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Published byImogene McKinney Modified over 9 years ago
Fees Kim Martorano Training Specialist, CIC
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Agenda Fees Logic Fees Admin Setting up Fees Fee Maximums Fees Wizard Posting Course Fees Student Information New Fee Assignments New Fee Payments Auto Pay Fee Adjustments
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Agenda Student Information Deposits Surplus Refunds Voiding Assignments, Payments or Adjustments Fees Reports Fee Audit Fee Billing Batch Fee Receivable Summary Q & A
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Fees Logic The fees tab lists all transactions that have been assigned to a person, including all payments, adjustments, total still owed and existing surplus. If a person has reached the maximum fee amount established by the school and / or district, it will be indicated. Fees are assigned to a person and are not dependent on an enrollment. Therefore, the fees listed for a person can include fees assigned by other schools. This functionality is new in the E1114 release of Campus. In prior versions of Campus, fees were tied to Calendars, so outstanding fees for students from previous years were not included in Fee Balance figures.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Fees Admin – Setting up Fees Fees entered in the Fees module can be selected and assigned to individuals, allowing payments and adjustment information to be easily and accurately tracked.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Fees Admin – Setting up Fees Fees are usually created and maintained by each school independently, however, there may be fees that are entered and maintained by the district. School Fee District Fee
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Fees Admin – Setting up Fees With the E1114 release, fees can be made active or inactive using the Active checkbox. Active fees will display in black font in the fee list while inactive fees display in red at the bottom of the list. Fees may only be deleted if the Fee has not been assigned to anyone at any time.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Fees Admin – Anatomy of a Fee Name is required and will appear in student Fees Tab and Reports. Unless the Fee is Variable, an Amount should be entered in standard dollars/cents format. If fee amounts are changed on existing fees, the new amount will only apply to fees assigned after the change is made and will not affect existing fee assignments. A School should be selected unless the fee applies to All Schools. Fees may be assigned an Account Number. This allows for tracking of funds for auditing purposes. Description is optional, but can be used in Ad hoc and other reports. Type should be selected from the drop down menu.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Fees Admin – Anatomy of a Fee If the fee should not count toward the student or household Maximum, mark the Exempted from Fee Maximums checkbox. If the fee amount could vary depending on the grade level, number of students in the school and/or economic eligibility, mark the Variable Rate checkbox. If the fee should only be applied to the students once during their enrollment at the school, mark the Assessed Only Once checkbox. New fees will default to Active. If the fee should not be active, deselect this option.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Fees Admin – Fee Maximums The Fee Maximum tool can be used to set a cap on the amount of fees a family must pay. This maximum can be set for the entire household or for each student. With the E1114 release, if Household fee maximums are set, a message will appear on the student fee tab with a link to the Household Fees module.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Fees Admin – Fees Wizard The Fees Wizard may be used to create or void fee assignments or mark them as uncollectible. The Fees Wizard will only assign fees to individuals with Enrollments. Fees with a asterisk (*) after the amount are variable, and the value in the amount box can be changed if desired.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Fees Admin – Fees Wizard Fees Wizard Modes Create Fee Assignments Running the Fees Wizard to create fee assignments will assign the selected fee(s) to the indicated students. Void Fee Assignments Running the Fees Wizard to void fee assignments will cancel fee assignments for the selected fee(s) for the indicated students. When voiding fee assignments, users must enter or select a Void Date and Void Reason. Mark Fee Assignments Uncollectible (new in E1114) Marking a fee as uncollectible adjusts the balance owed for that fee to $0. Voiding a fee would cause any amount already paid to convert to a surplus, whereas the process of marking as uncollectible functions as an adjustment. No additional date information is needed when marking fees uncollectible.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Fees Admin – Posting Course Fees The Post Course Fees Wizard will add any fees assigned to a course to a student’s Fees tab. The student must be actively enrolled for fees to be assigned. In order to run the Post Course Fees wizard to create a fee assignment, the fee must already be attached to the fees tab of a course. The number of days field is used to indicate the number of days a students must have been enrolled in a course to be eligibility for a fee assignment. For example, if a value of 5 is entered, students who withdrew after 4 days will not be charged the fee.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – Fees Tab With the E1114 release, the fees tab now shows student fees for all Calendars, Schools and Years. Filters allow the end user to view the fees for a single calendar or year, or for All Years.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – Fees Tab The Description area provides different types of information. In the gray rows you’ll see a description of the fee, as entered when setting up fees in System Administration. The white rows indicate what kind of transaction was performed. Information about individual fees can be expanded and collapsed by clicking the + or – sign next to the Fee Description.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – Fees Tab The due date indicates when payment should have been received. If a due date has passed and the fee has not yet been paid, the due date will appear in red.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – Fees Tab Type For gray rows, the Type column includes the category of the fee. For white rows, Type indicates where the Payment was made. The date column indicates when payments or adjustments took place. Exempt will indicate that the fee is considered exempt and does not need to be paid. Exempt fees will have a checkmark in this field. If the Student or Household maximum has been reached, this column will read ‘Max Met’.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – Fees Tab The Debit, Credit and Balance columns show the original fee amount (Debit), any payments or adjustments that have been made to fees (Credit), and the amount remaining to be paid for each existing fee (Balance).
