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Housekeeping Final Cut Pro + Classroom. Can you guess?

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Presentation on theme: "Housekeeping Final Cut Pro + Classroom. Can you guess?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Housekeeping Final Cut Pro + Classroom

2 Can you guess?

3 go!

4 This!

5 Woo!

6 There should be no reason moving forward that any project is named “Untitled Project” Open Final Cut! SAVE AS! NAME YOUR PROJECT! DO THIS BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE! SRSLY?

7 Houdini???? There is no need to minimize windows! Use COMMAND H H stands for HIDE (or Houdini)

8 Houdini???? I guarantee that’s why your tools and meters were missing! Make sure you have the right tool selected! If things aren’t moving in your timeline, make sure you have your selection, selected.

9 Shout it out!

10 Recover Windows Application Menu --> Window --> Arrange Standard. Or CONTROL ‘U’

11 Open Vs. Import Open is used to open projects These are projects: Import is used to bring items into FCP Items include: Pictures, videos, music.

12 Import vs. dragging DO NOT! Drag files from folders or desktop into your timeline. There should never be items in your timeline WITHOUT items in your browser. If you save an image make sure you IMPORT it!!! Re-name before you import! Remember organization is key!

13 What do these have in common?

14 Think fast

15 Organization NAME EVERYTHING! Files/folders/songs/pi ctures/projects/pets

16 Don’t cut yo’self! Don’t forget your BLADE tool! Why grab the end of a clip and drag when you can make a splice/cut with your blade, and delete.

17 Duration If you right click, and use the submenu, you can change the duration! This will allow you to adjust the clip without having to juggle your whole timeline.

18 Duration Hours Minutes Seconds Frames

19 Quickly!

20 Timeline Hours Minutes Seconds Frames The same rule applies to the time indicator in the timeline

21 Timeline zoom Don’t be fooled by how long the clip LOOKS! this clip is 2 minutes long Change your timeline view with the size slider, or scroll tab.

22 Duration Duration of an clip is found here It will change if you set in and out points Let’s look here............................................

23 What is a wire frame? A wire frame is what allows us to move where on the screen our image/text/graphic is.

24 Tricky one!

25 The server We need to master this!! xserve01 -->Final Work-->2012-2013-->Leonard-- >Period#

26 The server It’s your friend!! Allows you to store things off your computer to save space! “Bounce” it to the server means put it on the server

27 Server vs. local Server is our networked storage space Local refers to your Hard Drive Disk (HDD) Server Local

28 Classroom Things Lot’s of left behinds! Take your things There should be no trash, water bottles, etc. Please push in your chairs Make sure your computer logs out before you leave (10th period shut down)

29 Extra Help I can work with you after school Stay late to work on projects Talk to me during the period to set up time

30 Moving forward Due dates will be more firm Class time- Needs to be utilized to the fullest Ask me or your neighbors for help! If I have something to show you...

31 Perspective 30 photographs @ 6 days = 5 pictures a day 2:00min @ 6 days = 20 seconds a day 1:30min @ 6 days = 15 seconds a day Transitions take mouse clicks How did you use class time?

32 Finally!

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