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Dallas 2015 TFQO: Name and #COI EVREV 1: Name and #COI Taskforce: Name Insert Short PICO title (including unique PICO ID#) Total of 6 (maximum) using standard.

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Presentation on theme: "Dallas 2015 TFQO: Name and #COI EVREV 1: Name and #COI Taskforce: Name Insert Short PICO title (including unique PICO ID#) Total of 6 (maximum) using standard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dallas 2015 TFQO: Name and #COI EVREV 1: Name and #COI Taskforce: Name Insert Short PICO title (including unique PICO ID#) Total of 6 (maximum) using standard format. Total maximum presentation time = 7 min Almost all information should be able to be cut and pasted from SEERs. Please delete these text boxes when not needed anymore. Essential slide. Estimated presentation time 20 sec

2 Dallas 2015 COI Disclosure (SPECIFIC to this systematic review) EVREV 1 COI# Commercial/industry List here Potential intellectual conflicts List here EVREV 2 COI# Commercial/industry List here Potential intellectual conflicts List here Essential slide if no simultaneous projection. Estimated time <30 sec

3 Dallas 2015 2010 Treatment Recommendation Please provide Treatment Recommendation published in the 2010 International Consensus on CPR and ECC Science with Treatment Recommendations (paste from SEERs) if this topic was reviewed in 2010. If topic not reviewed in 2010, state “Topic not reviewed in 2010”. Essential slide. Paste from SEERs or CoSTR. Estimated time <30 sec

4 Dallas 2015 C2015 PICO Population: Intervention: Comparison: Outcomes: (include critical and important outcomes, with number and priority: 9-critical, 6-important, etc.) Essential slide. Paste from SEERs. Estimated time <30 sec

5 Dallas 2015 Proposed Consensus on Science statements Insert Summary statement(s) from SEERs* For the important outcome of “survival to hospital discharge” we have identified moderate quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness) from two RCTs enrolling 421 patients showing no benefit (OR 0.81 95% CI 0.33 – 2.01). We did not identify any evidence to address the critical outcome of “neurologically intact survival”. Essential slide (ideally one slide with all critical and important outcomes). Estimated time <60 sec. Insert Summary statement(s) from SEERs.

6 Dallas 2015 Draft Treatment Recommendations Insert draft Treatment Recommendations from SEERs (including direction, strength of evidence grade and quality of evidence): eg. We recommend against X in comparison to Y for OHCA (strong recommendation, high quality of evidence). For weak recommendation would use the word “suggest” instead of “recommend”. Recommendations can obviously be for or against routine or specific use. Essential slide (one slide only). Estimated time <60 sec. Paste the actual TR from SEERs. At this stage do not include values/preferences statements etc.

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