daily Fix It 5.The cat has the Hat The cat has the hat. 6.jake can mak a mask. Jake can make a mask.
Writing trait of the week: Introduce sentences TALK ABOUT SENTENCES Explain to children that the words in a sentence must be in an order that makes sense. Have children look at p. 42 of The Farmer in the Hat. Read aloud the first four words. Ask children how they can tell that these words are a sentence. Then model your thinking.p. 42 MODEL I read the first group of words on p. 42: I have the hat. I can tell this is a sentence. The words are in an order that makes sense.p. 42 The have hat I. Suppose that these words were written in this order. Is this a sentence? No, it is not, because the word order doesn't make sense. Let’s practice some more on the next slide.
sentences/word order The have hat I I have the hat. Can pig you be a. You can be a pig. Masks make must we. We must make masks. Made face a Dave. Dave made a face.
More sentences/word order which one is a sentence? Duck a Max mask makes. Grace stands on the stage. Put children on a play the. Max makes a duck mask. On Grace the stands stage. The children put on a play.
Grammar: Apply to writing Proper nouns sort the following words girl Beth boy Dave cat Whiskers nounproper noun IMPROVE WRITING WITH PROPER NOUNS Explain to children that when you say the word farmer, you are talking about any farmer, but when you say Old Mac Donald, you are talking about one special farmer. The name of a person, a place, an animal, or a thing is a proper noun. It begins with a capital letter because it is a particular person, place, animal, or thing. Explain that writing with proper nouns gives readers exact information. Remind children to use proper nouns in their own writing girl boy Whiskers cat Dave Beth
Why did the children in the story want to make masks? Could we say that having a play caused the children to do something? What? Why? How did the pictures help the story be easier to understand? Monitor and fix up cause and effect How did the characters in the story fit into our “Learning together” chart? Let’s Talk About it Tomorrow we will read about ways children in a club do things together. 4
Morning Warm Up Day 4 Boys and girls work together at school. Today we will read about a club where children take care of pigs, cows, and hens. Do you think working together can be fun? Which words name people? Places? Things?
Share Literature: Connect Concepts Activate Prior knowledge: Recall that the children from “The Farmer in the Hat” worked together to put on a play. Today we will read another story about children putting on a play. BUILD ORAL VOCABULARY The words that characters say in a play are called lines. Actors go to rehearsals to learn lines. Listen to find out what soothes Iris’s feelings when things do not go as planned. Review Oral Vocabulary: Is it easy to work solo as you clean up a sloppy lunch table in the lunchroom? How could a friend help you search for information about poisonous frogs?
group respect share aquarium borrow lines rehearsal soothe
Phonemic Awareness: segment and count phonemes r u shrush sh o pshop th i ckthick s m allsmall f i shfish b a thbath s al tsalt Walter and Iris rush to tell Grandpa about the play. Listen to the sounds in rush. /r/ /u/ /sh/. Say it with me as I count the sounds. /r/ /u/ /sh/ Rush has 3 sounds. How many letters does rush have? How many sounds? Let’s practice with some more words.
High frequency words practice becouldhorseoldpaper Review Phonics digraphs and vowel sound in ball ship ball You can read this word because you know that sh stands for one sound. What is the sound? What is the word? You can read this word because you know that that a followed by an l or ll stands for /o/. What is the sound? What is the word?
Sort Words: When I say a word, clap if it has short a. Pretend to bounce a ball if the word has the sound of a in ball: shack mall that walk bath flash hall stalk short asound of a in ball shack that bath flash walk mall hall stalk
Monitor Progress: word reading twocatchfatandput whatpathglassgoodcap mallnoshopwalklook yellowthatgofishwant
Read words in context
1.Ship6. rush 2.Fish 7. shell 3.then8. shop 4.shut9. trash 5.With 10. thin High Frequency Words 11. want12. good break into small groups
Daily Fix It 7. dave made a cak. 8. Did pam help.
Daily Fix It 7.dave made a cak. Dave made a cake. 8.Did pam help. Did Pam help?
Writing across the curriculum: WRITE Poster Brainstorm: Recall the boys and girls in the 4H club held a sale to raise money. When people hold a sale, they make posters to announce what they are selling and when. What are the important words that appear on this poster? What should we write using those word?
Grammar Review Proper Nouns Sort the following nouns Casey friend Yellowstone Park cap bug Ohio city United States nounsProper nouns (Special Names) A proper noun names special people, places, animals or things. What does a proper noun always start with? friend cap city bug United States Yellowstone Park Ohio Casey
Wow! What a great day! notice the exclamation points (!) What do they mean? Read the sentence. fluency How are some ways that the children learned by working together in 4H? Are any of those things listed on our chart? Let’s Talk About it We heard a story about how Iris helped Walter at the school play. We will read about Iris and Walter again tomorrow. 5
Morning Warm Up Day 5 This week we read about working together at school. What do we share as a group? How can we show respect for our classmates? which word means several people together? tells how people can use the same thing? shows we value each other?
Share Literature: Listen and Respond USE PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Review that yesterday the class listened to find out how Iris and Walter helped each other with the play. Suggest that today the class listen to find what new project the class will share. MONITOR LISTENING COMPREHENSION What new project will Iris and Walter's class share? (They will put on a dance about the solar system.) How did Iris's teacher try to soothe her? (She told Iris there would be other plays, and she let Iris pass out a surprise treat.) Build Oral Vocabulary: GENERATE DISCUSSION Recall how Iris helped Walter learn his lines for the school play. Invite children to share ways they've helped a classmate at school; have others share ways a classmate has helped them. Have children use some of this week's Amazing Words as they describe their experiences of learning together at school
group respect share aquarium borrow lines rehearsal soothe
review long a and c/s/, g/j/ The ape will shake her cage. Fill in the space on page two. Take my pet snake to a safe place. Will you face the back of the stage?
High Frequency words horse old could be paper /h/ /h/ /h/ is my first sound. I neigh, neigh, neigh all around. I am the opposite of new. I have three letters—not two. I start with c and rhyme with would. Look on the Wall. I think you should. I rhyme with she and he. Look close and you’ll find me. I have five letters—two p’s. Do you believe I come from trees?
check dictation sentences 1.It is too late to eat. 2.What is your age? 3.My pet is in the cage. 4.Her face is red from the sun. 5.Take the trash to the bin. 6.Mom made a yellow cap for me. 7.We will name the cat Tish. 8.Is it safe to swim in the lake? 9.Put the cake on a dish. 10.Dad can make fish in a pan. 11.What could be in the gift box? 12.That old cat just sits and sits. break into small groups
Daily Fix It 9.the cat has the Hat. 10.I will mak a mask
Daily Fix It 9.the cat has the Hat. The Cat has the hat. 10.I will mak a mask I will make a mask.
Research/Study Skills Teach/Model Poster/Announcement Please donate canned and boxed goods. Donations can be placed in bins located in front of the office. All donations will go to local food pantries. MODEL When I read an announcement, I first look for words that tell me who, when, where, why, what, and how. I also look for words printed in large or dark type. These are usually important facts.
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