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Adjectives & Poetry By Lydia Sexton 5 th Grade Teacher Troy Elementary School.

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2 Adjectives & Poetry By Lydia Sexton 5 th Grade Teacher Troy Elementary School

3 Why do we need adjectives in our writing? Picture the following sentence in your mind. The dog ran down the hill.

4 Did your dog look like this? The large brown dog ran down the steep hill.

5 The ugly monster ran into the dark cave. Hideous Horrid Repulsive Unpleasant Unsightly Offensive

6 The beautiful princess lived in the castle. Attractive Lovely Handsome Pretty

7 ACROSTIC POEMS Write your name vertically on a sheet of paper. Now think of words that describe you and begin with each letter. You may use the dictionary and look for “adj” words. Lovable Year-round Dynamic Imaginative Analytical

8 DIAMOND POEMS _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

9 DIAMOND POEMS Adam talented awesome cool claustrophobic funny conservative intelligent athletic evil lazy mathematical musical stingy bold Eleven!

10 Formula for I Am Poems I Am (first stanza) I am (two special characteristics you have) I wonder (something you are really curious about) I hear (an imaginary sound) I see (an imaginary sight) I want (an actual desire) (second stanza) I pretend (something you actually pretend to do) I feel (a feeling about something imaginary) I touch (an imaginary touch) I laugh (at?) or cry or worry I (one of the three above that you didn’t use) (third stanza) I understand (something you know is true) I say (something you believe in) I dream (something you actually dream about) I try (something you really make an effort at doing) I hope (something you actually hope for) I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

11 I AM I am a 5 th grade teacher. I wonder what each year holds in store. I hear my students calling. I see so much to do. I want a million dollars. I pretend not to be surprised by my students. I feel protective of my class. I touch the lives of many. I worry about some of my students. I laugh with my class. I understand my students’ hardships. I say that life is hard. I dream about keeping everyone safe. I try to make a difference. I hope my students are learning. I am a fifth grade teacher.

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