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Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day…?

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1 Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day…?

2 Rome? The myth behind - Romulus and Remus
Raised by a wolf then a sheppard Romulus kills Remus 753 B.C City of Rome grew out of a number of settlements that existed around seven hills that were near the River Tiber legend of Romulus and Remus gives the impression that Rome was created very quickly… the truth was very different


4 Timeline of Ancient Rome
Rome founded in 753 BCE -first ruled by kings -Became a republic in 509 BCE -by 275 BCE Rome controlled the entire Italian Penninsula

5 The Etruscans First inhabitants of Northern Italy c. 750 BCE
Conquered Rome around 600 BCE Skilled artisans, farmers and accomplished traders In Rome, the Etruscans dug an enormous ditch (Great Sewer) to create a drained area named the Forum contributed to the rise of Rome and culture First inhabitants of Northern Italy c. 750 BCE Conquered Rome around 600 BCE Burial customs= tombs hollowed out of group or under mounds of dirt Interior of tombs resembled houses of living Skilled artisans, farmers and accomplished traders In Rome, they dug an enormous ditch (Great Sewer) to create a drained area named the Forum which became the heart of Rome (people meet to talk, trade, govern and worship) contributed to the rise of Rome and culture

6 Etruscan Influence on RomAN Culture
artistic styles religious practices and gods clothing Blood sports

7 Etruscan Monarchy First Etruscan King was Romulus
Etruscans expanded power and took control over Romans Last Etruscan King was Tarquin the Proud= expelled by a popular rebellion in 509 BCE Romans did not want to be ruled by kings anymore Paved way for Rome to create a Republic First King was Romulus = based on ancient myth (raised at Palatine aka Seven Hills of Rome and future residence of emperors) -high magistrates of Roman Republic used purple robes and ivory thornes of Etruscan kings (lucumones) -symbol of authority over life an death called fasces (axe bound into a bundle of wooden rods; when magistrates were present, it was carried by an escort of officials known as lictors -Tarquin the Proud= expelled by a popular rebellion in 509 BCE -rebellion had been sparked bc the king’s son Sextus raped a virtuous aristocratic woman named Lucretia, who consequently committed suicide. -

8 Monarchy Rome was first a monarchy
According to tradition, early Rome was ruled by KINGS elected by the people. The king's executive power was conferred by a POPULAR ASSEMBLY made up of all arms-bearing citizens. The king turned for advice to a council of nobles, called the SENATE. Each senator had lifelong tenure and the members of this group and their families constituted the PATRICIAN class. The other class of Romans, the PLEBEIANS (commoners) included small farmers, artisans, and many clients (dependents of patrician landowners). In return for a livelihood, the clients gave their patrician patrons political support in the ASSEMBLY

9 Monarchy to Republic.. In 509 B.C., according to tradition, the PATRICIANS expelled the last Etruscan king and established a REPUBLIC. The power to rule was transferred to two new officials called CONSULS. Elected annually from the patrician class, the consul exercised their power in the interests of that class.

10 Rise of the Plebeians? Although the PATRICIANS controlled the government, they found themselves unable to exist without the plebeians. The PLEBEIANS produced the FOOD and supplied the LABOR that kept the Roman economy going. They also supplied the soldiers for the Roman MILITARY – especially important since Rome was in continual military conflict during the age of the Republic. Talk about how they make up 40 percent of Rome’s population These were people from when they conquered Mediterranea ?

11 Plebeians plea… LOL For more than two centuries following the establishment of the Republic, the plebeians struggled for political and social equality. Outright civil war was averted by the willingness of the patricians to compromise. Much of the plebeians’ success in this struggle was also due to their tactics of collective action and to their having organized a corporate group within the state. The unofficial body was known as the Plebeian council. It was presided over by plebeian officials called Tribunes, whose job was to safeguard the interests of the plebeians and to negotiate with the consuls and the Senate.

12 Success? The advancement of the Plebeians during the early Republic took two main lines: the safeguarding of their Fundamental rights and the progressive enlargement of their share of Political Power

Because the consuls often interpreted Rome's unwritten customary law to suit Patrician interests, the plebeians demanded that it be written down. As a result, about 450 B.C., the law was inscribed on twelve tablets of bronze and set up publicly in the Forum. The law of the Twelve Tablets was the first landmark in the long history of Roman law.

14 The plebeians in time acquired other fundamental rights and safeguards:
They secured the right to APPEAL A DEATH SENTENCE imposed by a consul and to be retried before the popular assembly. The tribunes gained a VETO POWER over any legislation or executive act that threatened the rights of the plebeians. Marriage between patricians and plebeians, prohibited by the Law of the Twelve Tablets, was legalized. The enslavement of citizens for DEBT was abolished

15 Accomplishments ? Little by little, the plebeian class acquired more power in the functioning of government. In 367 B.C., ONE CONSULSHIP was reserved for the plebeians. Before the end of the century, they were eligible to hold other important positions: PRAETOR (in charge of the law courts), QUAESTOR (treasurer), CENSOR (supervisor of public morals and state contracts).

16 Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus 133 BC
Held the office of tribune Founded to protect interest of commoners State owned land in Italy to be distributed among the poor Use revenue from invasion of Asia Proposes idea to the assembly of people instead of Senate He was murdered

17 Growing Power of Generals
vs Allowed Rome to become from republic to empire 82 BC established himself as dictator Lucius Cornelius Sulla 138 – 78 B.C.E. 82 BC Dictator Gaius Marius 157 – 86 B.C.E.

18 Julius Caesar … tomorrow 
Take this time to work with your group members on the board games REMEMBER DEADLINES!!

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