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Published byHarold Evans Modified over 9 years ago
1 Support Provider Workshop #3 2008-09 East Bay BTSA Induction Consortium
2 Session Outcomes Overview of Inquiry Module Developing the IIP Steps in the Inquiry Process Updating the IIP and Inquiry Question Revisiting the Assessment Toolbox Demonstration Sample Schedule
3 33 Inquiry Focus and Number /Year Program Level Decision CONTEXT FOR TEACHING Class, School, District, and Community Conversation Guides INITIAL ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING PRACTICE Teacher Preparation Information CA Standards for the Teaching Profession and Induction Standards-Based Informal Classroom Observation Assessment Toolbox / Reflective Conversation Selection of Focus for Induction Standards Program Level Decision Use of Summary of Teaching Practice In Year 1 Program Level Decision SUMMARY OF TEACHING PRACTICE Reflection on Teaching, Student and Personal Growth Future Considerations for Study FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR CALIFORNIA TEACHERS (FACT) Return to Context for Teaching and Initial Assessment INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection IIPIIP
4 Inquiry What: An inquiry is a structured series of teaching activities in which a teacher explores a specific aspect of teaching practice.
5 Inquiry Why: Can serve as an analysis of current practice, investigation of new strategies, and application of new learning, to ultimately improve classroom practice and student achievement. Lead to autonomous, self-reflective practitioners who continue to grow and improve throughout their career.
6 Inquiry How An Inquiry provides the participating teacher with an opportunity to: Gather information about their practice Identify an area of focus/goal Research information related to the goal Develop and implement an action plan Reflect on collected evidence Apply new learning to future practice
7 IIP Action Plan (Steps/Results) PD/Research Professional Developmen t Bookmark Lesson Plan Observation Lesson Study Book Study Internet Workshop
8 Importance of the IIP Significant in guiding the work in semester 2 Identifies professional development Revisited frequently and adjusted as learning occurs Used as a recording tool to document results Used to reflect on learning
99 Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection IIPIIP Step Two Documents: IIP Cells 5-8 Step Two: Action Plan Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template
10 IIPIIP INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection Step Four Documents: Review: C2, C4, C5 C6: Observation Record Standard 5/6 Observation C7: Student Work Analysis IIP: Cells 5-8 Step Four: Observation Step Six Documents: E-2.1 CSTP Self Assessment E-2.2 Std. 5/6 Self-Assessment E-3 Reflective Conversation IIP Cells 1-10 Step Six: Reflection and Application Step Five Documents: C8: Summative Assessment Step Five: Summative Assessment
11 Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection IIPIIP Handout Pg. 5 Blank Practice IIP on Pg. 18
12 Year One = Equity Year Two = Special Populations From Initial Assessment What the PT wants to learn Pre/Post assessment data- what students achieve PD 2 hr. Handout Pg. 5
13 Connecting Big Picture to IIP (C-1) Cells 1 – 4: “Plan” phase Determine a Focus question Identify CSTP elements to be addressed Anticipate outcomes for student learning Cells 5 – 8: “Plan/Teach” phase Document research and create an action plan Apply the learning to classroom practice Determine results Cell 9: “Reflect” phase Reflect on the teaching plan, student work, and observation results Examine the impact on student achievement Cell 10: “Apply” phase Describe the application to future practice Consider implications for a future focus question
14 Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection IIPIIP Year One Focus Area: Pedagogy and Equity Year Two Focus Area: Pedagogy and Special Populations Early Completion: Two Inquiries to complete New Year Two: Specific to their needs Pedagogy and Equity ELL and Special Populations
15 Preparing to Complete Cell 1: Review evidence collected during Modules A and B: Context for Teaching Initial Assessment Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus
16 What might a participating teacher identify as an area of focus in Cell-1 on the IIP (C-1)? Write a focus area on your practice IIP Share out group examples Cell 1 Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus
17 With a partner, review sample focus questions → What are the characteristics of a well written focus question? Possible Answers: Question is narrow enough to measure results Question is broad enough to last at least 2 months Question is directly related to the Focus Area in Cell 1 Cell 2 Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus Handout pg. 7-8
18 The CSTP questions may be used to help write a strong focus question for Inquiry. Refer to the questions located on pages 24-29 in the CSTP booklet. Discuss: How might these questions be used to assist in the development of an Inquiry focus question? Cell 2 Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus
19 With a partner: Read the sample focus questions Use a (+) for a strong focus question. Use a (–) for a weak focus question. Discuss how the weak questions could be rewritten as stronger focus questions. Cell 2 Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus
20 Note: Focus questions need to be deep enough to sustain a 6-8 week investigation. Questions with a “yes” or “no” answer will not work. Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus
21 Individual Induction Plan Cells 1-4 Samples Cell 1: Students constantly ask me, “How can I get an A?”, “How am I doing?” (Focus Area, Assessment) Cell 2: How do I help all students to understand and monitor their own learning goals? (Focus Question) Cell 3: CSTP 5.2- Involving and guiding all students in assessing their own learning (CSTP element) Cell 4: Students will have rubrics and documentation of their progress in the class. Students will be able to establish learning goals for improvement. (Measurable Student Outcomes)
22 Individual Induction Plan Cells 2-4 Practice Using the practice IIP, review your Area of Focus (Cell1) and write a strong Focus Question (Cell 2). Using your Focus Question, identify all CSTP Elements (Cell 3) that will be addressed during the course of the Inquiry. Using your practice IIP, review cells 1 - 3, and identify appropriate Outcomes for Student Learning (Cell 4). Review team/individual IIPs. Verify a connection between Cells 1-4. Identify anything you might change.
