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Roman Republic.

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1 Roman Republic

2 The Roman republic was established in 509 B. C
The Roman republic was established in 509 B.C. and lasted nearly 500 years.

3 Government The Roman government was a republic. In a republic, citizens can choose their leaders.

4 Rome vs. Greece Roman republic
only men with money and property could vote. the wealthy elected representatives to make laws for everyone. Greek democracy all male citizens could vote voted on every law

5 Roman Government Romans did not want one man to make all of the laws, so they decided to balance the power of the government between three branches.

6 They supervised the Senate and ordered the Roman army during wars.
1. The Executive Branch The two leaders of the executive branch, the consuls, were elected for just one year by the upper class They supervised the Senate and ordered the Roman army during wars. Other members of the executive branch were the tax collectors, mayors, city police, and other people in positions of power in cities.

7 2. The Legislative Branch

8 2. The Legislative Branch
The most powerful part of the legislative branch was the Senate.. They could tell the consuls how much money they could spend and on what. These men were appointed by the consuls.

9 3. The Judicial Branch The judicial branch had six judges who were elected every two years. They were in charge of deciding punishments that criminals would receive.

10 Compare to the USA Balance of power
Senate and House of Representatives Consul (= president) Courts

11 Daily Life: Education Primary School
Reading simple letters, phrases from texts & inscriptions Writing w/ erasable wax tablet & stylus Simple math w/ abacus or pebbles (and Roman numerals) Low fees, open to any student, mixed social classes

12 Daily Life: Education Secondary School
Writing w/ parchment & quills for advanced students Latin & Greek for elite students Oratory, poetry, grammar, civic/political training Oratory School/”College” More advanced Typically noble students

13 Daily Life: Education Academic Year Corporal Punishment common
Began March 24 (Feast of Minerva) 7 days/week, except many holidays Sunrise start, followed by lunch, break and more classes Corporal Punishment common Knuckles, ears, hair, posterior all fair targets Pedagogy Oral emphasis Memorization and recitation

14 School Tools

15 Daily Life: Women It was legal for women to own land, run businesses, free slaves, make wills, inherit wealth, and get a paid job. In ancient Rome, only free adult men were citizens. Although women were not citizens of ancient Rome, they enjoyed a great deal more freedom than did women in ancient Greece.

16 Daily life: Games Mancala Oldest board game of all
Race game, trying to get the most stones in your big square

17 Early Roman Beliefs Roman beliefs were similar to ancient Greece. In fact, many of the Roman gods were the same as the Greek gods, just with different names.

18 Early Roman Beliefs King of the Gods/Ruler of the Skies
Greek name is Zeus Married to Juno Symbols: Eagle, Shield, Thunderbolt and Oak Tree

19 Early Roman Beliefs God of Light and Truth, Healing, Archery, and Music Greek name is Apollo Brother of Diana Symbols: Crow, Dolphin, Laurel and Lear

20 Julius Caesar Julius Caesar was a dictator who ruled Rome from 49BCE to 44BCE. He was very popular with the poor in Rome. He played a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.

21 Caesar’s Death Julius Caesar was assassinated by his close friend and other members of the senate. They said they feared he was becoming too powerful and would abuse his power.

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