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WELCOME TO … SHJH 2011-2012 and your final months in Junior High (hopefully)!!

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2 WELCOME TO … SHJH 2011-2012 and your final months in Junior High (hopefully)!!

3 As a student, you will be expected to:  Come prepared, on-time and ready to work.  Use the washroom and/or get a drink before classes begin in the morning and at lunch.  Ask permission to use a computer and computers are for school related work only!  You will leave class when I dismiss you; not the bell or the clock!  You will leave the classroom floors, chairs and desks neat and tidy!

4 FOOD ETC….. In my class, there will be a nutrition break sometime in the morning …  Healthy snacks (and sharing with the teacher) are encouraged.  All garbage must be placed in the garbage can!  There will be no time to go to the cafeteria or the vending machine.

5 SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS My expectations:  Treat all staff and students as well as this room and this building with respect!  Respect others Listen when others are speaking Put up your hand to join the conversation If you have nothing NICE to say, don’t say anything at all!

6 YOUR JOB AS A STUDENT… Every day you are required to bring: Blue or black pen, a pencil and a calculator Appropriate binder with paper and dividers Textbooks will be kept in the classroom but can be signed out if required to complete assigned class work at home.

7 SUPPLIES….  I expect that you will have all of the supplies required for Grade 9 by Friday and that you will come prepared for every class.  If you have forgotten something, borrow from a classmate. If this is a chronic issue you may be required to stay at lunch to complete work that couldn’t be done in class!  It’s important that you replenish your supplies when they are gone!!!

8 Your Locker  Cell Phones must be turned OFF and kept in your locker until the end of the day!  Bags and purses must be kept in your locker.  Lockers are to be used before first class and at lunch!  If you forget something, you must borrow from someone else!

9 EXTRA-HELP  Extra-help will be provided Monday and Wednesday at lunch as well as Tuesday and Thursday after school!  DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE DAY BEFORE A TEST TO COME FOR EXTRA-HELP, IT MAY BE TOO LATE!!!!

10 HOMEWORK When is homework due?  See the calendar on the website as well as the side board! Homework should …  Be done in pencil for math and pen for anything else  Have your name & class on it  Be handed into me on the due date; if homework is late you will be required to stay in at lunch to complete it.

11 WHAT IF I MISS CLASS??  It is YOUR responsibility to get missed notes, assignments etc!!!  Check the missed work bulletin board, ask a friend, check my website and see me if you have questions!

12 Communication  It is very important that we communicate with each other if there are any problems happening in or outside of the classroom. I am not a mind reader nor do I want to be so please feel free to come and talk to me at an appropriate time about any concerns that you are having.

13 FINALLY… Have fun, be good to each other, learn lots and enjoy your last year at SHJH !!

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