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Carol Downing and Margaret Thomas Volusia County Schools, Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Carol Downing and Margaret Thomas Volusia County Schools, Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carol Downing and Margaret Thomas Volusia County Schools, Florida

2  Glorified elementary?  Dumbed-down high school?  Grade levels?  What is middle school?

3  East coast of central Florida  13 th largest of 67 school districts  74 schools including 6 charters and 14 alternative ed sites  62,416 students in Pre-K – 12 th  13,631 Middle school students

4  Prior to 2007-08 SY middle school students had to pass majority of their courses  New mandate requires students pass all three years of core courses to be promoted to 9 th  No administrative placement

5 CharacteristicStrategy  Short attention span  Distractible  Needy  Uncertain learners  Chunked lessons  Variety of activities  Immediate and ongoing feedback  Clear directions

6  Reacting to the dog and pony show  Reality sets in  Now what?

7  Include stakeholders  Process for reviewing software  Review products of selected vendors  Narrow down vendors then request implementation plan

8  Global view of implementation  Broken down to essential components  Realistic timeline  Keyed to specific goals with objectives and evaluation process

9 Goals and Objectives Evaluation/Artifact Goal I - School level Compass Odyssey administrators will work with the Educational Consultant, department chairs, coaches, District Program Specialists, and individual teachers to monitor and support student achievement and Odyssey Integration use during the 09-10 school year. Objective 3: Focus Team will work with school administrators to administer the FCAT Prep Assessments and meet with teachers to review the data and make informed decisions. Outcome: Teachers will have Objective-Based Results to use as a Pre and Post-Test. Evaluation: Email Notification of Administration Artifacts: Objective Bases Assessment Reports; Student Redirection of Assignments as Needed Goal III - Teachers will integrate Odyssey software into their daily teaching during the 09-10 school year. Objective 4 - Teachers will incorporate Odyssey Lessons and Activities into their classroom teaching and presentation for whole group instruction. This includes the use of the Odyssey offline materials, which can be used with students for at home, whole group, small group, or individual use. Outcome - Teachers will reinforce classroom lessons and activities through the use of Odyssey in whole group, small group, and individualized classroom sessions, bridging the use of computers to classroom instruction. Evaluation: Are teachers implementing Odyssey lessons into their Whole Group, Small Group, and Individualized instruction? Artifacts: Teacher Lesson Plans

10  Training and support for teachers  Correlate to district curriculum maps  Flexibility to prescribe based on students’ needs  Measureable student outcomes

11  Whole class – integrate into instruction to enhance and support curriculum  Small group – identify skills that need support  Individual – prescribe a study plan based on student need  Grade recovery – facilitate progression to high school

12  Budget cuts  Decrease services or work smarter?  Instructional software with flexibility for variety of environments

13  Carol Downing  Margaret Thomas

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