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Audubon Core (AC) Metadata Vocabulary for Biodiversity Multimedia

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Presentation on theme: "Audubon Core (AC) Metadata Vocabulary for Biodiversity Multimedia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Audubon Core (AC) Metadata Vocabulary for Biodiversity Multimedia

2 AC Controlled Vocabulary Some goals:  Understand fitness for use before fetching media  Document management of media and media collections  Describe taxonomic, geographic, and temporal scope Some lacks:  Specified integration with ecology vocabularies  Specified serializations (i.e. machine readable forms)

3 Two Kinds of Terms Representatation independent (e.g. where and when taken, what taxa, etc. ) Representation dependent (e.g. file or service details) What follows are representative terms “ac:” AC terms, “dwc:” DarwinCore, “dc:” DublinCore

4 From Where Many terms borrowed (all of dwc, much of dc, a little from several others) 4 required terms  dc:identifier (recommended)  dc:type (e.g. StillImage)  ac:metadataLanguage  dc:rights

5 Some useful AC curatorial terms dc:modified (when resource was modified) xmp:MetadataDate (when ac record was modified) dcterms:available (when the resource became or will become available) ac:metadataProvider (who provided metadata)

6 Some AC Coverage Terms dcterms:description(free form) ac:caption (brief caption for resource) dwc:locality (where taken) dwc:scientificName (of a taxon depicted) ac:taxonCoverage (highest depicted) dwc:vernacularName ac:subjectOrientation (w.r.t.acquisition device)

7 Media Service ac:accessURI (identifier of a service for the described media, often a URL; may be several) and, some terms associated to the given accessURI for a given media resource: dc:format (e.g. “jpeg”, “mp4”, …) ac:variant (e.g. “Thumbnail”, “Best Quality”) exif:PixelXDimension

8 Camera Trap Federated Minimum Data Standard Mapping to/from AC probably easy When published, TDWG Image Interest Group should propose mappings, applicability statement, etc.

9 Thanks To 15 Contributors (See wiki) Gregor Hagedorn Steve Baskauf Gabriele Dröge Anonymous Reviewers Rob Stevenson (for including AC in this symposium)

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