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – Fees Tab Subtotals appear at the bottom of the fees Editor, including the total Debit assessed, Credit deducted, and Balance remaining. Surplus balance is new in E1114. If more has been paid than has been charged, a positive value will appear here as a link in blue text, indicating the surplus amount available to be applied to later fees. Even after Surplus money has been applied to other fees or refunded, the Surplus amount link of $0 will be displayed to allow the user to see deposit and withdrawal details. Total Due (All Years) is also new in E1114. This will total all unpaid fees from previous years, as well as unpaid fees from current and upcoming years.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – New Fee Assignments The calendar selected in the Campus Toolbar will control what year a fee will be assigned to, regardless of the current date or the year selected in the Filter By option.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – New Fee Assignments Creating new Fee Select New Fee Assignment Enter the Fee Type If applicable enter the fee amount – only fees set up as ‘Variable’ will require adjustment to this field Enter the Due Date for the fee If the student will not be responsible for payment of the Fee, select the Exempt Checkbox Enter any Comments regarding the fee for use in reports
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – New Fee Payments To make a payment on a fee, click the checkbox next to the fee for which a payment should be made. A single payment can satisfy multiple fees by selecting multiple checkboxes. If any part of a fee has not been paid, marking a checkbox for a fee will enable the Make a Payment button at the top of the editor.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – New Fee Payments Enter the Amount of the payment. Clicking Pay All will populate this field with the amount of the fee remaining to be paid. The Payment Amount fields allow the user to set the amount paid for each fee, which is not to exceed the Fee Assignment amount. When values are entered in these fields, the main Amount field will be populated with a sum of these fields. If more than the amount of the fees selected is paid, the extra amount will become a Surplus
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – New Fee Payments Auto Pay - Districts have the option of setting fees to automatically pay from a surplus, if one exists. This option is set in System Administration > Preferences > System Preferences > Autopay Fees with Surplus Balance. When the Autopay Fees with Surplus Balance option is enabled, a note will appear when a new fee assignment is created, indicating that the fee will be paid up to the full balance of the surplus.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – Fee Adjustments Fee adjustments are used to modify the amount due for a fee. Adjustments can only be made for one fee at a time. Fee adjustments may only be made for the remaining balance for that fee. Marking the checkbox next to a fee enables the Make Adjustment button. The Subtracted Amount cannot exceed the remaining amount of the fee.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – Deposits Deposits create a surplus that can be applied to future fee assignments, and can only be made if there is no fee amount remaining to be paid or if a Surplus already exists. If there are outstanding fees to be paid, the Make Deposit button will be disabled. If unpaid fees remain, a payment should be made rather than a deposit.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information - Surplus New in E1114 is the ability to track a Surplus for students. Any amount paid which exceeds the amount owed will become a Surplus, and Surplus Balance appears at the bottom of the Fees Editor in blue text, above the Total Due. Clicking on the blue Surplus value will open a Deposit and Withdrawal Detail window listing all transactions performed with surplus funds.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information - Refunds Below the transaction list in the Surplus editor appears a "Refund Balance" link which, once clicked, opens an additional refund section of the Deposit and Withdrawal Detail window. To refund all or part of a Surplus, enter a Refund Amount, a Transaction Date, any Comments associated with the refund and click Refund Balance. The refund amount will be subtracted from the surplus total.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – Voiding Transactions Fee Assignments, Payments and Adjustments cannot be deleted. Instead, they are voided, which reverses the transaction. Deposits cannot be voided, only Refunded. Fees paid online must be voided in the Finance module of Campus. Voiding a fee assignment will also void all payments and adjustments attached to the assignment. Any payment amounts associated with a voided fee assignment will be added to the Student Surplus total.