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© 2012 Autodesk PL2731 Get the foundations right before you start building Adam Peter Customer Success Engineer - Autodesk.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2012 Autodesk PL2731 Get the foundations right before you start building Adam Peter Customer Success Engineer - Autodesk."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2012 Autodesk PL2731 Get the foundations right before you start building Adam Peter Customer Success Engineer - Autodesk

2 © 2012 Autodesk Class Summary This class will provide a refresher on the capabilities of Vault Collaboration AEC, then explain how to gather the information needed for configuring Vault so it meets project needs. I will explain how to translate these requirements into an executable plan for configuring Vault. Finally, you will learn how to execute this plan and fine tune as needed.

3 © 2012 Autodesk Learning Objectives At the end of this class, you will be able to:  Understand the capabilities of Autodesk Vault AEC for managing projects  How to approach and plan for AEC project requirements  Translate project requirements into an actionable plan for configuring Vault

4 © 2012 Autodesk Vault Collaboration AEC Capabilities What does Vault do?

5 © 2012 Autodesk  Workflow – Lifecycles  Milestones - Revisions  Metadata - Properties  Collaboration – Internal / External 4 Areas of Focus

6 © 2012 Autodesk The predefined workflow a company uses to track the status of a document. As a product is conceived, defined, designed, revised and constructed, it will progress through various stages that are specific to a particular company WORK IN PROGRESS FOR REVIEW ARCHIVED APPROVED LIFECYCLES

7 © 2012 Autodesk WORK IN PROGRESS FOR REVIEW ARCHIVED APPROVED Dan (Designer)  Can only move it to “For Review”  Must have “Drawn By” filled out  Property Sync and New DWF created when moved to “For Review”  Locked once moved to “For Review” Mike (Manager)  Edit Access  Must have “approved by” filled out  Can send forward or backward Lifecycle Workflow

8 © 2012 Autodesk A collection of versions with a common label representing the work done to complete a desired milestone. REVISIONS

9 © 2012 Autodesk  System properties  Built in  Cannot change  One way mapping  User Defined Properties (UDP)  You create  Editable  Can map to file properties PROPERTY MANAGEMENT

10 © 2012 Autodesk  Internal  Database tracks status  Feedback through Icons  Interact through  Thick client  Design Application  Web Client  External  Project Sync to Buzzsaw  Interact through  Thick client  Design Application  Web client  Mobile COLLABORATION

11 © 2012 Autodesk Live Example

12 © 2012 Autodesk Project Requirements What do we do?

13 © 2012 Autodesk Example of Project Phases  Schematic Design  Design Development  Contract Documents  BID Documents  Construction  Operation & Maintenance

14 © 2012 Autodesk Schematic Design  Early Stages  Sketches  E-mail  No project number Design Development  Preliminary Design  Project Number  Designers / Engineers  Internal approvals

15 © 2012 Autodesk Contract Documents  Finalizing for BID  Designers / Engineers  Multiple disciplines  Detailed design  Internal / External Collaboration BID  External Access to files  RFIs  E-mails  Revisions

16 © 2012 Autodesk Construction  Access required by subs  Details required  Real time issues to resolve Operation & Maintenance  Access to historical Data  Searchable  Metadata changes required

17 © 2012 Autodesk Vault Action plan What to do?

18 © 2012 Autodesk Assessing Workflow

19 © 2012 Autodesk Translating to Vault…

20 © 2012 Autodesk Examples of User Defined Properties  Project Name  Owner  Contractors / Subs  Project Address  Project Number  Building Number  Drawn by  Approved by  Discipline  Floor Number  Sheet Number  Manufacturer  Category  Received Date

21 © 2012 Autodesk  Who  Design Team  Multiple Disciplines  Project Managers  Other stakeholders  What  Level of Access  Modify  Read/View only  Reference  Review  Where  Internal  External COLLABORATION

22 © 2012 Autodesk Live Example

23 © 2012 Autodesk  Visio for mapping process Visio  Re-use content when possible  Take advantage of tools that exist  SDK (Free)  Lifecycle Event Editor Lifecycle Event Editor  Vault Add-on (Autodesk direct)  E-Mail Notification  Clone Structure  Blogs (Free)  Just ones and Zeros Just ones and Zeros  Watch Folder  Autodesk App Exchange (Free) Autodesk App Exchange  AutoProperties Tips and Tricks

24 © 2012 Autodesk Autodesk, AutoCAD* [*if/when mentioned in the pertinent material, followed by an alphabetical list of all other trademarks mentioned in the material] are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. © 2012 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

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