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Fort LeBoeuf A “Heritage Days” Project. Exploring Fort LeBoeuf Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Standards Citations Teacher Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Fort LeBoeuf A “Heritage Days” Project. Exploring Fort LeBoeuf Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Standards Citations Teacher Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fort LeBoeuf A “Heritage Days” Project

2 Exploring Fort LeBoeuf Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Standards Citations Teacher Notes English 11 Webquest Designed by – Miss Soltesz Based on a template from The WebQuest PageThe WebQuest Page

3 Introduction Hi Students! The Boro of Waterford has recruited you and your partner to create an exhibit about the establishment of our town’s namesake and primary former monument, Fort LeBoeuf, for our annual Heritage Days Celebration. You must collect and analyze research concerning various aspects of the war. Then you must determine the most effective way to present the information you learn!

4 Task You and your partner must layout the design of the exhibition at the Fort LeBouef Historical Society so that visitors can understand the history of Fort LeBoeuf and the role of our town in the establishment of our nation. Your exhibition should have at least four major topics or areas of interest, including but not limited to dates, artifacts, people of interest, art, maps, or video. The design of your exhibition and Fort LeBoeuf information will be presented as an electronic report that includes the layout of the exhibit as well as all of the material used in the display.

5 Process As a team, you will work together to gather information that will determine your exhibit’s design. You will then virtually present your museum to the class in PowerPoint form. Determine as a group the parts of the exhibit you feel are the most important. Complete individual research by navigating the links on the next page to gather information. Gather your team’s information into categories based on your proposed exhibit’s design. Determine the most important information and how it can best be presented to people who are visiting Heritage Days. Check to be sure that both team members have cited their sources.

6 Process, cont. In PowerPoint, create a design of your exhibition, making sure to indicate where each area will be located. Your options are limitless! Create one-two slides for each of the four areas of the exhibit, including pictures and information of what will be included for each topic. Include a Works Cited slide at the end of your presentation. Use the notes section, under each slide to describe what information you hope to convey to the audience from each part of the exhibit. When your exhibit is finished, write a 1-2 page double spaced reflection explaining the significance of presenting a historical exhibition and delineating the contributions of each team member.

7 Resources Emphasis: French & Indian War French & Indian War (La Guerre video) Washington During the French and Indian War Washington During the French and Indian War Military Heritage Music French and Indian War Sites The French and Indian War in PA (Video) The Music of Early America (Audio)

8 Resources Emphasis: George Washington Washington's Northern Trek Through Western PA Washington's Northern Trek Through Western PA Washington During the French and Indian War (Audio) Washington During the French and Indian War (Audio) The Life of George Washington (Video) Washington Lithograph (Image)

9 Resources Emphasis: The Ohio River Valley/ Northwest Pennsylvania The War for Empire in NW Pennsylvania Fort LeBoeuf Highway Marker George Washington's Map "Journey to the Ohio" George Washington's Map "Journey to the Ohio" The French Creek Watershed French Forts in North America (Image)

10 Resources Emphasis: Our Fort The Frontier Forts of Western Pennsylvania Finding Fort LeBoeuf (Edinboro University) Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society Fort LeBoeuf Trail (Map) Hutchins' Map of Fort LeBoeuf

11 Evaluation CATEGORYPoor (2)Average (6)Above Average (10) Research/Artifacts & Citations Research is superficial and/or ineffective. Research not cited correctly. Very limited variety of materials. Some research is interesting and effective. Variety in types of material collected. Most materials cited correctly. Surplus of research collected. Wide variety of materials presented to create interest. All materials cited correctly. Quality of Presentation ( Double weighted category ) Very little research presented. Design is unorganized. Little creative design visible. Very few images and/or primary sources. Some research presented. Design seems somewhat thought out. Shows some creative thought and has multiple images and primary sources. Abundant research presented. Design shows clear purpose and original thought. Creatively constructed with a multitude of images and primary sources. Reflection Poor structure. Little knowledge of topic presented. Multiple spelling or grammatical errors. Acceptable structure. Some knowledge of topic shown. Very few spelling or grammatical mistakes. Effective structure with clear purpose. Thorough knowledge of topic. No grammatical or spelling errors. Team effort Minimal feedback on group effort and individual roles. Limited feedback on group effort. Some individual feedback. Well-developed feedback on group effort. Individual feedback presented clearly.

12 Conclusion Congratulations! All of your hard work has paid off. You have created a thoughtfully- designed exhibition that captures the highlights of our small town’s big impact on our nation. Share with other groups some of the successes and frustrations you may have had along the way to creating this beautiful exhibition.

13 Standards: PA Common Core CC.1.4.11-12.V: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self- generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. CC.1.4.11-12.W: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation. PDE: SAS Portal Common Core

14 Photo Credits Slide 1: George Washington Statue, Fort LeBoeuf Probable Location Slide 2: Fort LeBoeuf Sketch Slide 3: Heritage Days Poster Slide 7: French & Indian War Slide 8: George Washington Slide 9: The Ohio River Valley Slide 10: Fort LeBoeuf

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