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Student Information – Voiding Transactions When voiding a Payment, indicate the Payment Void Type. "Void payment to this fee and create deposit" will void the selected payment only and create a surplus with the amount paid. "Void payments to all fee assignments paid with this fee payment" will void the selected payment and any other payments made in the same transaction.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Reports – Fees Report The fees report can be printed from the Student’s fees tab, by clicking on the ‘Print’ button.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Reports – Fee Audit The Fee Audit report functions similarly to a wizard to provide a summary of the various transactions and records related to student fees.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Reports – Fee Audit Assignments Mode collects information about fee assignments based on the options selected in the wizard. Current Unbalanced Fee Assignments – will include all fees that have not yet been fully paid Current Balanced Fee Assignments – will include all fees that have been paid in full Current Overdue Fee Assignments - will include any fees for which the due date has passed and any balance remains to be paid Voided Fee Assignments - will include all fee assignments which have been voided for the indicated students and calendar(s). Users have the option of limiting results by entering a date range, which will cause only void records created within the indicated dates to be included.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Reports – Fee Audit Adjustments Mode collects information about adjustments made to fee assignments based on the options selected in the Wizard. This report can be run for All Fee Adjustments, Voided Fee Adjustments or Uncollectable Fee Adjustments. Payments Mode collects information about payments made to fee assignments based on the options selected in the wizard. Surplus mode collects information about any existing surplus balances carried by users.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Reports – Fee Billing Batch Fee Billing Batch - The Fee Billing Batch report, also called the Batch Fee Billing Statement report, builds a billing statement for each student, person or household selected in the report. This report will only list unpaid fees or individuals or households with a balance due. The Fee Billing Batch can only be run for one school at a time. A school and calendar must be selected in the Campus Toolbar for the report editor to appear. Only individuals with a valid mailing address, and a valid relationship marked in Census > People > Relationships will receive a report. For Student and Household report types, who appears in the report is dependent on the Grade or pre-made Ad hoc Filter selected in the report editor. When Person type is selected, only the Ad hoc Filter option appears for selecting which individuals to include.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Reports – Fee Billing Batch For Student and Household report types, who appears in the report is dependent on the Grade or pre-made Ad hoc Filter selected in the report editor. When Person type is selected, only the Ad hoc Filter option appears for selecting which individuals to include.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Reports – Fee Receivable Summary The Fee Receivable Summary report displays all assigned fees, past payment dates and upcoming payment due dates. Information pulled in this report comes from the Fees tab. A School and Calendar must be selected to run this report. All active fees will appear for selection in the list of fees to include on the report. To narrow the scope of the report, select which fee(s) should appear in the report. Report results can be narrowed to fees due within a specified date range. If only a From date is entered, fees due on or after the date will appear in the report. If only a To date is entered, fees due on or before the date will report. Entering both dates will pull fees due within that date range and leaving both fields blank will report fees regardless of whether or not they have a due date.
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Reports – Fee Receivable Summary
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Review Fees Logic Fees Admin Setting up Fees Fee Maximums Fees Wizard Posting Course Fees Student Information New Fee Assignments New Fee Payments Auto Pay Fee Adjustments
REPRODUCTION OR QUOTATION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright ® 2011 Computer Information Concepts, Inc. Review Student Information Deposits Surplus Refunds Voiding Assignments, Payments or Adjustments Fees Reports Fee Audit Fee Billing Batch Fee Receivable Summary
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