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W ELCOME TO C URRICULUM N IGHT Ms. Pang 2 nd Grade Sierra Heights.

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Presentation on theme: "W ELCOME TO C URRICULUM N IGHT Ms. Pang 2 nd Grade Sierra Heights."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ELCOME TO C URRICULUM N IGHT Ms. Pang 2 nd Grade Sierra Heights

2 A BOUT M E Education Teaching Experience Life Outside of School

3 O VERVIEW OF O UR N IGHT Classroom Rules, Expectations, and Consequences Rewards Student Responsibilities Daily Schedule Subjects Balanced Literacy Writer’s Workshop Math Science Social Studies Second Step

4 Be kind Be safe Be responsible Be your BEST! C LASSROOM R ULES AND E XPECTATIONS

5 SIERRA HEIGHTS EAGLES! I am proud to be a Sierra Heights Eagle. I will be kind by showing respect to my classmates and teachers by using kind words and actions. I will be safe by keeping my hands, feet, and objects to myself. I will be responsible by coming to school on time every day, focused, and ready to learn. As a responsible scholar, I will actively listen, politely ask questions if I don’t understand, and follow directions the first time. I will be my best in every way, each and every day! I accept new challenges and I will soar to new heights ! Go Eagles!!!

6 Warning: Student will miss five minutes of recess Needs Improvement: Recess/privileges will be taken away Unsatisfactory: Office Referral/Parent Contact C LASSROOM C ONSEQUENCES

7 Pang Bucks Way to Soar Tickets Marble Jar C LASSROOM R EWARDS

8 P RIZES !!! Number of Lane Bucks Prize(s) 10One Cool Prize 15Three Cool Prizes 20Choice of Juice or Chips 30Ice Cream with Lunch 40Visit the Coupon Box 50 Eat Lunch with Ms. Pang 60 Do a fun activity with Ms. Lane’s Class 90Mystery Prize 120Pizza with Ms. Pang

9 Come to school on time Bring their folder to school and take it home every day (even if it’s empty) Have materials ready, desk organized and clean up their area. Complete homework and absent work and turn it on time. Follow the school expectations S TUDENT R ESPONSIBILITIES

10 M S. P ANG ’ S D AILY S CHEDULE Monday-Thursday TimeActivities 8:55-9:20Morning Routines 9:20-10:45Balanced Literacy Program 10:45-11:00Morning Recess 11:00-11:15Balanced Literacy Program 11:15-11:45Writer’s Workshop 11:45-12:20Lunch Recess 12:30-12:45Writer’s Workshop 12:45-2:00Math 2:00—2:50Science/Social Studies/Health 2:50-3:35 Monday-Music, Tuesday and Thursday P.E., Wednesday Library

11 M S. P ANG ’ S D AILY S CHEDULE Fridays TimeActivities 10:25-10:45Morning Routines 10:45-11:45Balanced Literacy Program 11:45-12:20Lunch/Recess 12:20-1:00Writer’s Workshop 1:00-2:00Math 2:00-2:20Free Time 2:30-2:45Recess 2:45-3:002 nd Step 3:00-3:35Music


13 Library is on Wednesday

14 PE is on Tuesday and Thursday


16 Valentine’s Party on February 12th C LASSROOM P ARTIES


18 RECESS Have your child dress in layers.

19 C OMMON C ORE S TATE S TANDARDS Common Core State Standards are: High expectations for learning in all academic areas Common expectations that are consistent state to state Designed to be rigorous and relevant to the real world Students will develop skills and knowledge to be successful in college and careers in a global economy


21 T HE COMPONENTS OF B ALANCED L ITERACY Interactive Read Aloud With Accountable Talk Shared Reading Reading Workshop Writing Workshop Word Study

22 R EADING W ORKSHOP 10 minute mini-lesson demonstrating a strategy Readers choose “just right books” and practice the reading strategy Independent reading and conferencing

23 I NDEPENDENT R EADING The best way to become a better reader is to practice each day, with books you choose, on your just-right reading level. It soon becomes a habit. The three different ways to read are the following: Talk about the pictures Read the words Retell a previously read book

24 S HARED R EADING Shared Reading is an opportunity to have all eyes on the same 2 nd grade level text. The text is read together aloud. We often use poems, songs, books, articles, and other text sources. Instruction is given regarding concepts of print, word solving strategies, and fluency techniques. Shared Reading allows for more time to practice strategies together, work on fluency and expression, check for understanding, hear one’s own voice, and helps them to share in the learning community.

25 I NTERACTIVE R EAD A LOUD o During Interactive Read Aloud time, a text is read to students that is above the students’ own reading level. o It’s a time that I demonstrate strategies and encourage higher level thinking through questioning. By modeling these strategies students begin to see and use them in their own independent reading to gain a deeper understanding of the text. o Students discuss their thoughts and ideas with the whole group or in pairs therefore developing their communication skills.

26 W ORD S TUDY o A daily component of balanced literacy providing time to teach spelling, phonics, and vocabulary

27 First Hand developed by Lucy Calkins Writer’s Workshop Model Personal Narratives Expository Writing Persuasive Writing Poetry W RITER ’ S W ORKSHOP

28 M ATH W HAT WILL WE WORK ON THIS YEAR ? Math Facts to 20 Number Sense Number Bonds and Fact Families Addition and Subtraction (single, double, and triple digit with regrouping, to 1,000) Place Value to 1, 000 Money- Counting and identifying groups of coins to $1.00 Telling time to the minute and elapsed time Graphing Estimating Fractions Measurement Problem Solving/Word Problems Intro to Multiplication


30 Math Investigations by Scott Foresman Bridges in Mathematics, (a curriculum that focuses on place value) Math a Minute & Mental Math Reflex ADD-Arithmetic Done Daily M ATH



33 Three Science Kits  Changes (solids, liquids, gases)  Balance and Motion  Air and Weather S CIENCE

34 Our district curriculum for Social Studies is called Exploring, Where, and Why by Nystrom. It covers Community (Where we live in the world). The Earth (Continents and Oceans), and Map Skills S OCIAL S TUDIES

35 S ECOND S TEP Curriculum to teach skills for Social and academic success.

36 THINGS TO REMEMBER! Read every night for 20 minutes Work on Homework Packet Drill addition and subtraction math facts Practice identifying and counting money Bring their folder to school everyday

37 T HANKS FOR COMING ! Please take a look at the back and sign up For Parent Teacher Conferences

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