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LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 1 The VMEbus processor hardware and software infrastructure in ATLAS Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 11th Workshop.

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1 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 1 The VMEbus processor hardware and software infrastructure in ATLAS Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 11th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and future Experiments, 12-16 September 2005,Heidelberg, Germany

2 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 2 Talk outline  VMEbus systems in ATLAS  VMEbus controller H/W  Basic requirements to the H/W  Lessons learnt by evaluating SBCs  Final choice of VMEbus controller  VMEbus S/W  Analysis of third partyVMEbus I/O packages  The ATLAS VMEbus I/O package  Status  Conclusions

3 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 3 VMEbus in ATLAS front-end DAQ LvL1/2ROS PCs TTC and auxiliary modules, some RODs Event data, Timing and trigger signals ~100 * 9U ~55 * 6U RODs and some other modules (e.g. ROD-busy) TTC Event data ATLAS (LHC) VMEbus crates:  VME64x  6U or 9U (with 6U section)  Air or water cooled  Local or remote Power supply  Connected to DCS via CAN interface  Initialisation of slave modules  Status monitoring  Event data read-out for  Monitoring  Commissioning VMEbus used (by ROD-crate DAQ) for: More on TTC: Talk by S. Baron

4 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 4 VMEbus controller: basic requirements  Controllers have to be purchased by the sub-detector groups  Decision to standardise on one type of controller  To bring down price by economy of scale  To ease maintenance and provision of spares  To avoid S/W incompatibilities  Keep technology evolution in mind Main technical requirements  Mechanical: 6U, 1 slot, VME64x mechanics  VMEbus protocol: Support for single cycles, chained DMA and interrupts  VMEbus performance: At least 50% of the theoretically possible bus transfer rates  Software: Compatibility with CERN Linux releases Not required  2eVME & 2eSST

5 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 5 Basic choice: Embedded SBC or Link to PC SBC  Space conservative (important in ATLAS underground area)  Typically better VMEbus performance (especially single cycles)  Cheaper (system price) Link to PC  Computing performance can be increased by faster host PC  Possibility to control several VMEbus crates from one PC  Vendors usually provide both C library and LabView VIs SBC better suited for the requirements of ATLAS The basic requirements can be met by both an embedded SBC and an interface to a PC system

6 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 6 Finding an appropriate SBC Type of CPU Intel  Higher clock rates  Better support for (CERN) Linux PowerPC  Big endian byte ordering (matches VMEbus)  Vector processing capability Other technical requirements (just the most important ones, formulated in 2002) Let the market decide  300 MHz (PowerPC) / 600 MHz (Intel) CPU  256 MB main memory  One 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet interface  One PMC site (e.g. for additional network interfaces)  VME64 compliant VMEbus interface  8 MB flash for Linux image (network independent booting)  Support for diskless operation

7 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 7 Issues with the Universe chip  Lack of built-in endian conversion  Intel based SBCs have to have extra logic to re-order the bytes  Performance  Single cycles: ~ 1 μs (arbitration for and coupling of CPU bus, PCI and VMEbus)  Posted write cycles: ~500 ns  Block transfers: ~60% of theoretical maximum (i.e. 25 MB/s for D32 BLT, 50 MB/s for D64 MBLT)  VMEbus bus error handling  Errors from posted write cycles are not converted to an interrupt  Lack of constant address block transfers for reading out FIFOs  May be required to read out a FIFO-based memory  It is possible to have the Universe chip do it with (slow) single cycles (~13 MB/s)  Danger of loosing last data word on BERR* terminated transfers Many of today’s SBCs are based on the Tundra Universe chip which was designed in ~1995. Evaluations of several SBCs have identified a few shortcomings that still apply to the current revision of the device (Universe II D):

8 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 8 Other issues  Concurrent master and slave access  If a SBC is VMEbus master and slave at the same time deadlock situations on PCI are possible. Some host bridges resolve them by terminating the inbound VMEbus cycles with BERR  Remote control and monitoring  Most SBCs do not support IPMI  Some vendors put temperature or voltage sensors on their SBCs but there is no standard way of reading this information  Remote reset: Via 2-wire connector (in the front panel) or SYSRESET*  Mechanics  VME64x alignment pin and P0 are incompatible with certain crates. Most vendors provide alternative front panels or handles.  EMC gaskets can be “dangerous” for solder side components on neighboring card. Use solder side covers

