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VdM analysis framework status and plans 14 April 2015 Monika Grothe (Wisconsin) 1 14 April 2015 VdM analysis Framework status.

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Presentation on theme: "VdM analysis framework status and plans 14 April 2015 Monika Grothe (Wisconsin) 1 14 April 2015 VdM analysis Framework status."— Presentation transcript:

1 VdM analysis framework status and plans 14 April 2015 Monika Grothe (Wisconsin) 1 14 April 2015 VdM analysis Framework status

2 Documentation work work In particular VdM framework tutorial: /Tutorial_April2015.pdf 14 April 2015 VdM analysis Framework status2

3 Preamble The VdM analysis framework proper is ready – Can run with HFlumi and pixel-cluster-counting – Can run with all corrections known from 2012 VdM scans – Can run with all fits used in 2012 Work is needed on the data preparation stage that provides the input data in a format that the VdM framework can handle 14 April 2015 VdM analysis Framework status3

4 Summary on work on dataPrep stage so far 14 April 2015 VdM analysis Framework status4 For the VdM dry run in Feb, Zhen prepared code that wrote out to csv files this info: – runnum, lsnum, nbnum, timestampsec, timestampmsec, wholeBeamIntensity_1, wholeBeamIntensity_2, avgBunchIntensities_1, avgBunchIntensities_2 will not be needed in a separate csv file because will be part of the data files written for each luminometer – runnum, lsnum, nbnum, timestampsec, timestampmsec, acqflag, beam,ip,scanstatus, plane,step, progress, nominal_separation, read_nominal_B1sepPlane, read_nominal_B1xingPlane, read_nominal_B2sepPlane, read_nominal_B2xingPlane, set_nominal_B1sepPlane, set_nominal_B1xingPlane, set_nominal_B2sepPlane, set_nominal_B2xingPlane – This info was written into 2 different csv files For data, agreement with Zhen what data contents will be written, see next slide

5 Summary on work on dataPrep stage (II) 14 April 2015 VdM analysis Framework status5 See hypernews posting: il-LumiDaq-commissioning/44/1/1/1/1/1.html il-LumiDaq-commissioning/44/1/1/1/1/1.html Agreement with Zhen on processor output format for BRILDAQ: – per channel aggregated histograms; for more detailed studies – raw, uncalibrated lumi value per lumi nibble (or whatever the readout time unit is during VdM scans) and bcid; this would be the data input for the dataPrep stage

6 Needed to write the dataPrep code for run-II 14 April 2015 VdM analysis Framework status6 Need to understand from Zhen: – Where can I find the DIP/luminometer data ? Can I copy them over from the online cluster within a certain time window after a VdM scan ? After that time window, where can I find the DIP/luminometer data ? – How many luminometer data files will be written during a VdM scan ? Will all data for a single scan point (i.e. between acquisition flag going to 1 and flag going back to zero) be contained in a single file or more than 1 file ? – How can I identify which luminometer data file belongs to the VdM scan ? – What is the naming convention for data files for each luminometer, meaning how do I find BCM1F as opposed to PLT etc ? – Will the luminometer data files also contain the FBCT (3654 values per beam) and the DCCT (one value per beam) current values ? Can I get some real data files to play around with, preferably examples from each luminometer ? – I have verified that I can read files in hdf5 format.

7 Needed to write the dataPrep code for run-II (II) 14 April 2015 VdM analysis Framework status7 HFlumi was the only online luminometer and set the standard for run-I Whom should I contact about HFlumi for run-II ? Olga ? Need to understand for HFlumi : – Can we come to a similar agreement as for other BRIL luminometers as to content of data files: data files should contain raw luminosity per nibble (or whatever the readout time unit is for VdM scans) and per bcid ? – Where can I find the HFlumi data ? Can I copy them over from the online cluster within a certain time window after a VdM scan ? After that time window, where can I find the HFlumi data ? – How many HFlumi data files will be written during a VdM scan ? Will all data for a single scan point (i.e. between acquisition flag going to 1 and flag going back to zero) be contained in a single file or more than 1 file ? – How can I identify which HFlumi data file belongs to the VdM scan ? – Will the HFlumi data files also contain the FBCT (3654 values per beam) and the DCCT (one value per beam) current values ? Can I get some real HFlumi data files to look at – Will they also use the hdf5 format or something else ?

8 Needed to write the dataPrep code for run-II (II) 14 April 2015 VdM analysis Framework status8 Need to understand from Chris: – What is the format of the pixel cluster counting files ? Where can I find them ? What is their naming convention ? How can I identify the PCC data that belong to a single scan point ? Can I please get some example files to work with ?

9 Summary 14 April 2015 VdM analysis Framework status9 The VdM analysis framework proper is ready Needed now: Write code for the data preparation stage such that data formats of run-II can be handled – The luminometer groups either need to provide data files that contain raw, uncalibrated lumi values per nibble (or per 4 nibbles ?) and bcid or need to provide code that extract the raw uncalibrated lumi values per nibble (or per 4 nibbles ?) and per bcid – I urgently need example input data files

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