23 Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection IIPIIP Step Two Documents: IIP Cells 5-8 Step Two: Action Plan
24 Read and highlight the key points in the Step 2 directions: Developing an Action Plan. Talk to your partner about the purpose of Step 2. Partners share key points, questions, or concerns with the group. Step Two Documents: IIP Cells 5-8 Step Two: Action Plan User’s Guide Pg. 36
25 (Cell 5) Dates Action Taken (Cell 6) Research conducted “Steps taken to gain new knowledge:” Consulting Colleagues Observing Classrooms Professional Journals Internet Research (Cell 7) Application Record how the new knowledge was implemented (state each action taken). Step Two Documents: IIP Cells 5-8 Step Two: Action Plan
26 Professional Development Review the criteria for PD and suggested options Review the PD Rationale PTs will need to complete a PD Rationale and submit it as part of their Inquiry folder in May Handout Pg. 9-10
27 Review IIP Cell 8 Continue using the practice IIP to record specific examples of (possible) classroom changes, as a result of implementation of new knowledge Example: (Cell 8) “95% of my students are able to establish and articulate their progress on a daily basis, using student grade logs and rubrics for self- assessment.” Step Two Documents: IIP Cells 5-8 Step Two: Action Plan
28 Review Activity: Stand and find a partner from another table Using the practice IIP, C-1: Partner X shares the purpose of Cells 1-4 Partner Y shares the purpose of Cells 5-8 Step Two Documents: IIP Cells 5-8 Step Two: Action Plan
29 Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection IIPIIP Step Two Documents: IIP Cells 5-8 Step Two: Action Plan Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template
30 Review Essential Components for Instruction (C-2) Discuss which components (boxes 1-14) may be connected with the Induction Standards and/or focus questions documented on the IIP? Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template Artifact Pkt.
31 Review Lorey’s Artifact – Essential Components for Instruction (C-2) What clarifying questions would you ask Lorey? What connections are you able to make between the IIP (C-1) and Essential Components for Instruction (C-2)? Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template Artifact Pkt.
32 What is the purpose of an Entry-Level Assessment? How is an Entry-Level Assessment diagnostic? What can be most challenging about an Entry-Level Assessment? Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template
33 Sort student work into 2 levels of performance: 1. basic / proficient or advanced 2. below basic / far below basic Divide the 2 levels of performance into: 1. far below basic 2. below basic 3. basic 4. proficient or advanced Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template
34 Based on the results of this assessment, describe the conversation you would have with Lorey before she begins her lesson series. Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template Artifact Pkt.
35 Note: Select 1 English Learner Select 1 Special Population student (IEP, RSP, 504, GATE,...) Select 1 Focus Student of Choice (Should complete the range of abilities in the classroom not represented by EL or Special Populations) Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template Artifact Pkt.
36 “How has focus student selection (C-4) helped Lorey to shift from a focus on teaching to a focus on learning?” Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template Artifact Pkt.
37 The Lesson Plan Template (C-5) includes these essential components: Introduction Direct Instruction Modeled Instruction Guided Practice / Checking For Understanding Independent Practice Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template Artifact Pkt.
38 Criteria for Lesson Series Same content area for all lessons Cover 6-8 week timeframe Beginning, middle, end Allow for application of learning from professional development in Action Plan One lesson must include use of technology PT Submits 5 lessons for review
39 What questions or clarifications would you want to discuss with Lorey, based on her plan? Why are Guided Practice and Checking for Understanding such critical components? Discuss examples of various techniques to check for understanding (monitoring assessments). Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template Artifact Pkt.
40 IIPIIP INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection Step Four Documents: Review: C2, C4, C5 C6: Observation Record Standard 5/6 Observation C7: Student Work Analysis IIP: Cells 5-8 Step Four: Observation Step Six Documents: E-2.1 CSTP Self Assessment E-2.2 Std. 5/6 Self-Assessment E-3 Reflective Conversation IIP Cells 1-10 Step Six: Reflection and Application Step Five Documents: C8: Summative Assessment Step Five: Summative Assessment
41 Review (C-6, Parts 1 & 2) Identify the information to be completed prior to the observation, including: Participating Teacher Name Date of Observation Support Provider Name Content Standard to be Observed Focus Question and related CSTP Induction Standard and Focus Step Four Documents: Review: C2, C4, C5 C6: Observation Record Standard 5/6 Observation C7: Student Work Analysis IIP: Cells 508 Step Four: Observation Artifact Pkt.
42 Step Four Documents: Review: C2, C4, C5 C6: Observation Record Standard 5/6 Observation C7: Student Work Analysis IIP: Cells 508 Step Four: Observation Additional Observation Records Review and discuss: C-6a – Equity Observation Record* C-6b – ELL Observation Record* C-6c – Special Populations Observation Record* *Available on Handout Pg.11-16
43 Sample Inquiry Schedule Review the sample schedule What questions do you have about the Inquiry module? Handout Pg. 17
44 What Else? Complete Mid Year Review online – Support Provider tab Preparation for Mid Year checks Preparation for Dist. #2 – PRINT Turn in Monthly Accountability Logs Session Evaluation
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