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 Copyright Collective - Not for profit company  Established 1988 by PANZ in response to copyright abuse  Jointly owned PANZ/NZSA  Member of IFRRO.

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Presentation on theme: " Copyright Collective - Not for profit company  Established 1988 by PANZ in response to copyright abuse  Jointly owned PANZ/NZSA  Member of IFRRO."— Presentation transcript:


2  Copyright Collective - Not for profit company  Established 1988 by PANZ in response to copyright abuse  Jointly owned PANZ/NZSA  Member of IFRRO  Represents NZ publishers and authors in NZ & worldwide CLL - WHO ARE WE?

3 C reativity - C reativity - CLL provides investment into the creative sector in NZ R espect - R espect - CLL encourages respect for copyright and works to reduce copyright abuse E nable - E nable - CLL enables access to content for users of literary works A dvocate - A dvocate - CLL advocates for copyright law that supports the interests of publishers and authors and is in line with international conventions and trends T ransparency - T ransparency - CLL operates in an open and honest way for the benefit of New Zealand authors and publishers O wnership - O wnership - CLL enables authors and publishers to retain ownership and optimise income from their works R ights - R ights - CLL will take action to protect rights holders from copyright infringement WHAT DO WE DO?

4  Licensing Income – educational institutions, businesses  Overseas income – use of NZ author’s works internationally  2% of domestic revenue to Cultural Fund – Grants & Awards  Overheads  Distribution $ $

5  Information gathering – course packs and general copying  Regular cycle for polys/universities  Identifies which rights holder’s material is being copied so that license fees received can be distributed to them SAMPLING

6  Record as much detail as possible  Ensure entries are legible  Try to identify the source - we cannot pay authors for unidentified work  Only record data for copying of copyright material – data is not required if there is no copyright in the work (e.g. the polytech’s own materials, your own writing / information) HOW CAN YOU HELP?

7  Statutory right protecting original work in material form  Protects the way an idea is expressed not the idea itself  Balances rights of creator and user  Prevents unauthorised use  Encourages creativity WHAT IS COPYRIGHT?

8  Copyright lasts 50 years  From end of year in which author/creator of literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work dies  Publisher’s right in published work lasts 25 years from end of year in which work published  Works then in “Public domain” and free to use DURATION OF COPYRIGHT?

9  Copyright owner has the exclusive rights to copy, publish, perform, show, broadcast, arrange or authorise such use  Author has moral right to be acknowledged  Copyright Act provides for action against copyright infringement  Copyright compliance procedures should be in place for protection of management and staff COPYRIGHT COMPLIANCE

10  Fair Dealing - criticism, review or news reporting (acknowledge the source) - research / private study  Prescribed Libraries (as defined in the Act) - one copy - reasonable proportion or article - cannot be on-sold or recopied COPYRIGHT EXCEPTIONS

11  Supplements provisions of Copyright Act  Allows multiple photocopying of extracts from original published works  Educational / instructional purposes only  License fee based on enrolment numbers  Recovery of photocopying cost is permitted by no charge may be made for the copied material  Indemnity provided WHAT A CLL LICENSE DOES FOR YOU

12  One article from periodical - more if on the same subject matter  10% or one chapter of a work (whichever is greater)  Up to 15 pages of the whole or part of a single work contained in a collection (these works may be separately published)  Copying of the whole of an artistic work (e.g. an illustration) where it is published in a copyright work WHAT CAN BE COPIED UNDER THE CLL LICENSE?

13  One copy per student / teacher plus 10% margin for spare/lost copies  Repeat copies of the same work for different courses / students  Copies may be made electronically (and made available through password protected intranet) or reprographically HOW MANY COPIES CAN BE MADE UNDER THE CLL LICENSE?

14  Works downloaded from the internet  Printed music (including the words)  Loose maps & charts  Unpublished religious orders of service  New Zealand newspapers  House journals and other free publications produced for commercial businesses  Illustrations & photographs not included in a published work  Works that stipulate that the rights holder prohibits copying under a license scheme  Theses, dissertations and student papers WHAT IS EXCLUDED FROM THE LICENSE

15  0800 480 271  MORE INFORMATION

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