9 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 9 Choice of the operating system Requirements:  Unix compatible environment (to leverage existing experience)  No hard real time  Interrupts are used in some applications but their latency is not crucial  SBC has to run under LynxOS (just in case..)  Full local developing and debugging environment  Cheap (ideally no) license costs Linux is the obvious choice  The ATLAS default SBC has to work with the SLC3 release  Only minor modifications to the kernel configuration to support diskless operation  “Look and feel” as on a Linux desktop PC (X11, AFS, etc.)

10 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 10 Final choice of VMEbus SBC  In 2002 a competitive Call for Tender was carried out  Non-technical requirements:  Controlled technical evolution  3 years warranty  10 years support  Fixed price for repair or replacement  All major suppliers contacted  ~10 bids received  1 Supplier selected  Features of the default SBC  800 MHz Pentium III  512 MB RAM  Tundra Universe VMEbus interface  ServerWorks ServerSet III LE host bridge  Since 2005 a (software compatible) more powerful SBC is available as an alternative  1.8 GHz Pentium M  1 GB RAM  KVM ports  Two GB Ethernet ports  Intel 855 GME host bridge

11 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 11 VMEbus S/W  Analysis of third party VMEbus I/O libraries  Design  There is (despite VISION, ANSI/VITA 25-1997) no standard API for VMEbus access  Board manufacturers define their own APIs  Some libraries (unnecessarily) expose details of the underlying hardware to the user  Implementation  Tradeoff between speed and functionality may not suit user requirements  Completeness  Sometimes less frequently used features are not supported  Support  Not always guaranteed (especially for freeware) We decided to specify our own API and to implement a driver & library

12 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 12 The ATLAS VMEbus I/O package  Linux allows the development of an I/O library (almost) fully in user space  Low S/W overhead (no context switches)  Multi tasking and interrupt handling difficult  Our solution:  Linux device driver  Support for multi tasking  SMP not an issue (SBC has one CPU, no Hyper-threading)  Interrupt handling  Block transfers  User library  C–language API  Optional C++ wrapper  Comprehensive S/W tools for configuration, testing, debugging and as coding examples  Independent package for the allocation of contiguous memory (for block transfers)

13 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 13 Main features of the ATLAS VMEbus I/O package  Single cycles  Static programming of the PCI to VMEbus mapping  Fast access (programmed I/O from user code)  Safe functions (full synchronous BERR* checking via driver)  Special functions for geographical addressing (CR/CSR space access)  Block transfers  Support for chained block transfers  Fixed address single cycle block transfers for FIFO readout  Interrupts  Support for ROAK and RORA  Synchronous or asynchronous handling  Grouping of interrupts  Bus error handling  Synchronous or on request  Performance  Fast single cycles: 0.5 to 1 μs  Safe single cycles: 10 to 15 μs  Block transfers (S/W overhead): 10 to 15 μs

14 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 14 Status  Supply contract for ATLAS established in 2003  So far ~170 SBCs purchased  Successfully used in 2004 ATLAS combined test-beam  Many small test-benches and laboratory systems  Installation of SBCs in final ATLAS DAQ system started  The CERN Electronics Pool is phasing out the previous generation of PowerPC / LynxOS based SBCs in favor of the ATLAS model  The ALICE Experiment will use the same model in the VMEbus based part of the L1 trigger system

15 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 15 Conclusions  ATLAS had no special requirements (such as e.g. 2eSST support) on the SBC  The time spent on the evaluation of SBCs was well invested. Some important lessons have been learnt and helped with the Call for Tender  Specifying our own VMEbus API and implementing the software from scratch paid out in terms of flexibility and performance  Both the SBC and the software have been used successfully in a large number of systems

16 LECC 2005, Heidelberg Markus Joos, CERN-PH/ESS 16 Acknowledgements I would like to thank:  Chris Parkman, Jorgen Petersen and Ralf Spiwoks for their contribution to the technical specification of the ATLAS SBC and VMEbus API  Jorgen Petersen for his assistance with the implementation of the software  The members of the ATLAS TDAQ team for their contributions and feed back

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