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Amateur Radio Journeys To The Edge Of Space Or Dxpeditions To The Stratosphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Amateur Radio Journeys To The Edge Of Space Or Dxpeditions To The Stratosphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amateur Radio Journeys To The Edge Of Space Or Dxpeditions To The Stratosphere

2 Still Cameras Have Documented The Flights I would like to show you a collection of some of the pictures from 5 of the flights of the Lanark Space Agency LASA

3 The Vehicle

4 First Picture On Our Journey

5 Into The clouds

6 Out Of The Clouds

7 At The Edge Of Space

8 122,886 Feet

9 The Balloon Bursts The Camera is Looking Down

10 The Flight Package Tumbles

11 Fragments of The Balloon In View

12 Descending On The Parachute

13 Back On The Ground

14 The Recovery Team

15 Path Of The Journey

16 The Vertical Flight Path

17 LASA 1 Maine LASA 3 Quebec

18 How It Was Accomplished

19 Helium Fuels The Balloon Inside In Inclement Weather

20 Outside When Conditions Permit

21 The Original Flight Package

22 Flight Package Tracking Transmitter, GPS, Camera, Batteries,Antenna

23 To Accommodate The Students To Fly and Recover A Project Object

24 Going For The Altitude Record

25 Ready To Fly

26 Onboard Camera At Launch

27 Launch Sites  All Flights have been launched from Perth  Two from The Perth Fair Grounds where inside fueling and mission control facilities were available  One from The Perth Fire Hall  Two From Downtown Heritage Perth  All Flights had media coverage, local press, radio as well as CTV National.

28 Heritage Perth

29 Mission Control Tracking

30 Communications

31 Chase Car Tracking

32 Radio Tracking Program

33 Flight Path

34 Landing Site

35 Tracking Last Few Meters


37 Recovery Maine

38 Recovery Team St. Jerome

39 Recovery Team Cornwall

40 Van Gough Starry Nights

41 Telemetry From LASA 4

42 Official Records RANKALTITUDEDATEMISSION/PROGRAM 1 128,379 128,37910Jul09 NS-22x (MdSGC/UMD) 2 125,449 125,44920May08 PBH-7 (LM/Cornell U) 3 122,323 122,32315Nov08LASA-3 4 122,283 122,28309May09LASA-4 5 120,522 120,52220Mar99 Norm Kjome (KB7ZJT) 6 118,946 118,94627Dec04TVNSP-TV04G 7 118,647 118,64726Dec04 HiBall-3 (WB8ELK) 8 118,352 118,35214Jul05 ISU/HABET L-93 9 118,011 118,01122Apr06WV-4 10 117,597 117,59711Aug07SABLE-III

43 Tracking Equipment  APRS transmissions and reception on 144.390  Byonics microtracker 1 watt in flight 6 watts on landing  Argent Data Systems Open Tracker 250 Miliwatts  Uiview software at mission control and in chase cars  for internet available to non amateurs

44 Flight Call Signs  Call signs registered to the Lanark North Leeds ARES Group  VE3REX-11 for 4 Flights  Written up by VA3ROM as the Flight Of The King  VE3LCA-11 for the St. Johns Elementary School Flight

45 Thank You For Your Interest

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