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Economies & Cultures Chapter 18, Lesson 2 P. 530 - 533.

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Presentation on theme: "Economies & Cultures Chapter 18, Lesson 2 P. 530 - 533."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economies & Cultures Chapter 18, Lesson 2 P. 530 - 533

2 Economies of Central & Western Africa Most African countries had traditional economies Colonialism introduced market economies Today, most African countries have market economies

3 Agriculture in Western & Central Africa Most people in this region are subsistence farmers Cash crops - grown only for to sell Sugar cane, coffee, cacao Ivory Coast - world’s largest producer of cacao

4 Ivory Coast – Chocolate Capital of the World

5 African Artisans Some people craft items Examples: iron hoes, leather shoes, art Entertainers & Musicians Musicians act as historians

6 African Minerals Almost every type of mineral in the world can be found in Africa Many Africans mine for a living Diamonds, gold, petroleum, manganese, uranium “Conflict Diamonds” - used to fund wars

7 Conflict Diamonds.... Some diamonds are also known as Blood Diamonds... Watch the YouTube video constructed for a class at USC (University of Southern California).

8 Blood Diamonds – Africa Kimberley Process


10 Ways of Life in Western &Central Africa More than 1,000 languages More Africans are moving to cities Strains traditional African family life and cultures Extended families are typical - very large

11 Social Status Older people have higher status and influence Some age groups have specific responsibilities Men - settle legal disputes, police the village Women - punish behavior that harms women

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