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1 FORESTRY 2008/09 ANNUAL REPORT Presented by Dr M.P. Rampedi Department: Water Affairs (DWA) 14 October 2009 1.

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Presentation on theme: "1 FORESTRY 2008/09 ANNUAL REPORT Presented by Dr M.P. Rampedi Department: Water Affairs (DWA) 14 October 2009 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 FORESTRY 2008/09 ANNUAL REPORT Presented by Dr M.P. Rampedi Department: Water Affairs (DWA) 14 October 2009 1

2 2 Presentation Outline Key Performance Performance Information Future Performance Linkage of current targets with Government Overalls Aims 2

3 3 KEY HIGHLIGHTS Cabinet approved re-commissioning of 22 400 ha plantation forestry area in Western Cape. These areas were originally destined for exit and conversion to other land uses Cabinet approved the formalisation of the in situ human settlement in Dukuduku and the Minister de-proclaimed the area required for the establishment of the residential area Draft Forestry 2030 Roadmap developed in consultation with sector - roadmap or blueprint for effective and sustainable development of all forestry resources Million Trees Programme – 1 850 000 trees planted nationally during 2008/09 Minister signed a head lease agreement with the KwaMbonambi community in KwaZulu-Natal during this reporting period. This milestone will enable the payment of rental money to the land reform beneficiaries The Department successfully co-hosted the Forest Governance and Decentralisation in Africa Workshop, with the Swiss government. The workshop was a country-led initiative in support of the United Nations Forum on Forests 3

4 4 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication National Forest Programme (NFP) developed, consulted and implementation initiated NFP developed, consulted with stakeholders including sector strategies by February 2009 NFP developed Development of strategies on 2 priority areas; Forestry SMME development & Integrated Forest Protection initiated National Industrial Policy Forestry Action Plan (NIPFAP) on paper, pulp and furniture implemented by March 2009 NIPFAP implemented – constrained by water licensing process Grower maps developed for Eastern Cape and KwaZulu- Natal Grant framework agreed with IDC 4

5 5 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication National Forest Programme (NFP) developed, consulted and implementation initiated Institutions & resources as defined in BBBEE Charter in place by June 2008 Forest Sector Charter signed in May 2008 Forestry BBBEE Charter Council established & CEO appointed Programme Manager for Forest Charter Implementation Unit appointed Draft MoA between DWAF, DoA, DLA and DEAT for streamlining afforestation licenses developed 5

6 6 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication National Forest Programme (NFP) developed, consulted and implementation initiated Afforestation target: 10 000 ha planted by March 2009 Not achieved – licenses issued for 413 hectares (all communal land) Studies for potential afforestation finalized for KZN, Mpumalanga and Limpopo (reports available) Nine FED projects established / supported by March 2009 Mpumalanga – 2 projects (Salique& Inyaka) KZN – 1 project (Amandlemvelo) NC – 1 project (Galeshewe Nursery) Gauteng – 1 project (KhulaNathi Greening Cooperative) 6

7 7 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication National Forest Programme (NFP) developed, consulted and implementation initiated Eighteen (18) Forestry Livelihoods projects initiated across South Africa by March 2009 3 projects initiated & supported by Western Cape & Gauteng (Ekurhuleni) 2 nursery projects in Mpumalanga assessed Draft discussion papers developed on use of fuel wood & medicinal plants Administration of the National Forests Act, 1998 and the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 National list of protected tree species updated, gazetted & enforced by March 2009 National list of Champion Trees revised, updated, gazetted and published in newspapers National list of protected tree species revised, published in newspaper and aired on radio 7

8 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication Administration of the National Forests Act, 1998 and the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 Gazette NFA Regulations by August 2008 Final regulations signed by Minister for publication in Government Gazette Initiate implementation of outcomes of enforcement and compliance unit study by March 2009 Feasibility study regarding establishment of Enforcement Unit conducted; the framework for the establishment is ready for implementation 8

9 9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication Administration of the National Forests Act, 1998 and the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 Revision & amendment of forestry tariffs for 2009/10 by February 2009 National Treasury consulted; new tariffs approved (tariffs not applied, intervention by the responsible Minister DAFF) Proclamations for conservation areas under NFA reviewed & implemented by March 2009 Review process initiated 9

10 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication Administration of the National Forests Act, 1998 and the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 Upgraded National Veld Fire Information System (NVFIS) implemented by December 2008 NVFIS to be re-designed and be integrated with Fire Protection Association Registration Management System (FPARMS) Manual reporting format developed & available on website National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) implemented Continuation of the Prototype Development with the South African Weather Service on track Alignment of McArthur (Australian) system to SA needs investigated 10

