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 Standards and Objectives Instructional Rubric. Discuss specifically, how and with what class/group of students you implemented the strategy with. How.

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Presentation on theme: " Standards and Objectives Instructional Rubric. Discuss specifically, how and with what class/group of students you implemented the strategy with. How."— Presentation transcript:

1  Standards and Objectives Instructional Rubric

2 Discuss specifically, how and with what class/group of students you implemented the strategy with. How do you you think it went? How did this impact student learning?

3 Standards and Objectives How do standards benefit both teachers and students? What is the connection between standards and objectives?

4 Identify Need We need to clearly communicate standards, objectives and expectations, display standards, and provide evidence that most students demonstrate mastery of the objectives.

5 New Learning Standards -concise, written descriptions of what student are expected to know at a specific stage in their education (roadmap-Huffman). Objectives -brief statements of what students should know and be able to do by the end of a class period, lesson, unit, course or year. These statements are measurable (checkpoints-Nance).

6 Questions to Consider How so you decide on the standards/objectives you will teach? How do you decide on the method you will use to communicate the standards/objectives to the students?

7 Standard 7 th Grade Contemporary Cultures: 1600 to Present 7-1: The student will be able to demonstrate than understanding of the growth and impact of global trade on world civilizations after 1600.

8 Objective TSWBAT name the three main reasons for Age of Exploration. TSWBAT correctly answer basic comprehension questions about the Europeans and Age of Exploration.

9 Lesson: Age of Exploration Standard written on board and on Activity Standard read, explained, and referenced throughout lesson Objective written on board and on Activity Objective read, explained, and referenced throughout lesson Reviewed objective before Closing Assessment-Exit Slip

10 Lesson Age of Exploration Activity Age of Exploration Exit Slip *Instructional Purposes only. The examples may not represent exemplars.

11 Sample Exit Slips Exit Slip Raw Data

12 Results

13 Development New Learning The teacher will develop a technique to effectively communicate standards, objectives and expectations for student performance. The teacher will identify where standards and objectives will be displayed. The teacher will use an exit slip to develop an assessment that show students ability to demonstrate mastery of the objective. Apply New Learning The teacher will bring back exit slips to the next cluster.

14 Reflection How will clearly communicating standards, objectives and expectations, as well as displaying standards and assessing mastery directly impact student learning?

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