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Sole Proprietorship  A business owned and run by one person  Makes up about 80% of all businesses.

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Presentation on theme: "Sole Proprietorship  A business owned and run by one person  Makes up about 80% of all businesses."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sole Proprietorship  A business owned and run by one person  Makes up about 80% of all businesses

3 Advantages  Easy to get started  Relative ease in managing Quick decision making  Doesn’t have to share any profits  Does not have to pay business income tax

4 Major Weaknesses  Unlimited Liability Owner is personally responsible for all losses & debts  Difficulty in raising financial capital (money)  A minimum # of employees & minimum inventory

5 Sole Proprietorships AdvantagesDisadvantages Easy to open or closeLimited Funds Few RegulationsLimited Life Freedom and controlUnlimited Liability Owner keeps profits


7 What do large corporations offer to attract new hires?  Fringe benefits

8 What happens when the owner dies?  IT DIES

9 Partnership  A business jointly owned by 2 or more people

10 Advantages  Yes  They bring ideas & different areas of expertise

11 Major Disadvantages  Each partner is responsible for the other’s actions  It has limited life  Potential conflict between partners

12 Corporations  A business organization recognized by laws as a separate legal entity  Charter You are creating a legal entity separate from the people who own it! It can sue and be sued!

13 Who owns a corporation?  Stockholders (WE DO!)

14 Two Duties of the Board of Directors  Select a president  Keep shareholders informed

15 Advantages  Ease of raising money  The corporations are fully responsible for its debts & obligations  The business continues to exist even when ownership changes  Selling & buying stock

16 Disadvantages  Very expensive  No  Double, Corporate, Personal  More government regulations

17 work-2014-2D11732356 Awesome Companies to Work For

18 Business Combinations Two reasons why businesses merge:  The desire of a business to become larger  Efficiency

19 Economies of Scale  Cost of production falls as the business gets larger  Buy in bulk  Advertising campaigns  Eliminate competition  Research & development

20 Horizontal Merger  Two or more firms that produce the same kind of product

21 Vertical Merger  When firms involved in different steps of manufacturing come together

22 Conglomerate  A firm that has at least 4 businesses, each making unrelated products GE

23 Philip Morris

24 Multinational  A large corporation with branches in several countries

25 Pros & Cons  Increase tax revenue & creating jobs  Outsourcing jobs DUBAI INC.

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