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Test Automation For Web-Based Applications Portnov Computer School Presenter: Ellie Skobel.

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1 Test Automation For Web-Based Applications Portnov Computer School Presenter: Ellie Skobel

2 2 Day 5 Selenium IDE User Extensions

3 User-Implemented User-Implemented functionality for Selenium.  Done with JavaScript  Accomplished by adding methods to the Selenium object prototype, and the PageBot object prototype  On startup, Selenium will automatically look through methods on these prototypes, using name patterns to recognize which ones are actions, assertions and locators. 3

4  All methods on the Selenium prototype beginning with “do” are added as actions. ◦ doMouseOver ◦ doTypeAllCaps  For each action there is also *AndWait action created automaticly AndWait ◦ doMouseOverAndWait AndWait ◦ doTypeAllCapsAndWait  Action method can take up to two parameters, which will be passed values from the second and third columns 4

5  All get* and is* methods on the Selenium prototype are added as accessors ◦ isAllCaps -> boolean ◦ getNumRows -> value  All get* and is* methods on the Selenium prototype automatically result in the availability of store*, assert*, assertNot*, verify*, verifyNot*, waitFor*, and waitForNot* commands. 5 Added as: storeAllCaps storeNumRows Added as: storeAllCaps storeNumRows getNumRows => storeNumRows assertNumRows assertNotNumRows verifyNumRows verifyNotNumRows waitForNumRows waitForNotNumRows getNumRows => storeNumRows assertNumRows assertNotNumRows verifyNumRows verifyNotNumRows waitForNumRows waitForNotNumRows

6  Define your own assertions as assert* methods ◦ assertAllCaps  Will auto-generate “verify” and “waitFor” commands ◦ verifyAllCaps ◦ waitForAllCaps  An assert method can take up to 2 parameters, which will be passed the values of the second and third columns 6

7 1. Create your user extension and save it as filename.js 2. Open Firefox and open Selenium-IDE. 3. Select Options>Options>General tab 4. Next to Selenium Core Extensions input field click on Browse button and find the filename.js file. Click on OK. (Your user-extension will not yet be loaded, you must close and restart Selenium-IDE) 5. In your empty test, create a new command, your user-extension should now be an options in the Commands dropdown. 7

8  Copy the text from the following location: ◦  Paste the text into a new file and save it as "goto_sel_ide.js" 8

9 9 Open Firefox Open Selenium IDE Select Options>Options Click Browse and add the goto_sel_ide.js file

10 Restart Selenium IDE! 10 Your user-extension should now be an options in the Commands dropdown

11  Extends Selenium IDE to allows flow control.  Consists of following user defined commands: ◦ label ◦ gotolabel ◦ goto ◦ gotoIf ◦ while ◦ endWhile 11 Plus auto-generated commands such as: gotoAndWait, endWhileAndWait, gotoIfAndWait, … Plus auto-generated commands such as: gotoAndWait, endWhileAndWait, gotoIfAndWait, …

12  label – starting point for the goto command  gotolabel - performs an unconditional jump Skips any number of rows up or down in the script, to the location of the “label”  goto – is the same as gotolabel command 12 Lines skipped

13  label – starting point for the gotoIf command  gotoIf – performs a jump if javascript expression evaluated as true Takes 2 parameters: 1.javascript expression 2.label to jump to if javascript expression evaluated as true 13 Lines skipped Lines skipped

14  while – marks the beginning of the while loop. Cycles through all lines of code sandwiched between itself and endWhile command Takes 1 parameter: javascript expression  endWhile – marks the end of the while loop 14

15 Copy the following code into Source View of Selenium IDE store 10 x gotolabel target1 getEval alert("This should no appear!"); label target1 store 14 y gotoIf ${y} > ${x} target2 getEval alert("This should not appear either!"); label target2 while storedVars['x']<=storedVars['y'] getEval storedVars['x'] = ${x} +1; echo ${x} endWhile getEval alert("Finished") 15

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