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Countryside Elementary School Site Council Meeting Tuesday, September 13, 2011 Agenda: Review by-laws Officers Call to public Adjourn Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Countryside Elementary School Site Council Meeting Tuesday, September 13, 2011 Agenda: Review by-laws Officers Call to public Adjourn Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Countryside Elementary School Site Council Meeting Tuesday, September 13, 2011 Agenda: Review by-laws Officers Call to public Adjourn Meeting

2 The Law Arizona Revised Statute Title 15-351 “The purpose of this section is to ensure that individuals who are affected by the outcome of a decision at the school site have an opportunity to provide input into the decision making process.”

3 The Law The membership of the site council shall reflect the composition of the community and shall include: – Parents (not employed with the district) – Teachers – Noncertified employees – Community members

4 The Law A.R.S. 15-351 -The principal shall serve as the chairperson of the site council unless another person is elected by a majority of the school council membership. A.R.S. 15-102 -A plan for parent participation that will improve cooperation in the areas of homework, attendance and discipline.

5 More Law A.R.S. 38-431.01 – Meeting minutes Date, time and place Attendance General agenda Specific description of legal action proposed, discussed and taken Be available for public inspection

6 More Law Meetings should only be held with at least 24 hours notice to the council members. If regularly scheduled, notice can be posted at the beginning of the specified period. Meeting notice must describe how to obtain a copy of the agenda for the meeting.

7 More Law Agendas – Must be available to the public at least 24 hours prior to the meeting – Must list specific matters to be discussed – Only matters listed on the agenda can be discussed or open for action – Summary of current events without the specifics of the summary being listed. “Summary,” however, does need to be listed on the agenda. – No discussion or action can be taken on “summary” items.

8 Dysart Policy Membership – Three parents of enrolled students – Three teachers – One noncertified employee – Two community members – Principal Once formed the council can adopt written procedures to specify the number of members and the method for selection. Principal will serve as chairperson unless another chair is elected by the majority of the members.

9 Dysart Policy Purpose is to, “involve all constituencies in fulfilling the mission and beliefs of the District.” Make decisions based on what is best for students and what is fiscally responsible. – Avoid – Finger pointing – Motive guessing – “Parking lot” problem solving – Personal agendas

10 Dysart Policy Council Responsibilities – To be an advisory to the school – To be representative of the school community – To review data and research – To make recommendations for school improvement – To provide input into school decisions

11 Dysart Policy Common characteristics of effective schools – Safe and orderly environment – Climate of high expectations for success – Instructional Leadership – Clear and Focused Mission – Maximize student “time on task” – Monitor student progress – Strong home/school relationships

12 TO DO LIST Establish the council members – Membership chart Approve By-Laws Establish agenda configuration Establish minutes

13 Agenda Configuration Suggestions at the conclusion of each site council meeting Suggestions through “call to public” Suggestions made to site council chair person Standing agenda “summary” items – Principal’s Report (CIP, Budget, Safety)

14 Video

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