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The Rest of the Semester  Paper due 12/6/05  Quiz 3 on 12/15/05 at 12:45pm Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11 Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11  Read VSP article – see website.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rest of the Semester  Paper due 12/6/05  Quiz 3 on 12/15/05 at 12:45pm Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11 Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11  Read VSP article – see website."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rest of the Semester  Paper due 12/6/05  Quiz 3 on 12/15/05 at 12:45pm Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11 Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11  Read VSP article – see website – send questions by 11/17/05 via email  Tuesday, November 22 *  Advanced readings, etc.

2 Training and Development Chapter 8

3 What is Training?  The process of developing KSAs and capabilities that employees do not possess but are needed to successfully perform the duties and functions of the job  Workplace training is a huge industry  $826 per employee in the US  Chose your approach, your process, and your vendors carefully  American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) has over 70,000 members

4 How Do Organizations Train?  Understand Where Training “Fits” in Your Org  Develop Training Protocol How Do You Know What to Train? How Do You Know What to Train?  Five Step Process 1. Identify Skills or Needs through Job Analysis 2. Develop Protocol and Delivery 3. Validate Training Protocol – Collect Data 4. Implement Most Effective Programs 5. Follow-up to Determine if Has Knowledge Transferred (ROI calculations are key today)

5 When Do Organizations Train?  Entry Points into Organization Formal and Informal Training Formal and Informal Training Example: Ferguson and new employees Example: Ferguson and new employees  Existing Employees Reengineered and Restructured Jobs Reengineered and Restructured Jobs Legal requirements (e.g. sexual harassment) Legal requirements (e.g. sexual harassment) Promotion and development Promotion and development Strategic Plans (e.g. supermarket industry) Strategic Plans (e.g. supermarket industry)

6 Training Current Employees OOOOn-The-Job Training (OJT) AAAApprentice Training Novice, Journeymen, Master LLLLectures and Programmed Learning CCCComputer/Web Training The Rage in Training In Reality a Training Delivery System Issue of Technology Distance learning

7 Management Development SSSSuccession planning (Chapter 6) SSSStrategic growth requires that ‘tacit knowledge’ be retained and utilized AAAAssessment centers are very effective and well-used LLLLeadership training and development is “hot” ““““Soft” skills are in demand

8 “Hot” Trends  Corporate universities Ex) Microsoft, GE Executive coaches Organizational Development Ex) Sac State

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