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Art Masterpiece 3rd Grade Lesson 5 Jackson Pollock.

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Presentation on theme: "Art Masterpiece 3rd Grade Lesson 5 Jackson Pollock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Masterpiece 3rd Grade Lesson 5 Jackson Pollock

2 Jackson Pollock Action Painting Flinging Dripping Pouring Splattering
Born 1912 in Wyoming Painted on canvas by: Flinging Dripping Pouring Splattering Throwing

3 To him the important part of art was HOW he did it
Original Style full of energy & expression To him the important part of art was HOW he did it

4 Abstract Expressionism
Abstract = no recognizable objects Expressionism = feelings and emotions Can you feel the energy in this painting through the movements & colors?

5 Why do you think his artwork is called “Action Painting”?
Besides a brush, what else do you think Pollock painted with? Do you think Pollock planned out his art?

6 “Silver over Black, White, Yellow and Red”, 1948
How does this painting make you feel? What makes you feel that way? Do you think the artist felt that way? How many different colors do you see? How do the colors make you feel? Pick a line in the print-is it possible to follow it through the painting? Hard to tell where it starts, stops or starts again. Do you think Pollock planned out his art? Do you think Pollock used only a brush? What else would he paint with-where does it look that way? Why do you think he called his style of art action painting? “Silver over Black, White, Yellow and Red”, 1948

7 What we will be doing! Take turns action painting on a large canvas
Use different gadgets: bottles paint brushes straws Use different methods: splattering dripping dropping Paint where ever you want – but cover the entire canvas Large Collective Mural Pollock Style Have FUN!!! Process: Tack the drop cloth to the ground in a grassy area. Have the paint ready to go. One color in the bottles, one color for the paintbrushes, one color to be dripped, one for the straws, etc. Student will be excused four at a time (or as a whole class, depending upon the teacher’s discretion) to come out and work on the mural. Have them put on their painting shirts. Assign the students a color. Explain that they will be painting like Jackson Pollock. If necessary, demonstrate how to paint using the different gadgets. Let them paint wherever they choose, but try to cover the canvas evenly. After 5 to 10 minutes (depending on the size of the class), have them finish up and then let the next group of students take their turn. When finished and dried, display the artwork as one large mural. When it is ready to be returned to the students, cut the mural into smaller squares so everyone can have a swatch of it to take home. What we will be doing!

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