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Year 5 and 6 Information Evening. This half term I am learning…

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Presentation on theme: "Year 5 and 6 Information Evening. This half term I am learning…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 5 and 6 Information Evening

2 This half term I am learning…

3 Numeracy & Literacy Numeracy – Group children by ability Literacy – Mixed ability with class teacher

4 Reading Writing Spelling Comprehension Read a wide variety of reading material for a minimum of 15 – 20 minutes a day. Reading record should be signed and dated by a parent. You can also leave a comment if you wish, but this isn’t necessary.

5 Times Tables Practised at home on a daily basis. Many numeracy topics taught in school require this knowledge.

6 Spellings Grouped according to an assessment test. Focus on key spelling patterns. Practised at home on a daily basis. Children will be given new spellings on Friday and will be tested on a Friday.

7 Homework Across Upper Key Stage 2 literacy and numeracy homework will be given on alternate weeks. Homework will be given out on a Friday and is due in on the following Friday. Homework will always be related to the previous learning objectives Is there to consolidate learning Ongoing Learning Logs – Topic is related to curriculum area. Should be neatly presented Handed in on time

8 PE Mrs Speakman’s Class – Tuesday and Friday Miss Darkin’s Class – Thursday and Friday Miss Hughes’ Class – Thursday and Friday

9 Responsibility Answering phones at lunchtime Giving out the registers Giving out the fruit to KS1 School Council members Eco-committee Differing classroom roles

10 SATs In Year 6 children do their SATs Children prepare for these tests throughout the year Year 6 pupils are provided with a broad and balanced curriculum. Appropriate intervention is provided for some children All year 6 pupils will be offered differentiated booster classes after Christmas SATs meeting will be provided for all Y6 parents/carers in Spring Term 1

11 Any questions?

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