11 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication Administration of the National Forests Act, 1998 and the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 25 Fire Protection Associations (FPAs) registered in terms of the NVFFA by March 2009 38 FPAs registering covering an area of 7 million hectares (35 in high – extreme fire risk areas & 3 in low to medium fire risk areas) Fire Protection Association Registration Management System (FPARMS) operational by March 2009 NFVIS & FPARMS to be combined. Work initiated 11

12 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication Sustainable Forest Management implemented on commercial and indigenous forests National Certification System for Sustainable Forest Management developed by March 2009 Draft set of national standards developed, refined and presented to Certification Bodies for evaluation Minimum of 9 audits done on plantations & indigenous forests by March 2009 9 audits on plantations & indigenous forests done 12

13 13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication Sustainable Forest Management implemented on commercial and indigenous forests Principles, Criteria, Indicators and Standards (PCIS) manual revised & implemented by March 2009 PCIS Manual revised and approved by the Forestry Functional Management Committee 13

14 14 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Transformation of the state and society & Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication Effective communication & positive stakeholder relationship 4 Forestry campaigns Successful Eduplant workshop and campaign in collaboration with the stakeholders Successful Arbor Week events & Arbor City Awards 134 Arbor Week events nationally – 3 Ministerial events Draft promotional strategy for Raising the Profile of Forestry developed 2 school based greening & 2 RDP areas greening projects supported FireWise campaign delivered in summer rainfall areas 14

15 15 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Transformation of the state and society & Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication Implementatio n of Forestry Capacity Development Strategy Strategy implemented within 3 spheres of the forestry sector by March 2009 Skills development Facilitator training attended by Forest Functional Training Committee members NFA Foundation course conducted in EC, WC & KZN (60 officials attended) Forest Officer Course conducted in the NW, Limpopo & Free State (48 officials trained) Introduction to Forestry GIS conducted in all Regions (69 officials trained) NVFFA presented to Graduate Trainees 15

16 16 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Transformation of the state and society & Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication Support ABET, Learnership implementation & skills program roll- out 600 ABET learners registered in Forestry branch by March 2009 490 regional forestry staff enrolled in ABET 250 learnerships enrolled by March 2009 Enrolment postponed to September 2009 300 persons participated in Skills programmes by March 2009 120 Forestry officials participated in skills programmes 16

17 17 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Strategic objective OutputTargetActual achievements Transformation of the state and society & Economic Growth, social development and poverty eradication Skills development strategy developed for Forestry sector Compliance with BBBEE Charter skills development mandates Review of Forestry sector skills development strategy initiated Action plan developed by the Sector stakeholders during the Forestry Sector Skills Development Forum Training at tertiary institutions aligned with Forestry sector needs 5 MoUs concluded with Forestry Academic Institutions MoUs concluded with Forestry institutions through the Water and Forestry Learning Academy 17

18 18 FUTURE PERFORMANCE KEY PRIORITY AREAS: 1.STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Sustainable resource management and use  Ensure the sustainable management of all natural forests, woodlands and plantations through the implementation of the National Forests Act, 1998  Reduce incidents of veld, forest and mountain fires through the implementation of the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 2.STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Strengthen skills and human resource base  Improve the contribution of the Forest sector to skills development in order to address development and growth of the sector 3.STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Speeding up growth and transforming the economy to create decent work and sustainable livelihoods  Accelerate the transformation and growth of the forestry sector in line with the targets of the Forestry sector BBBEE Charter  Enhance awareness raising and information sharing to raise the profile of the forestry sector 18

19 19 FUTURE PERFORMANCE KEY PRIORITY AREAS: 4.STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Pursuing Africa advancement and enhanced international cooperation  Strengthening of regional integration of Forestry issues  Regional (SADC) collaboration on Sustainable Forest Management – Ratification and implementation of SADC Protocol on Forests  Forestry International Relations Strategy Framework developed and implemented  Cross-border MoU’s on forestry issues concluded with neighboring countries 5.STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Comprehensive (rural) development strategy linked to agrarian reform and food security  Transfer or release of state assets to appropriate agencies / government departments / land beneficiaries  Increase the contribution of greening, participatory forest management and community forestry in improving livelihoods and addressing poverty eradication (mitigation and adaptation measures for climate change) 19

20 20 LINKAGE OF CURRENT TARGETS WITH GOVERNMENT OVERALL AIMS Strategic priorities speaks to Government priorities: Speeding up growth and transforming the economy to create decent work and sustainable livelihoods. Comprehensive development strategy linked to land and agrarian reform and food security. Strengthen skills and human resource base. Pursuing Africa advancement and enhanced international cooperation. Sustainable resource management and use Forests contribute to sustainable rural development Significant role to play in poverty eradication and sustainable livelihoods Interventions required to reach its potential Partnership and collaboration framework required to achieve objectives 20

21 21 Thank you 21

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