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1 A Partnership for Tomorrow April 2007 MDE School Improvement Conference.

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1 1 A Partnership for Tomorrow April 2007 MDE School Improvement Conference

2 2 Who is AdvancED The unification of NCA CASI, SACS CASI, and NSSE Creates world’s largest education community 23,000 public and private schools and districts 30 states 65 Countries 15 million students 3.5 million educators 18,000 volunteers

3 3 Reflecting A decade ago… Netscape was introduced to the world. Today, are primary source of information is through web browsing.

4 4 Reflecting Seven years ago… Yahoo was born. Today, Yahoo web site is accessed more daily than the nightly news at ABC, NBC, or CBS.

5 5 Reflecting Three years ago… Google was introduced to the world. Today, Google is the world’s largest search engine – providing people around the world with free access to information.

6 6 Reflecting Five years ago… Our nation entered the No Child Left Behind era. Today, every state in the nation has implemented since 2002 unique accountability systems to meet the state requirements for NCLB.

7 7 Reflecting Today… We are seeking solutions to today’s challenges. Tomorrow we must demonstrate success in meeting the challenges of today.

8 8 Reflecting In five years… What will we be doing differently and more successfully in our classrooms? Today we must begin our journey to identifying solutions to tomorrow’s challenges.

9 9 The Education Map of the Decade A Look at the Future of Education The Institute for the Future, which has a long history of studying trends and helping businesses and organizations plan for the future, and the Knowledge Works Foundation, an education foundation in Ohio, have come together to study how future trends will drive changes in education over the next decade. Together, they have developed an Education Map of the Decade that identifies Drivers of Change for education and Key Trends resulting from these drivers that will have a broad impact on education. We will explore these Drivers of Change and Key Trends and discuss their implications for AdvancED.

10 10 Drivers of Change Grassroots Economics From economies of scale to economies of sociality Grassroots economics is an emerging set of rules for creating value from interaction more than transaction, from bottom up rather than top down, and from shared resources rather than private property. Smart Networking From informed citizens to engaged networkers At the intersection of traditional social networking and connective technologies is an emerging skill set of engaged networking – the ability to form ad hoc groups and catalyze communities of action using social media. Source: KWF/IFTF Education Map of the Future, Draft, July 2006.

11 11 Drivers of Change Continued Strong Opinions, Strongly Held From a global media culture to splintered fundamentalism As media channels fragment and subcultures form around strong common interests, strong opinions will be reinforced by strong social networks – with a tendency toward more fundamentalist views of complex problems. Health Distress From steadily improving quality of life to increasing signs of distress With population density increasing dramatically, environmental crises looming, and a more interconnected global society that buffers population less, there are increasing signs that the human race is not healthy. Source: KWF/IFTF Education Map of the Future, Draft, July 2006.

12 12 Drivers of Change Continued Urban Wilderness From rural to predominantly urban spaces As the urban population surpasses the 50% threshold worldwide, megacities and rapidly growing smaller cities will face unprecedented challenges in managing wealth, health, infrastructure, and social discontent. The End of Cyberspace From physical versus digital to seamlessly physical and digital Intelligence is becoming increasingly embedded in places and objects at the same time as connective media link that intelligence to social networks. The result is the end of the distinction between cyberspace and real space. Source: KWF/IFTF Education Map of the Future, Draft, July 2006.

13 13 Key Trends Emerging Learning Economy –diverse providers, products, services Explosion of Learning Agents –expanded careers, roles, businesses Deep Personalization –self-directed, individualized, customized Media-Rich Learning –learning occurs anytime….anyplace VUCA Communities –schools are anchors for health, safety, life- long learning

14 14 The Partnership between MDE and AdvancED Unified School Improvement System Accreditation and School Improvement management –Meets requirements for MDE and NCA CASI –Eliminates duplication for all Michigan schools –Recognizes the volunteer commitment to NCA CASI accreditation –Provides a seamless pathway to managing improvement efforts The Power of Connections One + One = Three

15 15 MDE/AdvancED School Improvement Portal NCA CASI Accredited Schools MDE Schools not accredited by NCA CASI Conduct periodic self- assessments to guide and stimulate continuous improvement and participate in professional peer review Conduct periodic self- assessments to guide and stimulate continuous improvement Monitor and assess improvement progress annually (meets EdYes requirement) Monitor and assess improvement progress annually (EdYes) Implement continuous improvement activities (unified MDE/AdvancED web- based template)

16 16 The Power of Knowledge create knowledge shared Human beings have an infinite ability to create knowledge. Add the convenient fact that unlike conventional assets, knowledge grows when it is shared, and you have the two most powerful features, which will change how we manage in the Knowledge Era. Karl-Erik Sveiby Karl-Erik Sveiby

17 17 The Power of One “Strength lies in unity.”

18 18 The Power of Us All Our Partnership is a Gateway to the World…

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